C Pregnant Man’s Quest (Now we have our three people)

Thomas looks at her. "You'll know when it happens, now you must try and relax. You're getting all worked up and that's not helping anyone"

Emily groans very softly leaning on the bed breathing hard "I I'm sorry I'm just scared

"It's okay now concentrate" Tom stands next to her. Instinctively, he puts a hand on his own belly

Emily looks up "there getting stronger the midwives are so nice to me they rub my back and talk to me gently

Caleb tells her “You’ll Do fine and when this is over you’ll have two twins who you’ll get to love forever.”

"That's nice" Tom smiles at her and looks around "where are the midwives?" He asks Caleb

One of the midwives comes in “Sorry I took so long I was getting some medicine to help you.” “Please tell me you’re name if I am to help you deliver it would be good to know you’re name?”

Namina decides to head to see Emily. When he arrives he finds he well into labor. He walked over to her and then pressed his cheek to hers. He was purring lightly a soothing rumble in his chest. "I'm sorty if my greeting is a bit touchy it's just I was realy worried about you." he folded his ears down.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!


Emily smiles gently Namina "I like the purring sound and my contraction are 3 minutes now

Caleb looked at them hoping Emily and her twins would be alright “Emily you’re probably gonna be really happy when you finally have both your twins in your arms you’ll have all of us to help you when you need it.”

Emily smiles even more then groans in pain having a contraction "I'm sorry i was supposed to help you guys

(I'm going to leave you guys still continue without me have a good day everyone you can delete my posts if you want (

(Since Birthroleplayer quit let’s continue to Fort Maldu to kill Balrog. I’ll start us off)

Caleb, Namina, and Thomas were planning how to break in it was night time. Caleb asks them from the hiding space that had a good view of the fort “So anyone have any ideas we can exploit, any vantage points, any weak points?” Caleb looked at the Fort and saw something two people were arguing at the entrance.

A man throws a woman to the ground. The woman alarmed asked “What are you doing?”

The man answers “The boss says that you’re fired just be luck that we don’t kill you now bugger off to whatever whole you come from.”

The woman is angered “Fine I’ll leave.” As she’s leaving she mutters under her breath “Asshat.” She stand over by a tree that she’s using for target practice she pulls back an arrow on her bow “Fire me do you you damn assholes.” She imitates someone with her voice mockingly “Join our band you’ll be a worthy member.” “Worthy member my ass.” She shoots an arrow at the tree.

Caleb turns to the others noticing her “You guys see her she may be useful?” “She may be promising, but check if there’s anything else that we can exploit.”

Thomas looks around for something to exploit. He looks and sees lots of male guards, but hardly any females. He turns to Caleb. "I have an idea! If you could use some magic to make me look like a woman I could attract the attention of the guards that are on look-out"

Caleb uses his magic on Thomas “There you go.” “This will of course temporarily only last for about an hour and you of course have to make it inside and to help steal the stuff in his vault.”

Thomas kisses Caleb. He walks up to the front gate "hey boys, you wanna piece of this?" He pulls down his top to get the mens attention. The front gates open "If you want me you're gonna have to come get me" most of the men run out, Thomas leads them down the hill and away. He kills them there 

Caleb didn’t exactly like the kiss mostly because he was full on gay he turned to Namina “Okay Namina what do you see?”

Misy had done a fly by and was relaying her info. "there's guards to the west and east but none to the north side. We move infrom the north then do a kill sweep." he said eyes intense.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!


Caleb nods “Alright we’ll wait for Thomas to get back here.” “So can Misty use her magic to fight or is she one of those fairies that don’t fight?”

"Hey Misty wanna help? Alright. Yes but not in the physical sense she can created a vapor like toxin that burn the body from the inside out. If she hast to use it we all need to hold are breaths. It only potent for about a minute. After thirty seconds it's just irritating. " he said a dark smile on his face.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!


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