Middle Ages (closed)

"From time to time it does." Kodai smiles softly at Anna, gazing into her eyes ever so lovingly.

"Guess you're getting used to it," she says, before kissing him sweetly.

Kodai nods in response to Anna's spoken of words, kissing her back softly while caressing a side of her face within one of his hands ever so lovingly.

"I love you," she says, staring into his eyes.

Each time Anna expressed her love to him Kodai's heart raced ever so fast like the swift galloping of an untamed stallion. His love for her was never ending. He smiled at Anna, gazing into her eyes with the same passion. "I love you too Anna."


(Yes. We can.)

(How far? You can start :) )

(Um I am not sure how far but I will try my very best to explain things. He is almost going to be close to giving birth. :))

As time passed on Kodai's stomach had became more massive to manage. It was harder and harder to move or raise up to his feet as the unborn infant within him grew larger and thrived.

(Sounds good to me!)

Anna meets him in the hall. "Need some help, honey?"

Kodai smiled as he saw Anna, he tried so very hard to do more for himself but he realized that he needed alittle help. He nodded while he answered softly. "Yes please."

Anna carefully helped him up. "Going to try to walk a bit?"

Kodai nodded at Anna as she spoke a question to him. "Yes Anna. Thank you." He smiled as he was relieved that he was back up and upon his feet.

Anna put one arm around him lovingly, and began to walk towards the gardens with him.

Kodai was so very pleased to be around Anna for a moment. He always felt so very peaceful and relaxed around her. He began to waddle toward the entrance to the gardens, assisted by the arm of his beloved.

"Shouldn't be much longer now," she says, rubbing his belly lovingly.

Kodai gazed down at his loving and beloved Anna, embracing her close to him as he felt her rub his stomach. "Indeed."

"Who do you want to be present?" She asks, realizing how little they've talked about their plans.

"My mother can be present. My father is still ticked off with me." Kodai answers the question that his beloved Anna had asked,

"Ok," she says, hugging him. "Getting tired?" she asks as they finish a lap around the garden.

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11-15-2019, 01:27 AM

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