03-17-2017, 03:54 AM
Alex seemed like someone he could trust, right? It looked like he was worse for wear, after all. He had no idea how long the other male had been down there, but he didn't give Rico a name. Maybe in time he would, but he got the male to start following him, so at least that was a plus. It was right when they turned the corner that a voice from somewhere appeared around them, effectively stopping Alex in his tracks from speaking. Rico was already paranoid, but the mention of being trapped in some forsaken place made of dark gray slab with who knew what else lied within was unsettling. It was even more unsettling that they were told they would be trapped there forever if they did not get out.
"How long do we have" he called out. That was probably the most logical thing he could ask at this point. He was nervous, especially when he took into account the distanced screams that were replaced with dead silence. He turned to look back at Alex. "Deep breaths, alright? We'll get out of this."
He exhaled deeply, keeping his flashlight on. "Let's see if we can get out of this thing. Do you have a phone or anything on you? I haven't been able to get a signal on mine at all since I've come in here."
"How long do we have" he called out. That was probably the most logical thing he could ask at this point. He was nervous, especially when he took into account the distanced screams that were replaced with dead silence. He turned to look back at Alex. "Deep breaths, alright? We'll get out of this."
He exhaled deeply, keeping his flashlight on. "Let's see if we can get out of this thing. Do you have a phone or anything on you? I haven't been able to get a signal on mine at all since I've come in here."