Middle Ages (closed)

"Hi," she says sheepishly, seeing her colleague.

The doctor smiled at her, so very happy to see his skilled friend once again. "How have you been?"

"Fine," she says, nervous that her colleague will be seeing her intimately.

Kodai said nearby his beloved Anna, knowing that she would be embarassed when she was being undressed. The doctor washed his hands, speaking to his friend. "I know that this will be awkward but can I check you?"

"Yes," she says after a slight pause, taking Kodai's hand.

The doctor waited for Anna to lay down upon the bed ever so patiently. Kodai held Anna's offered of hand, keeping his eyes upon her while staying close to her.

Anna removed her skirt and underwear, and laid upon the bed, closing her eyes. She held Kodai's hand tightly.

The doctor checked Anna ever so gently while being sure not to leave anything about the examination out. Kodai kissed Anna's forehead ever so softly to keep her calm, keeping himself sitting nearby her upon the bed. After a few minutes the doctor managed to tell them the news. "You are pregnant Anna."

She groans at the doctor's intrusion. She nodded calmly at the news. "Thank you doctor. When shall I see you again?"

Kodai felt ever so badly that his beloved Anna was in discomfort while the doctor checked her. The doctor washed his hands once again, returning to their room. "I shall be back soon. I have a series of deliveries that I must attend to."

"I meant like my appointment," she blushes, pulling her skirt back on. She thinks back. "7 weeks," she thinks out loud.

The doctor nodded at Anna's words. Kodai helped Anna get back into her clothing, smiling while he realized that Demetri would have a little brother or sister to play with and love.

(To moan?)

"Should we tell him yet?" She says, taking Kodai's hand and biting her bottom lip.

(Tehe. Sorry. I recorrected.)

"I believe that we should." Kodai said while gazing into Anna's eyes. He knew how nervous she was.

(Thought so, just made me laugh.)

She nods, swallowing the hard lump that formed in her throat.

(Me too when I read it.)

Kodai knew that his beloved Anna was having a hard time with realizing that she was pregnant. "I can tell him if you want." He said softly to her while noticing how hard it was for her to swallow.

"Yes, but I'd like to be there," she says after a moment.

Kodai nodded at Anna's spoken of words. "We should tell him as soon as possible."

"Now is fine," she says, smiling softly.

Kodai returned a smile of his own at Anna, helping her to her feet while leading her to Demetri's room.

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11-15-2019, 01:27 AM

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