C Pregnant translator (w/ secretsparrow)

With Noah's credentials, even without any strings pulled on Dave's sidex he managed to land a job pretty quick. That had led to some more celebrations. However, it wasnt.purely coincidental that the school happened to be a prestigeous one with high secueity in the first place. Dave did come up with a list for schools that Noah could try for, and some filtering had been done. Dave suspected Noah knew, but indeed he didnt do anything aside fron shortlisting potential schools.

The wedding was a quiet little event, at a castle owned by Dave. He had been the head of his familt for some time, and he was proud to get married in one of his family.property. he tried to follow tradition as much as possible, to pay his tribute to generations of ancestors. However, all tjat didnt prepare him for how nervous he got when he stood and waited at the altar, in his white military suit.

Noah had been just as nervous, but he somehow managed, he had dressed in a suit, it and Emma had been put into a pink dress with roses across it. The castle its self-amazed Noah, he had fun exploring a bit the day before when they had rehearsal. When he was Dave he almost paused for a moment, the boy was stunning. He smiled, grinning almost as he stepped up to stand across from Dave. The wedding was cute, and besides fallowing tradition, they had tried to keep it rather short. A few of Noah's friends had managed to come. Some of the people he had worked with, and some family members, Noah's parents to be exact had shown up.

One of Noah's friends had agreed to hold Emma while Noah walkrd into the hall, but Dave couldnt spare much attention.on her when his husband walked down the aisle. He looked so.handsome.in his own suit, in a matchingbwhite with hisbown uniform. They exchanged their vows under the blessing of both families and friends, the nervousness gone and replaced by a sense of honor when Noah appeared by his side. He would love this man, forever and always, as he promised this day.

When they kissed, Noah wrapped his arms around Dave holding him there, They were married, so much had happened in a short amount of time but right now none of it mattered. They were married they had each other, that was what was important.
When it was over, there was lots of pictures, many including Emma who somehow was being very well behaved today. both families seemed to vary happy to them and Noah was glad to have support. At least none of the family members had disliked each other. Though to be fair Noah's family had always been pretty laid back.

Laid back or not, Dave had been quite nervous when his in laws patted his hand and gave him that meaningful stare. He sometimes became jealous of Noah since he didnt have any in laws. His parents passed away when he was younger, and all he had to deal with are mostly uncles and aunts in their 70s. That and also cousins.. older cousins for Dave is the youngest in his geneeration.

Finally, after settling every thing, they got to the dinner part and they started the dance. With Noah, they danced slowly around under the spotlight. "I.love you, husband." Dave smiled and said to Noah.

Noah looked back at Dave smiling and listing to the beat of the music. "I love you too," he muttered quietly though being so close he wasn't hard to hear. When the song was finished others took to the dance floor. He knew Dave had wanted to keep some of the music traditional but he had convinced him to throw in a few songs from back home. Mostly because he knew it would be amusing to see people's reactions to it here. After all, not all of them knew English.

They started with slow songs that dont really fit any set of dance, but most guests adapted well, doing impromptu steps so musci they are unfamiliar with, though later, a disco light got lowered and they were then bombarded by "dancing queen" and whatnot. The shocked face of some of the older aunties is suvh a classic that the newly weds just uncontrollably laughed. Soon everybody started dancing, even their 80 year old uncle, and everybody's having fun.

Noah smiled, the wedding actually went pretty late, it was past midnight by the time the last person had left the castle. Emma, despite the loud music, had fallen asleep hours ago and it didn't seem anything was going to wake her. At least Emma slept soundly. Noah came over to Dave wrapping his arms around the man and looking back into his eyes for a moment. "you, are amazing." he said the music was still playing though Noah had turned the volume down a bit just a few minutes ago.

"Well, I would go to great lengths for my husband." Dave answered, holding Noah's hand and smiling at him. "You are pretty amazing yourself, husband. He led him through to the pool again and started slow dancing, pressing their foreheads together. "I am glad you enjoyed that.... I certainly do myself. I am sure you have melted everyone's heart today. My Aunt Brigitta even smiled at you, do you know she don't even smile at me!"

Noah smiled lightly he closed his eyes and danced with Dave. Eventually, the tracks they had playing did run out and Noah gently pulled back even the silence was fine. Then he Kissed Dave. "So, I've been thinking." and he smirked lightly. "If this is a Castle, then you must be a night in shining armor." He had been waiting to make that slight joke all night. Honestly, it was so late they probably both had a good laugh over it.

"I thought i deserve to be a prince on a white horse... though i doubt if you would ever be the damsel in distress that I am destined to save from the evil dragon. Unless you consider Emma to be that." Dave said thoughtfully before bursting in another laugh. "I guess we could call her that. A baby dragon who I have saved you from... or is that another way round, that the true damsel in distress is Emma? Ah i must be drunk, otherwise I shouldn't be this confused." He said chuckling and kissed Noah.

Noah laughed, "that, and it's late." it was almost 3 am he decided they could work on cleaning up tomorrow but they should both probably head to bed. He took Dave's hand picking Emma up in the other to set in the crib they had brought with. Noah and Dave made sure she was settled before heading to their own room for the night.

It was a lovely wedding ngiht, everything is perfect. After they got Emma settled, Dave took Noah's hand and kissed it before leading it into their own room. His heart pumped fast at the prospect ahead. It was every bit as sweet and amaznig as he imagined, their first night together. It was the morning after that it truly hit he had gottne married, and that hti slovely man sleeping soundly beside him is his partner for life.

Noah rolled over still half asleep he had Dave wrapped up in his arms and it was unlikely the man would be escaping easily. Noah was cuddling him tightly, they had been up pretty late and it wasn't as if they had to do anything today so there was no reason for Noah to be up quite yet. That was one thing about Noah, Dave probably would have learned quickly he was a night owl prone to staying up until all hours and sleeping in when he didn't have anything better to be doing.

(keep going like this or time skip, either way, I don't really mind just curious mostly.)

(I felt like we could develop a tad bit more here? And then skip HAHAha i enjoy a big belly, soon xD)

Dave smiled at hwo he became like a stuffed toy for Noah who he wouldn't let go of, but he didn't mind at all. In fact he wrapped Noah up tightly as well. Perhaps he hadn't been such a night owl himself, but he certainly don't find the need of getting up early. He gazed at Noah and littered him with kisses, until he finally moaned and opened his eyes. "Morning lovely. Had a great night?" He said and then hinted more as he slipped his hand down his undoubtedly sore bottom.

(yea I was thinking that as well, just making sure. :) )

Noah nodded releasing Dave just enough to rub his eyes. He smiled up at him remembering last night. He gave Dave a kiss. "morning." he wasn't sure what time it was but he didn't really mind he was content just to be right here for a moment. "How long have you been up?" He asked knowing full well Dave got up much earlier than he did.

"A while... I have honestly lost track of time admiring your face." He said cheekily and smiled. "Feeling like getting up yet? We could explore the places that we hadn't had time to go through yesterday." He kissed Noah right after his big yawn, his eyes rimmed slightly pink making him look adorable. They would be departing from this castle in the afternoon for their honeymoon, which was a surprise he kept from Noah. He hoped he would agree on the idea of them going on their own and leaving Emma here with the nannies, but he would be fine if Noah wanted to bring their little princess along.

"hmmm.. yea, sounds like fun." Noah had liked exploring, actually that was something he often did since pretty much everywhere they went was still new to him. But he liked new places and he could always find the most interesting things if given enough time to do it. Or, he could get himself into trouble looking for interesting things. Honestly, which happened first really. He gave Dave one more kiss and gently pulled away sitting up and stretching. Before getting up and preparing to look around at what they hadn't yet covered.

Dave joined him and brought him around the castle. He did spend a decent amount of time around since his childhood, often with his parents,though after they passed, this place had become alittle vacant and lonely. "You see that pond? I used to love catching frogs from here.. and then play around with tadpoles. We should put more fishes in there." He said introducing him to the gardens. While they did that, Dave had his servants help them pack already.

Noah hadn't really suspected a thing. "It's a really nice place." He said as they made their way through the garden there were lots of butterflies around them that distracted Noah quite a bit he was watching them a few even would land on him or Dave. The spent awhile outside just hanging around and talking honestly. They did a lot of that when there wasn't much else to do.

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