06-07-2013, 09:33 AM
Greyson chuckled as he looked at the four young healthy men he had captured. They were so easy to lure to into his home. He lived in a mansion on the outside of town. He lured each male back to him mansion with the promise of a good time. But he what he had in for a good time wasn't most likely going to be a good time for them. He drugged the drinks he served them. He told them he wanted to have them over for drinks and a hot session of group sex. They foolish agreed to come with him to his mansion. He dragged each of them down to his basement that he set up as a harem room. With silk pillows, satins throws and drapes covering the stone walls. He stripped each of the males and placed golden cuffs on each of their wrists that connected to a matching collar. He had them laid out on the pillows. He also had a box of toys for playing and training his new slaves. They were going to help with him a little experiment. He was a rich and handsome male. But he was lacking heirs for now. He was tall and muscular. With a golden tan, perfect teeth, light dirty blonde hair, and blue-green eyes. He sat in the corner sipping a glass of wine as he heard the first of his newest pets stirring.