10-10-2017, 12:22 PM
"I.knoe.it's morning.... but mornings are especially easy to get an arousal...." al whispered holding Horus and bend his facr down so the little human could.kiss him. He touched his cheek and nodded. "Yea,i would.introduce yoh to the different continents were dragons appeared and ruled, then maybe you could think about it when we start planning about our wedding. Would.you take over thr decoration parts? I.am.thinking of a wedding.out in the gardens.... and then a banquet inside so we get to enjoy both. But.if.you would take.over the decorations part, please promise me you wouldnt make.yourself too tired.... remember you arent alone anymore." He smiled gently and stroked his belly that looked odd and big.on Horus' small frame.
Al picked Horus up to carry him.to yhe dining hall, and kept him.on his.lap as they had breakfast, holding.him behind his sore bavk to.protect him.from triggering his tear.
Al picked Horus up to carry him.to yhe dining hall, and kept him.on his.lap as they had breakfast, holding.him behind his sore bavk to.protect him.from triggering his tear.