Middle Ages (closed)

Kodai was so relieved that Anna was in his room, he felt so alone after hearing about the news. Everyone treated him and his son like they were sin itself. He kept his voice soft and low to avoid any other person that wasnt her from hearing. "They think that Demetri is responsible for the murders and attacks that went on a few days ago. They are wrong. They all are." He rubbed his temples with his hands, sighing while trying so very hard not to fall victim to his building rage.

"No, no. It can't be your sweet boy!" She takes his hands on hers. "Go find him and bring him here."

Kodai found himself wondering as to if it was him but he did not let that be known to Anna. He was too afraid to think that. He gazed into her eyes, kissing her forehead for a moment before turning from her and walking away to find their son Demetri. Meanwhile .. Demetri was running in the woods with a fearful expression on his tear stained face, trying to gather distance from the enraged crowd that held pitchforks and were chasing him.

Anna waited for his return; saying a fervent, but silent prayer.

Kodai ventured into the woods that were nearby, hearing a few voices scream out his son's name. Within a few hours of countless walking he found his son who was cowering from the crowd that surrounded him. Kodai ran forward into the crowd, shoving many who were in his way to reach his son who he picked up in his arms and held close. "Leave him alone! all of you! he has done no wrong. When the crowd had dispursed Kodai had walked from the woods and back toward the castle grounds with his whimpering son.

Anna met them at the front gate, ushering them quickly inside. She kneels, embracing Demetri lovingly. "Honey, tell us what happened."

When Demetri was inside and safe from the villagers he stopped quivering. Kodai hugged his son for a moment before he placed him upon his feet. Demetri spoke softly, glancing over one of his shoulders with fearful eyes ever few minutes as it was a habit. "The people were mad at me. They think I am a monster."

"Did you hurt anyone?" Anna asks carefully, holding his small hands.

Demetri was hesitant at first to answer but then he started to speak. "I hurt two people. The monster wanted me to. He said that I had to or he would hurt you and daddy. I am sorry." Kodai felt so very badly for his young son but was not angry at him.

Anna looks to Kodai. "Send the guards for the monster," she instructs the servant. "Where are those two people now?" She asks calmly.

Demetri was fearful of saying exactly where the location of the two people were. They were not in the realm of the living anymore. "The monster was hungry so I let him eat them. He told me that if I didn't that he would kill me and everyone in the castle." The guard's of the king and queen's kingdom had assembled and marched into the woods to dispose of the monster that Demetri had spoke of.

Anna dropped her head. "Kodai," she turns. "Take him for a nap please."

Kodai was horrified by what his son Demetri had said and did as Anna told him to do without a single word. He felt as though he were in a nightmare that he could not awaken from. The news that the villagers said had been true all along. "Very well Anna." He picked Demetri up and into his arms, walking from his room and toward his own room so that he could rest for a while.

Anna waited for Kodai to return. "What shall we do?" She asks, rubbing her temples.

When Kodai entered Demetri's room he laid him down, reading a story to him before he fell alseep. When he returned to the room that Anna was in he tried so very hard not to let his worry show. He walked over to Anna, sighing ever so softly as well with a hard swallow. "I am not sure. It is so very hard to realize that those crimes were committed by a little boy. It is worse knowing that it was my son."

"We will have to keep him close, until the beast is killed. After it is, we will have to teach him to control his urges. That is all we can do I'm afraid."

"I agree." Kodai said. Although all that Demetri had did still he seemed to be sleeping soundly in his room.

"Have you spoken to your parents? You should, explain the brainwashing before the gossip gets to them."

Kodai nodded at Anna before he turned and walked from the room. He searched for his parents who were the king and queen of the kingdom. Soon he found them in the throne room. "Mother .. Father. I have something to tell you. The villagers believed that Kodai had murdered a few villagers a few days ago." The king and queen listened carefully to the news that their son wanted to express. "That is terrible." The queen said thoughtfully, followed by the words of the king. "Terrible indeed. How dare they say such things." The king had learned not to be angry with his son Kodai.

Anna waits for his return, hoping the outcome was good. She hears Demetri crying, probably from another night terror. She goes to his room and cradles him. "Shh, shh, shh. You're okay," she soothes, gently rocking him.

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