Middle Ages (closed)
Kodai continued to breathe ever so deeply, not very sure of what he needed his beloved Anna to do. "You are doing enough. I need to push now."
"Ok honey, let's try your hands and knees," she says before turning to a servant. "Get my supplies please."
Kodai did as he was told by his beloved Anna, getting upon his hands and knees while he took a few deep and needed of breaths. The servant nearby did as she was told, leaving the room to get Anna's supplies. She returned within a few minutes, handing her the bag of supplies.
"Thank you." She turns to Kodai. "Do you want your mother here? If we wait much longer, she may not make it for the birth."
The servant bowed her head to Anna before standing beside Kodai's room door. Kodai nods at Anna's question, smiling slightly as well.
"The Queen please," she says to the servant before turning back to Kodai. "Try not to push until you have to, I don't want you to tire out," she says, rubbing his back lovingly.
The servant who was standing by the door had bowed to Anna, leaving so that she could search for the Queen. Meanwhile .. Kodai listens intently to Anna, breathing deeply for a few minutes so that he would be ready and able to push easily.

"I'm so proud of you baby," she soothes, rubbing his back. "I love you," she kissed his forehead.
(I recorrected. I meant minutes.)

Kodai smiled at Anna, noticing the servant had returned along with his mother walking beside her. The Queen ventured over to his bed and sat down beside him to provide support. "Kodai .. are you alright?"
"He'll be holding his baby soon," Anna smiles at the Queen. "Kodai, feeling any pressure?"
The Queen smiles as well, staying nearby her son. Kodai continued to breathe deeply, nodding at Anna's question. "I feel alittle bit of pressure."
"Want to try pushing a bit?" she asks, rubbing his back.
Kodai nods in response to his beloved Anna's spoken of words. He was comforted by her hands rubbing upon his backside. "I would."
"Go ahead with the next contraction," she encourages, before checking the child's heartbeat.
Kodai nodded when Anna spoke to him. He took a few deep breaths, waiting for the next upcoming contraction before he began to push. He focused on Anna and her soft voice while he pushed gently at first.
"Good, honey, a little harder," she encouraged.
Kodai did his task of pushing a little bit more harder, putting strength into his forward movements while he took a few deep breaths. His mother was nearby, providing encoragement just like Anna was doing.
"Just like that, keep going," Anna says, moving to the end of the bed, while his mother stays near his head.
Kodai did what his beloved Anna had encouraged him to do, raising his head up and pushing forth the infant from within his massively rounded stomach. He stayed laying upon his backside, finding this to be of a comfortable position.
"Good job honey," she says, placing a cool cloth on hus forehead. "You're doing so well."

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