Middle Ages (closed)

Anna moves closer to his face as the doctor leaves. She motions for Kodai to go wait in the hall for a moment. It's okay baby, go to sleep," she soothes, stroking Demetri's hair lovingly.

Demetri nodded slightly at his mother's words with a slight smile before he let his eyes close and rest for a while. Kodai arose from the bed that he was sitting upon in silence, placing their son's head upon one of the pillows ever so softly before walking out into the hallway and waiting for Anna to join him.

Anna covers him with a blanket, rubbing his back until he falls fast asleep. She goes to join Kodai in the hallway. She sees him upset, and quickly embraces him. "Its okay baby, shh, shh, shh," she soothes, hugging him tight abd rubbing his back as he cries.

Kodai tried to remain strong like he was so many times but it was much too hard to do now so he let his emotions go. He felt his body begin to quiver as his worry and sadness began to grow with each depressed sob. He did not mean to bring harm to their son.

"I know baby, it's alright," she soothes, continuing to hold him.

Kodai felt as though his emotions were crashing down at his very feet. He hated that, he hated it with a passion. He buried his face into Anna's chest with a soft sob, feeling soothed by her arms around him as he became silent after a few more moments.

She holds him as he quiets. When he falls silent, she holds him an arm's length away. "What happened? How?"

Kodai sighed softly with relief as the dreaded emotion that he had held in was finally expressed. He answered the question that his beloved had asked. "We were battling one another and then he moved in the wrong way infront of me and before I knew it I accidentally stabbed him. I am sorry that this happened."

"It's okay baby," she embraces him again. "You didn't mean to, and he is ok. That is all that matters. Get some sleep," she tells him. "I will in his room so I can keep an eye on him. He will be in a great deal of pain when he awakens."

Kodai gazed into Anna's eyes, wiping his tears away for a moment before walking away toward their bedroom. He tried to sleep but it was hard to but after a few tries he managed to. Demetri slumbered soundly, breathing softly and steadily with each breath that he took.

Anna sleeps fitfully in Demetri's room; waking every half hour or so to check on him.

Demetri slumbered for a few hours more, waking when the first rays of dawn showed through his window with a gasp as the pain from the wound started to affect him.

"Baby, baby, I'm right here," Anna rushes to his side. She strokes his hair lovingly. "You're ok, I'm right here."

Demetri's pained gasps were softened and silenced by hearing his mother's voice. He gazed up into her eyes, finding himself comforted by her hand stroking his hair ever so affectionately.

"Hey baby," she gazes down at her whimpering son. "It's alright, mama's right here." She looks over her shoulder. "Will you get the herb poultice and some warm cloths please?" She asks the servant as she rubs her son's back.

Demetri managed to smile slightly, gazing up into his mother's eyes ever so lovingly. The servant that was called had did as Anna said, gathering up the desired of herb poultice and a few warm cloths. Within a few moments she had returned to the room Anna and her son were in, handing her the items. "Here you go Miss Anna."

"Thank you," she says, turning back to Demetri. "Can you lay on your back for me baby?" She asks, rubbing his back. "Is Kodai awake?" she asks the servant.

Demetri was fearful to be upon his backside for a strange reason but he turned around upon it. The servant shook her head at the question Anna asked about Kodai, speaking to her ever so softly. "Not yet Miss Anna."

"Okay, thank you," she says to the servant. "Just want to take a look," she says, gently removing the bandages. "Then I'll put an herb poultice. It will help with the pain and reduce the risk of infection. I know it hurts baby, I'm so sorry."

The servant bowed her head along with a smile. "You are welcome miss Anna." Demetri kept his eyes staring up at the ceiling to avoid seeing the wound. He was relieved that his mother was so skilled with these things.

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