The War Bride (Closed with Okamiryun)

Jiro smiled at him and kissed him. As he continued to eat his breakfast off of his lover's body. He chuckled at the sight of the kitten and scratched it's ears.

Raiso smiles and deeps the kiss before looking at the purring kitten. The kitten has decided it doesn't like syrup and licks Jiro's hand. Raiso pets the little kitten and smiles.

Jiro smiled and petted the kitten's ears. "So what's this little's one's name?". He asked after he finished his breakfast.

Raiso "silver for the silver stripes on her" silver mews and purrs Raiso smiles and pets her back

"Hello there Silver". He smiled and stroked the kitten's chin gently with his fingertips. "So my beautiful wife what would you like to do today?". He smiled and played with Raiso's belly by caressing patterns into his skin. While he showered it with kisses gently.

Raiso smiles and kisses jiro "I was hopeing to look around maybe hang around my horses some. The kitten purrs and tilts its head so jiro can get more scracthes in.

"Sounds good, and how about for lunch we and the children along with Silver here. Have a picnic lunch in our garden. I have some plans to go over and I want to get to know our new adopted children better". He smiled and continued to scratch Silver's ears and chin.

Raiso nods "sounds great" he helps scratch silvers ears silver purrs in kitty heaven

"Thank you and then later we can cuddle together in front of a fireplace. After the children are in bed". He smiled and kissed him.

Raiso smiles and kisses him "that sounds wonderful " he sits up "ill need a bath after all that syrup though"

"Of course, how about a bath together?". He chuckled.

Raiso nods and gets up silver scrambles away then stops at the door. Raiso giggles "silver heard the word bath" silver mews pitifully

"Don't worry Silver. We aren't going to give you a bath". Jiro chuckled at the sight her mewing at the door. "Alright I will let you out to roam around your new home". He opened the door a crack for her and picked Raiso up. "Now for that bath". He smiled and kissed Raiso.

Raiso grins and kisses him "alright" silver slinks out of the room and sniffs around

He smiled and scooped Raiso up in his arms. To carry him to the bathroom. The bath was a large deep pool style with trays of scented soaps, sponges and shampoos.

Raiso smiles and holds onto Jiro's neck. Taking in all the sents of the bathroom he couldn't wait to get clean "it smells so nice in here my love"

"Thank you, and you be smelling just as nice". He smiled and lowered him into the warmed waters. Before joining him him from behind and held him close. He started to gently run his fingertips over his body to wet his skin and hair.

Raiso blushes and enjoys the feel of the water warmth and his mate. He can't help but to wonder how ever did he survive in his barn. He is glad Jiro found him and brought him here. He had alway wanted a family though he didn't imagine he would be the mom. Still it's been very enjoyable so far.

Jiro smiled and kissed him gently. As he completely wet him down with the water. Before using his tail to grab a small glass bottle of shampoo to wash his hair first. He gently massaged the freshly scented shampoo into his lover's scalp gently. "You are so beautiful".

Raiso blushes "your so handsome." He enjoys the scrubbing and the smell of the shampoo. "What type of shampoo is this is smells really nice"

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