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Shadow gets into bed and arranges his pillows so one of them supported his back before pulling up his blankets to cover up with and dozing off soon after.
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Void slept underneath his massive Pokémon plushies and he snored out loud in his sleep. He would toss and turn around slowly within his sleep throughout the night.
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Shadow shifted around a bit every once in awhile as he slept, stirring a bit each time his baby moved. Sleeping hadn't been easy for him since he entered his third trimester, his back always ached whenever he laid on his side but it was also difficult to breathe if he tried to lay on his back.
I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.
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Void yawned softly, he awoke for a moment and then he walked out of his bedroom to the kitchen. He got himself a glass of water and he took his phone out of his back quill scrolling through his social media quickly.
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Shadow wakes up with a soft groan, finding himself too uncomfortable to be able to sleep. He gets up out of bed and makes his way to the kitchen to make himself a snack.
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Void didn’t turn on the lights on, his eyes were glowing within the dark kitchen and he looked at Shadow happily. “Hi Shadow! Getting a snack for Shadow Junior?” He asked the expecting hedgehog happily and he continued to sip his glass of water.
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"Yep, he or she demands more food" Shadow laughs as he grabs a jar of pickles and some canned cheese out of the fridge "That's not going to be their name, I'd hope that I'm able to come up with something more creative than that" He chuckles.
I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.
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“Wow, that looks like a good craving. Pickles and cheese. I’d have that in a sandwich if it were me.” Void said back to the expecting hedgehog and he chuckled softly filling up his glass with tap water. “I’ll get more pickles and cheese for you. What kind of cheese do you like, Shadow?” He asked Shadow.
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"Cheddar seems to be my favorite at the moment, but it keeps changing"
I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.
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“It should be in the top shelf of the fridge. You can have my cheddar it’s cheap at the stores anyway.” Void said back to Shadow and he smiled at his best friend happily.
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"Ooo, thanks! I promise that I'll stop stealing your cheese after the cravings stop" Shadow laughs as he comes to the kitchen table to eat his snack.
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“No problem, Shadow.” Void said back to his best friend happily, he walked up to the table and he sat across from Shadow happily.
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"Want some?" He offers some of his pickles and cheese to the other hedgehog "Do we have any peanut butter? That would go great with this" He asks as his craving suddenly changes a bit.
I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.
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“Yeah, the peanut butter is on the top shelf and yes please.” Void said back to him happily and he took one pickle and cheese. He took a bite out of his pickle and cheese slowly
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Shadow reaches up to the top shelf to try and reach the jar of peanut butter but finds himself not quite able to reach that high "Ummm...I can't reach it, could you please grab it for me?" He chuckles sheepishly.
I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.
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Void nodded up at him happily and he pulled the stool underneath the shelf grabbing the peanut butter jar. “Here you go.” He said back to him softly and he handed the peanut butter jar to Shadow.
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"Thanks, I don't really feel safe getting up on the stool anymore" He admits as he takes the jar of peanut butter "The thought of falling off didn't bother me before, but now I'm scared to think of what could happen to the baby if I did fall..."
I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.
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“You don’t have to explain why, Shadow. I am happy to do it for you.” Void said back to his best friend and he smiled at him happily. He quickly gave Shadow a hug and he lets go after a few seconds of hugging.
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"I appreciate that, I don't know what I'd do if I lived alone" Shadow chuckles and hugs Void back before getting to work preparing his new snack.
I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.
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“Hey, no problem, man. You never had to live alone, Shadow. You have me to help you out with anything including the baby.” Void said back to his best friend happily and he smiled at Shadow happily.