06-04-2017, 03:26 PM
Geroge was surprised when he saw Al's face all sad and tears agains streamed down his face. His heart was aching so bad for his mate, and he regretted giving Al.such a hard time. He quickly rrturned to his side and helped him up, lifitmg him up.by his bottom. "Sh.... dont cry babe." This was the first time he used such endearment while referring to Al. "Please, Al, I am so sorry." When he saw Als sad face, he became clearer of his own feelings. He cared for the smaller man for much more than he would admit. He took him in his arms so Al would wrap his legd around his waist, his belly pressing against him and automatically, Al buried his face in George's shoulder. "I am taking.you back now.... dont cry babe, I am so sorry.."