Middle Ages (closed)

Kodai smiles at Anna, embracing her close to his body. He begins to become very weary as they finish the first lap around the garden. "Alittle." He says softly to Anna.

"Let's go rest then," she says, heading back towards his room.

Kodai was relieved that he could have a few moments to rest. That walk had taken alot out of him and he sat down upon his bed with a slight pant.

"Are you feeling alright?" she asks, taking his hand.

Kodai nodded at Anna after a few moments to catch his breath. He smiled at Anna, gazing into her eyes as he spoke. "Yes I am. Just alittle tired."

"Why don't you take a nap?" She suggest, laying beside him.

Kodai nodded and smiled as he laid down beside Anna, he closed his eyes as he slept for a while.

Anna didn't mean to, but she fell asleep along with him.

Kodai slumbered for a few hours, becoming awakened b a very sharp pain in one of his sides. He began to gasp, panting softly while he struggled to know as to what was ailing him while he clutched his stomach with a pained groan.

His groan awakens Anna. "Baby, what's wrong?" she asked worriedly, seeing him in obvious pain.

Kodai spoke his worry inbetween heavy and panted breaths. He gazed up at Anna, groaning once again while his body began to quiver. "The baby .. I .. I think it is time." He arose to a position of sitting with effort.

She quickly gets up, and moves in front of him. She gently places her hands on his belly. "I-I think so too," she says, meeting his gaze.

Kodai was so very terrified of what was happening but he tried to remain calm. He swallowed hard, keeping his eyes locked upon Anna's to keep himself calm.

"It's alright baby, you just have to breathe through the pain," she encourages, holding his hands.

Kodai did as he was encouraged and stayed focused on Anna, beginning to breathe deeply while struggling not to scream as the agony became worse.

"I know, I know," she soothed, seeing his discomfort. She gently encouraged him to lay his head upon her shoulder.

Kade did as he was kindly encouraged to do, placing his head upon one of Anna's shoulders while continuing to breathe deeply.

"I'm here for you," she says, running her fingers through his hair. "You are doing well."

Kodai managed to smile slightly at Anna, continuing to breathe deep and slow as the sensations of kicking and restless movements took over his large stomach.

"What can I do?" she asks quietly, continuing to stroke his hair.

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