Middle Ages (closed)

Anna and the doctor entered the room.The doctor washed his hands and quickly examined his chest and abdomen. "I know it hurts, but the doctor needs to take a look down below," Anna says, holding his hand and stroking his hair as the doctor begins his exam. Anna sends the servant for herbs, another teapot, and a dropper. Kodai needs fluids nadly, and Anna will give him water a drop at a time if she needs to.

Kodai breathed more sluggishly, finding it harder and harder to remain awake and alert. As the doctor checked the wounds upon his slightly rising and falling chest and abdomen he let forth slight gasps of breath, focusing on Anna's soft feather like touches upon one of his hands and strokes of his soft and slightly long shoulder lengthed strands of raven tinted hair. As Anna mentioned that the doctor would be searching between his legs he whimpered with dread and worry.

"It's ok," she soothed, stroking his hair, trying to calm him, as the doctor performed his exam . She drops some water into his mouth. She cools the cloth again, and places another blanket over him, pausing to feel his pulse.

Kodai blushed as he felt the doctor's eyes rest upon the spot inbetween his parted legs, trying ever so hard not to close them. He felt so embarrassed beyond belief. He expressed slight whimpers while he felt the doctor's hands and fingers examining the wounded flesh of his abused entrance. "No .. please .. not there." He spoke as if he were a child getting a shot. He knew that the doctor was only there to assist him in such a troubling time but the agony he felt was much too great to bear.

"Shhh," Anna gave him a few more drops of water. The doctor finished his exam, and asked Anna to step out with him. "Get as much water in him as you can," Anna instructed the servant, stepping out into the hall.

When the doctor was finished with his examination Kodai let forth a few shaky breaths of relief, eagerly drinking down the single drops of water that were offered by Anna. "As you wish Miss Anna." With a respectful bow of her head to Anna the servant that was present sat beside Kodai upon the bed, continuing where Anna left off and offered more of the drops of water to Kodai.

Anna and the doctor re-enter, the doctor going to the herbs on the table. "Kodai, you're still losing a lot of blood, we need to do stitches," she says quietly, stroking his hair. "We're going to numb you as much as we can, but we can't put you out, because of the blood loss." A grinding is heard as the doctor grinds the herbs to make a poultice.

Kodai flutters his heavy eyelids with effort for a moment before opening them slightly. He listens to his friend as she speaks to him, his hearing slightly fuzzy and growing worser by the passing of moments. He nods slightly, breathing panted while he forces himself to remain awake.

Anna cools the cloth again, and tries dropping some tea in his mouth. The doctor places the poultice on a warm, wet cloth, and applies it over Kodai's opening. "You're doing ok, just keep breathing," Anna soothed. "The King has sent out hunters," she informs all who are present.

Kodai's breathing became soft after a while. He blinked in silence for a few moments, feeling himself seem to become unconscious for a few moments. Meanwhile .. in a deep section of the woods the werewolf who sexually abused Kodai shifted back to his human form, trying to make himself accustomed to his natural form while keeping himself low key. "Heh .. I should have explored that pathetic mortal the whole entire night. He was so nice and tight." He snickered and licked his upper lip, speaking to himself beneath his next taken of breath while he picked up his clothing and redressed himself.

"It should take full effect in about ten more minutes," the doctor informed Anna. "Kodai? Honey? Talk to me. This will be over soon, then you can sleep," Anna says, putting more water under his tongue.

At first Kodai remained lightly asleep but then his eyelids twitched in response to Anna's voice, blinking for a moment before opening slightly with a soft and weary voice. "So tired Mother. Kodai wants to sleep." He was not complaining, he was just becoming delirious because of the massive loss of blood. He opened his mouth as the water was offered, thankful for the refreshing drops that were placed beneath his parched tongue.

"Ok, baby, it's alright," she soothed, placing more water onto his tongue. The doctor removes the compress, and prepares to begin the stitches. "More cold water please!" Anna calls to a servant.

Kodai gazes up at the fading silhouette of Anna with a slight yet proud smile, mistaking her for his mother. He lies still, keeping his eyes open while he speaks with slurred and sluggish words as his delirium refused to break. "Did I do well with the chores today Mother? Father will be very proud of me." The same servant did as Anna desired, retrieving more water for her to use before handing a full bowl of it to her. "Yes Miss Anna. Here you go."

"Just rest baby, you're doing fine," she said calmly to Kodai. "Servant, a thermometer please." she asked, as the doctor began placing stitches. "Any other ideas doctor?" she asked worriedly, and gives Kodai a sip of water.

Kodai focused on Anna's soft and angelic voice so that he would not slip away. With a bow of her head the servant rushed off, retrieving a thermometer before returning back to Kodai's room where she handed the object to her. "Here you go Miss Anna." Kodai tries to swallow but it is hard for him in his weakened state. The water came up and flowed from his lips before streaming down the sides of his mouth abit. He gasped, coughing while he struggled to regain his lost breaths. He wanted to drink the water so badly but his body was not agreeing with him.

"Kodai, stay with me," she said, a bit frantic. The doctor is still stitching. "Doctor, what should we do, we're losing him..." she trailed off, looking at Kodai's pale face.

(BTW< you can do some of the doctor's dialogue, too.)

Kodai continued to cough while he gasped with desperation for breath, his body beginning to quiver before it shook beyond his control. The temperatures of his body shifted from warm to cool. The doctor continued to stitch at the flesh between Kodai's still parted legs, focusing on keeping him awake while closing the almost sealed wound. "Try to keep him awake and alert Miss Anna. Do anything to keep him awake. It is all we can do."

"Kodai, talk to me honey.." she said.

"I need to get him on his side, Doctor." He pauses his work while I turn Kodai on his side, to let the water drain from his mouth, and keep him from choking if he vomits again. The doctor continues his work.

"Very well Miss Anna." The doctor nodded, continuing to stitch Kodai up until he finished with his task. When the water was drained from Kodai's mouth he gasped ever so sharply for much needed breath, coughing uncontrollably for a few moments while he struggled to speak and awaken.

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