Middle Ages (closed)

Demetri smiled wider at his mother, gathering up his sword for battle with his father while testing it out for a moment. "Me and father are going to practice battling."

"I love you, be careful," she hugs him.

Demetri smiled at his beloved mother while he embraced her close in his arms, promising that he would indeed be cautious and careful when battling with his father. "I promise to be careful mother."

She sighs, releasing him. "Will you two be home for supper?"

"Yes mother. We will." Demetri nodded at his mother's questioned of words with a smile, kissing a side of her face before he headed off to where his father was waiting for him at outside of the castle's grounds. Kodai embraced his son close to him as he approached, walking alongside him while beginning to go over what they would be doing for a few hours.

(Maybe Demetri gets hurt? Now or later, just a thought.)

(Okay. He can get hurt now.)

Demetri and his father both spent a few hours battling one another with their swords. Eventually the swords come to a halt when Demetri was stabbed in the stomach by accident by his father's sword. He clutches the wound upon his heavily bleeding stomach, collapsing to his knees with a wince while seeing his father rushing toward him. "Demetri!"

(Okay, go for it. We don't have to, just a thought to keep things going.)

Kodai approached his injured son ever so hesitantly, picking him up in his strong arms while rushing back to the castle as fast as he could. He gets one of the guards to open the front door for him and he searches for Anna in one of the many rooms with tears brimming in his worried eyes. "Anna?! .. Anna we need you! .."

Anna comes out of the kitchen, drying her hands. "Babe? What's wrong?" she asks, unable to see him yet.

Kodai was so very fearful to tell his beloved Anna that their son was injured but he had no choice but to. The injured Demetri groaned in pain, coughing up blood which caused Kodai to become even more worried than before. He walked into the kitchen, letting the severity of the situation be of known to Anna. "Demetri is hurt."

She jumps up coming to the injured child in his arms. "Demetri? Baby? What happened?" She stroked his hair, looking him over quickly.

Kodai tried to be strong for their son but for once in his life he began to cry. Demetri spoke inbetween coughs with a slight smile, wincing while his wound began to become too painful for him to bear. "It was an accident mother .. I .. I am alright."

"No baby, you're not," she slips into professional mode. "Get him on his bed. Servant? I need some help in here!"

Kodai was so very worried that their son's health would take a turn for the worst. Demetri's smile faded as he finally realized that the situation he was in was very serious. A servant entered the room, walking over to the skilled Anna and nervous Kodai who was placing their son upon his bed ever so carefully and gently.

"I need scissors, rags, cool water, and my bag to start."She tells the servant. She watches as Kodai carefully lays their son down. "How many times has he coughed up blood? About how much?" Anna asks Kodai, feeling Demetri's forehead. "What exactly happened?" She asks, unable to see the wound for his bloodied shirt.

"As you wish Miss Anna." The servant listened intently to Anna before rushing off to retrieve her medical bag. Kodai stared at their son who groaned softly in discomfort, his eyes too blurred with tears. "He coughed up blood one time." Soon the servant returned to the room, handing the bag to Anna along with a bowl full of cold water and a few rags. "Here you go Miss Anna."

Anna cuts Demetri's shirt off. "Baby, keep talking to me." Anna instructs him. "Kodai, do you need to step out?" She wipes all the blood she can so she can see the actual wound.

Demetri struggled ever so much to remain awake but with the massive blood loss it was so very hard to. He fluttered his upper eyelids, using that movement to keep his eyes open and alert. "Mother .. I am sorry. I promised that I would be safe and I failed." Kodai nodded at Anna's words, walking out into the hallway while pacing back and forth out of habit.

"It's alright baby," she says, holding pressure on the gushing wound. The servant cools a cloth, wiping his face. Anna nods in appreciation. "Kodai? Get someone to get the doctor please."

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