Middle Ages (closed)

Now that the doctor had finished, she covered Kodai completely in blankets. "Is there anything else we can or should be doing Doctor?" she asked, replacing the warm cloth on his forehead with a cool one.

Kodai slowly faded to unconsciousness, hearing the spoke of words that were exchanged between both the doctor and Anna become muffled. "Well, he should have lots of bed rest until he is fully healed and try to get him to drink slowly so that he becomes used to it. The vomiting should fade soon as he begins to recover Miss Anna." The doctor replied.

"Thank you so much for coming quickly," she says, closing the door as he leaves. Anna gently covers him up, and removes the cloth. She sits at the table on the other side of the room, resting and praying for a quick recovery for Kodai.

For a matter of a few days Kodai had slumber soundly and deeply. The same servant had returned from time to time to change his bandages. Eventually he groaned softly, fluttering his eyelids before opening them slightly. "Hello .. is anyone there?"

"Kodai?!?" Anna rushed to his side. "Oh , I'm so glad you're awake!"

Kodai gazed up at Anna with curious eyes, curious as to what occurred while he was unconscious. "W .. What happened? .." Upon the door a gentle knock presented itself, followed by the voice of Kodai's father. "Kodai .. are you asleep?"

"Sir, he is awake now." She stepped aside so he can speak to his son. "I'll talk to you in a bit," she said, sitting at the table.

Kodai nodded in response to Anna's words. He grew nervous when his father entered the room, swallowing silently as he watched him approach. "Son .. are you alright? you look as if you experienced hell itself."

"He was very brutally attacked. He lost so much blood, it was unbelievable," Anna chimed in.

"Attacked? .. that is horrible. Where on his body was he attacked?" Kodai's father questioned Anna, worry present within his spoken of voice. Kodai began to become nervous when his father began questioning about the location of his wounds. Would his father be enraged when he found out? would his mother as well? only fate would tell.

"Pretty much all over, sir," she says carefully, offering Kodai some water. "Little sips," she warns.

"I see .. are any of his wounds deep? .. is his health .. declining?" Kodai's father had nodded, stroking the lower half of his slightly hanging beard. Kodai gazed up at Anna with a nod at her spoken words of warning, parting his parched lips while he managed to slowly and eagerly swallow down small sips of the water that was offered to him with soft purr like moans as he closed his eyes.

"Yes, they are very deep, he has many stitches. He was unconscious almost three days, we almost lost him that first day. He lost so much blood. He is better in that sense, but still has a very long way to go. We are very wary of infection. The doctor will be back tomorrow to check his wounds and stitches."

"Good, Kodai, little bit more?" she asked.

"Oh my lord, this is terrible. I should have been there to protect him." Kodai's father expressed his worry and sadness as both emotions deepened within him. He sat down on the other side of the bed beside his weakened son, keeping his eyes upon him while watching him drink down the glass of water that was offered by Anna. Kodai nodded again for a moment, smiling as much as he can. Suddenly .. Kodai's mother walked into the room, smiling while she spoke to her son curiously, unaware of what happened to him. "Kodai? .. why arent you sparring with you father this evening?"

"Sir, I know you're upset. The attack was brutal, both of you would have been hurt or even killed if you were both there. We're glad you aren't hurt and are able to help."

"Ma'am, he is not even able to drink! What are you talking about?" Anna said, unaware of his mother's unknowing.

The father could only nod at Anna's words, exhaling a shaky sigh of sadness. At first the mother had waited for an answer from her son but she was surprised when she heard the negative news from Anna. "What do you mean Miss Anna? .. has my son become unwell?" She questioned Anna, worry in her soft voice while her smile faded completely. All the Queen's husband could do was direct his eyes upward, gazing into her eyes with a unspeakable sadness.

"Yes. He was brutally attacked. He has been unconscious for three days, he just awoke about a half-hour ago. He lost so so much blood. His wound were severe, and some needed stitches," she explained, dropping more water in Kodai's mouth. "He is not out of danger yet, but he is conscious now, and that is a start."

At the very mention of Anna's words the Queen gasped, covering her quivering lips with a dainty and shaking hand while she struggled not to sob. She approached a side of the bed with numb steps, sitting down close beside her husband. The King and Queen embraced one another closely, comforting themselves while keeping their eyes upon their son. Kodai smiled slightly, pleased that he was able to keep the water down his throat after Anna offered it to him.

"Servant, more water please." Anna ordered, placing two finger upon Kodai's wrist, to feel for his pulse. It is stronger today, she notes to herself. "The doctor should be here anytime, to check his wounds," she says to the room. She replaces the cloth on his forehead with a fresh, cool one.

Upon the command the servant bowed her head, picking up the cup before rushing off to refill it to the brim with water. The servant returned to the room, holding out the now filled cup to Anna with a bow of her head before she backed away abit. "Here you go Miss Anna. It is cold as you desired." Within a few hours the same doctor from yesterday had returned to Kodai's room, greeting Anna and the King and Queen respectfully. "Good evening Miss Anna .. Good evening to you as well King and Queen. How has Kodai been? .. has his condition worsened in any way?" He questioned.

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