(A fallen world, Closed with bhdire8 )
"Uhh.. alright?" He pulled him self up slowly it was hard to climb and quiet awkward but he managed he crawled off on to the top just in time to be hit by anther pain. It was the strongest one yet . He forgot to be quiet and couldn't help but let out a groan as the pain it a peak.
Tanner at the bottom of the ladder was startled and he quickly climbed up too, finding Leo blocking the end. He wasnt sure what happened but he knew they have to close off the attic quickly. Stepping on the last step of the ladder, he moved the frozen from of Leo away to make enough space for him to climb up, pulling the ladder up Tanner closed off the door before looking back at Leo, scolding him in a low voice. "What the Fxxx are you thinking groaning like that? Did you lose your mind?
The pain didn't let up this one was long, he was on all fours breathing hard. He could feel the head pressing down, there was a lot of pressure he was surprised his water hadn't broken yet. He was aware Tanner had spoken but he headn't really heard it.
Tanner was very annoyed at not getting any response from Leo. He slapped hardly on the raised butt, "hey I am ralking to you! What the f is wrong with you!"
"b-babys coming." He finnaly managed the pain letting up. he was breathing hard trying to cetch his breath. It wasn't as if he could hide it anymore he pulled off his sweat shirt reveling his large pregnant belly. The baby must have been quiet large because it loooked almost as if he were carying twins.
"Baby... what bab…" Tanner stopped dead at the sentence when he saw Leo's huge belly. It was so tight and seemed to be quivering. "Oh my gosh you are pregnant?! Why dont you tell me! And you said.... the baby's coming? Like you're in labor? Gosh!" Tanner squeezed his hair with both his hands. He can't believe Leo would be delivering right now.
he moved so he was leaning back aginst the wall. "It hurts." he was still breathing hard there was so much pressure he was sure his water would break on the next contraction. "I-i thought.. you wouldn't help me.. If I .. told you." Leo whimpered.
"Alright point taken. Anyway I would have helped you though, at this age I think any new life is precious. Now.... hows your progress? I did watch a crappy educational tv back in my marine days. Some emergency medical treatment bs. I gues.... i should be taking your jeans off? Better lay a towel under you for the fluid and all.....assuming your water hadnt broken yet?"
"Not yet.. soon.." He undid his jeans and managed to slide them off and set them aside. "S-sorry.. " He was trying to keep quiet focusing on his breathing more then anything else. Despite all this though he was just happy not to be alone.
"Ok butts up a little?" Tanner spread a towel and slipped it under Leo. "I guess I can check your dilation, though there's no gloves available. I will clean my finger as best as I can with the disinfectants ok? Now spread your legs for me... gosh I still cant really believe I am helping someone deliver!"
He spread his legs allowing Tanner to check him. At least now he wasn't so hot and was abel to cool down a bit. He blushed slightly, he had always thought he would have to do this by himself. Now that someone else was here to help he was slightly embarrassed
"Though I am gay I never picture myself doing this on someone when they are delivering. Sorry if I accidentally poke at your prostate, you know, it's kind of what I am used to reaching for." Tanner probed the canal that was lubricating on its own., tryinf to reach for the cervix. "How long have you been having contractions?"
Sense this morning I guess, I didn't think anything of it really until it got really bad, IT felt strange to have a stranger reaching up inside of him. "Hurry.. I think.. anther ones starting soon." He could feel the start of a new contraction the pressure was awfull.

(sorry gtg to bed will respond tomorrow.)
(That's fine continue on whenever you come back up!)

Tanner got closer and pushed his finger further in. He finally got to something that was slightly opening, around 5 to 6 cm wide. There was something squishy in between, he was guessing that could be the membrane holding the amniotic fluid. "Ok that's i think a 5 or 6. The membrane was there, but I was told not to try and pick it. There are cases where rhe water would not break at all and the baby will be born within the sac. Now lean back and breath through the contractions, could be sometime until the baby's really ready."
Leo leaned back against the wall and tried to relax. "D-distract me." He said his head back aginst the wall and eyes closed. He rested one hand on his belly as the child kicked he tried to calm it. "Do you think will be safe here?" Leo asked now realizing and remembering that they were in an attic of an old house.
"Probably. I hope so. Those monsters not having any intelligence may work our way. They couldnt figure out a way to come up, even if they got atrracted by the smell of your.... whatever bodily fluid." Tanner rummaged through the things to see what supplies they do have.
Leo nodded, still if they got surrounded or to many undead came in around them. He laid back for a few minutes trying to rest a bit. Anther pain began it washed over him he dug his nails into the floor as he tried to breath threw it.
Tanner notice the tight grip and tried to encourage Leo to control his breathing. He got close to him and clutch his hand, whispering "short breathes steady but short ones, pant if you want.... that's what they tell us in the field hospitals. Change the pattern of your breathing and focus on it."
Leo nodded taking in quick breaths panting threw the contraction until it finally let up. He knew the baby was coming down slowly but there was a lot of pressure, his water still hadn't broken yet.
"Contraction away now? Right now relax. You can lean on me for a bit. If you dont mind can I touch your belly?" Tanner said to Leo when he felt the body relax again.

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