Just Another Day in the Life of Nick (Closed RP)

Dr. Sommer nodded and took a bowl from the table next to the examination table and placed it under his patient. "Yes, directly into the bowl", he said and smiled. "It's under you...........try to get as much out as possible", he added, beginning to intensify his massage.

Nick unexpectedly moaned out as Dr. Sommer kicked his massage into high gear. He immediately caught himself however, and covered his mouth with his hand. Nick shot a tremendous load into the bowl with an intensity that he would describe as that of a fire hose. In reality, it barely dribbled out of him. "Oh my, I haven't came like that in...well...9 months" he said.

Dr. Sommer nodded. "Well done, Nick and thank you. I will give it to the laboratory afterwards", he said, closed the bowl with a cover and placed it again on the cupboard next to the table. He then took a tissue from the same cupboard and handed it to Nick, before gently pulling out his finger again.

Nick felt incredibly relax after both the orgasm and the doctor removing his fingers from his hole. He took the tissue and cleaned his penis off. "You don't even know how much I've needed that." he said in a muffled tone. "So what does this test show you? I didn't think that this would be a part of my check up," he laughed. Still on all fours he throws the first tissue away in the garbage next to the bed, "Doc, do you mind handing me another tissue, please?" he asked

The doctor smiled and nodded. "But of course", he said and gave Nick another tissue. "Well, this test will show me, if your pregnancy is going on well. As there are also liquids from the prostate in your sperm, we can use them to see, how far your pregnancy is. It's well known, that the prostate produces a liquid, which has a different composition during the last couple of days before the birth, then during the rest of the pregnancy. The exams I've already done underline the fact, that it will be time in some days, but this one will give us the absolute guaranty", he explained, taking of the green gloves and throwing them into the garbage.
"Alright, that was it. You can put your clothes back on", he said and smile, prepared to help Nick up again.

Nick took the tissue and wiped his butt to get rid of the extra lubricant from the exam. Dr. Sommer had to use quite a bit considering Nick was still a bit on the tight side of normal for this time in a pregnancy. "That's incredible, I didn't think you were able to do that. You'll be able to tell when I'm going to go into labor." Nick said in amazement. He slowly maneuvered himself off of the bed with quite a bit of assistance from the doctor, Even more than getting Nick onto it. It took Nick a few minutes to get his clothes back on, but he finally did. "So if you think I'm going to have the girls soon, does it make any sense to make another appointment?"

Dr. Sommer shook his head. "No, we won't need that........furthermore, I would suggest, that you stay here today. The analysis will take about 3 hours and then I will be able to give you the exact result..........I also don't want you to go out in your condition", he explained. "As you are pregnant with twins, we need to draw all of our attention onto your pregnancy.........and furthermore, you're already overdue..........So I would suggest, that we, you and me, use the time, go down to the cafeteria for a coffee and you ask me everything you want to know", the doctor said, trying to build up more confidence for Nick and smiled.

Nick was a little overwhelmed at the fact that the doctor wanted him to stay at the clinic. However, it was understandable considering the nature of the test he had just participated in. All he really wanted to do was go back home and play video games for the rest of the day, but Dr. Sommer did have a point. "Ok, I don't drink coffee, but I can stay for a little while." he smiled, pulling his oversized shirt down to cover his belly for what seemed like the millionth time today.

Dr. Sommer nodded. "Okay, then we sit together for a moment and then...........well, I can see you would like to do it.......then you can go home and we see again in 3 days........would that be alright ??", he asked him and smiled.

"Yes, that sounds perfect. I'll be back on Tuesday for another check-up. And maybe I'll get lucky and we'll get to meet Emma and Jacqueline," he said rubbing large circles on his belly. Nick and Dr. Sommer slowly walked to the cafe and found a table. Thankfully the chairs didn't have armrests, because Nick would have never fit in them. Once he was comfortable they talked about everything from pregnancy to parenting to hobbies and interests. "So give it to me straight, Doc, what should I be expecting in the next few days?"

The doctor leaned back in his chair and considered his question. "Well........during the next few days, your body will do all the modifications, which are left to be done. You will probably feel premonitory pains......those are pains, that let your belly and it's muscles contract, but normally don't hurt........and your mucus plug will probably go of. So if you find a piece of thin flesh, which measures about 5 centimeters in your underwear, your bed or elsewhere, then don't panic.......it will probably be your mucus plug, which closed the uterus from your rectum during the past 9 months, to protect your twins from bacteria", he explained, trying to be as comprehensive as possible.

Nick took note of everything the kind doctor was explaining. "It just falls out?" Nick asked referring to the plug. Nick moved his hands to the underside of his belly to cradle it as best he could. They continued their conversation for another hour or two when a young nurse came by with a manilla envelope for Dr. Sommer. She smiled at Nick, and he smiled back.

Dr. Sommer nodded. "Yes.......one of the few things, that don't hurt during a pregnancy", he said and smiled.
When the young nurse finally came by with an envelop, Dr. Sommer looked up and smiled at her. "Oh, are those the results of the analysis for Mr. Wilcox ??", he asked her.
The nurse nodded. "Yes, Doctor. I am sorry, that it took that long", said the young woman, while handing the envelop to the doctor and then checking her hair, by stroking it gently with her hand, to get a strand of hair out of her face.
The doctor quickly shook his head. "Oh, no. It didn't take long at all. You have been quite fast, that's really amazing", he said and smiled. The nurse seemed to be a bit surprised, but then she nodded and blushed a bit. "Thank You, Doctor", she said and turned around to leave the cafeteria.
The doctor smiled and nodded, before opening the envelop and pulling out three sheets of white paper. "Okay, here we are.........just a second", he whispered, while already concentrating onto the letters on the paper.
He didn't say a word for about a minute, but then he started to nod. "Alright, that's great. You twins are perfectly fine, the figures are normal and yes.......everything is perfect", he explained and smiled. "According to the test, you will be a father in about two to three days", he added and smiled again.

"That's great news!" Nick said with a big grin on his face. "There's still so much I have to do to get ready." he said as the prospect of having the twins became very real to Nick. With the results, he struggled up to a standing position, something that took some time and effort and began to put on his coat. "I hope you don't mind, Doctor, but I think I'm going to get out of here. he said button the top buttons on his coat, but failing to fasten the lower ones due to his belly. "Thank you so much for everything, Doctor. You really explained quite a bit to me." he continued, "So when did you want to see me again for my next check up?"

The doctor smiled and was happy, that Nick was happy. He went to his side and tried to help him with his coat. " You are welcome.......I would like to see you again on Monday, so in three days. The best thing would be to already bring a suitcase with some clothes with you, so that you could stay here, if necessary", he explained. "Use the next couple of days to relax as much as possible and think about the birth and how you would like to have it", he said and smiled.

"That sounds good to me," he smiled. Nick shook the doctor's hand and left the clinic excited to be back on Monday.

The next few days were quite eventful for Nick. Not having told his mother about his appointment the following monday, she and Nick's sister decided to throw him a baby shower. He completely forgot about his appointment, and had to reschedule it with the receptionist for the following Thursday. However, Unfortunately, Dr. Sommer had to cancel that appointment as well due to an emergency with another patient. Luckily, Nick was still feeling like his normal self (despite the fact that he was getting bigger by the hour each day.) By the time Nick and the doctor finally had a time they both could agree upon, it had been a week since Nick's last appointment.

***One Week Later***

Nick struggled quite a bit to get himself out of the cab he took to the clinic. The cab driver even had to help him out of the car. Upon standing, Nick took a second to right himself before making his way into the lobby of the building. Even though it was only a week, Nick looked like he had been growing for another month! To say that he was huge was the understatement of the century. He looked at his quite rounded out reflection in the glass of the building. Over the course of the past week, Nick's body changed a lot. Not only did he gain a considerable amount of weight, but his face was starting to retain water and swell. Nick's face looked extremely puffy and much rounder than the week before. Nick's red paternity shirt barely covered his gigantic belly. His front was quite a sight. He was so big, Nick looked like a thanksgiving day parade float making his way down the street. The real issue was that Nick's balls almost tripled in size. Putting on pants had been quite a choir in the last few days because of it. Black yoga pants were now the only things that stretched enough to accommodate them. Furthermore, he tied a sweatshirt around his waist to keep attention away from them. Surprisingly, however, the last time Nick was erect was in the appointment one week prior, he apparently lost all of his sex drive.

Nick was about twenty minutes early for his appointment with the doctor, because a nurse (the same young blonde who gave Dr. Sommer Nick's test results) needed him to fill out some routine paperwork for his up coming delivery along with some regarding releasing his children into his custody when the time came for them to leave the clinic. After they were done with the paperwork, Nick needed to pee before his check-up. "Do you want me to come and help," she offered with a smile. Normally, Nick was very private about his bathroom habits, but because he was so big at this point, he really didn't have a choice.

Upon getting up he noticed that his penis was very hard, Something that hadn't happened in quite some time. Nick shook it off thinking it was because he was sitting for too long and waddled slowly towards the bathroom with the young nurse. Because he was so close to delivery the nurse had to ask something of Nick as they stood just outside the door, "Nick, don't flush when you're done I need to see what you voided. I'll be right here if you need anything" she asked trying not to be awkward, but it was protocol and she wasn't the disobeying type. "Ok, not sure what good it will do" he smiled. He like that the nurse respected his privacy and stayed outside of the bathroom to wait for him. "Just go before you have an accident." she laughed. Nick was in there a few minutes when she noticed Dr. Sommer walking in the hallway.

Dr. Sommer had already had a long day. It was about 11 AM now, but paperwork and many appointments made him already feel tired, as if it was 11 PM. He just walked down the hallway, when he suddenly saw the nurse. "Hey, Martina. Do you know where my patient Nick Wilcox is ??", he asked her. The nurse started to smile and nodded. "Yes, he is right in there", she said and pointed with her eyes in the direction of the bathroom door. Dr. Sommer raised an eyebrow, but then he started to laugh. "Alright", he said and stayed next to her, waiting for his patient.

Nick took a few more minutes than usual in the bathroom. He was having some trouble peeing. Once he was finished he noticed that he was still very hard, so he tried to relief himself, but was unsuccessful and stayed quite erect. Stuffing his now orange sized balls and boner into his pants was easier said than done. In order to not draw attention to it, he tied the sleeves of his sweatshirt and tied them around his waist. Thankfully the sleeves were just long enough to make it around him and cover. Nick washed his hands and waddled out slowly looking as massive as ever. As he opened the door, he looked at Martina, "All done in there if you want to take a look." he said as per her request.

"The most charming invitation you could give to a Lady", joked Dr. Sommer, who stood behind the door and wasn't seen by Nick at first.
He started to laugh and the nurse did it too. "It's alright. Mr. Wilcox is a very gentle man, so it's okay", she said and went into the bathroom. Dr. Sommer started to smile and nodded. "You are right", he said to Martina, before turning his face to Nick again and offering him his hand. "Hello, Nick. How are you doing ??", he asked him with a friendly voice.

"I aim to please" Nick laughed back at Dr. Sommer. "I feel so fat these days, Doc. Like...really fat." he said "but other than that. I'm doing pretty alright. Looks like your test from last week might need some work." he smiled. "I'm not really feeling 'labor-y' at all." he said rubbing his belly.

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