An Odd Story of Man and Magic. A fantasy RP. (FINISHED)

"Fraea..." Cormac muttered. "I'll take good care of her sir. Thank you so much."

"Not a problem, son, but... D'ya know how to use a bow? If ya don't, I can take ya to the bottom deck and show ya a few things. Set up some bottles, and show ya the basics. Should last us 'til we get to Riverside. Me boy will tell us when we land."

I'm just here for a laugh

"That'd be great. I'm only really good at throwing things. Shooting is a whole different beast."

Gregor took Cormac down to the lower deck an set up a makeshift range. He demonstrated the basics of archery, such as stance and breathing. Eventually, Astien found his way down there somehow. "Here you are! I was worried for a while there. Where'd you get that bow?"

Gregor took a moment to explain what had happened, with the mermaid, and the gifting of the bow. Astien looked proud at the story. "He's a good kid, he is." The satyr offered. Astien nodded. "Of course he is. That's why he's my assistant."

Gregor turned back to Cormac. "Alright boy, this time, focus on yer posture. None of yer slouchin'!"

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac nodded and straightened his back and focused on the target before him. He took a deep breath and released the arrow as he exhaled.

The arrow almost hit the bottle. "Almost, son, almost. Yer aim's gettin' better. What you need is a master to teach ya, not an old man like me. Ya got promise, though. Honest to Faye potential."

A younger satyr appeared below deck. "We're at Riverside, papa. C'mon up." The satyr headed back upstairs, and Gregor turned to Cormac. "I think yer gonna do fine with dear Fraea, son. Treat 'er well. And maybe give ol' Gregor a little thought, eh?" He winked. "Now c'mon. Back up, both of ya."

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac nodded and collapsed Fraea down and gently placed her in the quiver before heading up to the top deck.

The ferry landed at the dock, and various passengers and their carriages disembarked, others remaining on for the ferry's next stop. Gregor and his son waved from the top of the ship as the ferry sailed away.

The carriage was parked just outside the gates to Riverside. Astien sat on the edge of the bed, clutching his belly in pain. "Ow....ow....ow..."

I'm just here for a laugh

"Are you alright?" Cormac asked. "Should I get a medic?"

"I-I don't know. I-it could just be cramps, or, or- aargh, ow." Astien pointed to his bag on the kitchenette counter. "M-my bag, get my bag."

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac quickly got the bag and held it open for his boss. "What do you need?"

Astien quickly pulled out one of the papers I'Karis had given him. He handed it to Cormac. "We're here to find H-Heceril. He knows much more about male pregnancies than I do, and I hope he- aaahhh, ow ow ow... I'm hoping he can tell me some things. He can help me. I'Karis wrote down some places he might be."
On the paper was written:

Where you could find Heceril:

Terro Marco Inn

All-god temple

Kasbah Hookah lounge and dance

If he isn't in any of these places, there's a good chance you're boned.

Heart I'Karis

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac nodded and pocketed the sheet. "I'll go look for him. Can I take one of the horses? It'd be faster."

Astien quickly nodded and laid back in bed, curled in on himself and his face scrunched in pain. "Yes yes yes, just go go, aaaaahhhh...."

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac nodded and left the carriage. He took one of the horses, bareback, and rode into the town. Then began the long search for Heceril.

Closest to the town gates was the Terro Marco inn.

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac finally found the inn and tethered the horse to the trough outside of the building. He walked into the inn and went up the the bar keep. "I'm looking for a man named Heceril."

The man behind the counter looked gruff and annoyed. "Giving out information on our guests isn't standard practice, kid. You a relative?"

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac smirked. "So he's here then? His friend I'Karis sent me." He figured from the last reaction he got it was worth a shot to drop the elf's name.

The man, alas, wasn't as terrified as the shopkeeper had been. His eyebrows furrowed, and he practically snarled. "If you know I'Karis, then you know Heceril. You know damn well where he is, quit wasting my time kid." And with that, the man disappeared into the back room, taking the guest log book with him.

I'm just here for a laugh

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