The scientist's plans. (Closed with SpockRules.)
The man had stood by the bed, letting the man give birth to his children. He had crossed his arms across his well muscled chest, sighing as he had become annoyed with James. "Fine then .. have it your way. I wont help you. Just get my children out safely." He had said coldly and emotionlessly.
James shook his head, "I won't do no such thing....your children are forcing themselves out of me." James was able to get out before the dragon halfway emerged from him, stretching his anus wider than before. Gripping the edge of the bed, James groaned as he ended up pushing hard before the dragon landed on the bed. James looked over at the man with hatred, "There's your child!!"
The man had become annoyed once more by the man, standing beside the bed and watching the man birthing his child. He had smirked, hearing the man become angered, gently picked up the child. He had held the child which was large in size, wiping the blood from it's body.
James fell face down onto the bed, too tired to hold his self up after birthing the large dragon child. Looking over at the man holding his new child, James couldn't help but ask, "Why can't you make yourself pregnant?" James didn't wait for a reply since the second dragon decided to descend into the tight canal wanting to be free, "Oohhh shit!!!"
The man had smiled down at the child who was crying in his arms. He had held the child close to his chest, humming softly to him to calm him down. "I wanted to see you suffer. How is that for an answer." He had said with a sinful and emotionless laugh, he had wanted to see the man's reaction to what he had said. He did not care about the man who was birthing his children to be honest. "I am a bastard I know but I honestly do not care what you think." He had said to further his words.
James growled at the man before nodding, "You are a bastard, and I hope your children die!!" James spreaded his legs on the bed feeling the second dragon at his opening trying to come out. Even though James was in pain, he squeezed his legs shut deciding to deny the dragon the option to be born. Crying out when he felt the dragon struggling, James looked at the man, "You caused me pain, now watch your child die inside me." James squeezed his legs shut making sure not to allow the dragon to emerge.
The man had stormed over to James, unsheathing a knife and holding it toward his neck. "I would not advise that you do that. Birth my child or I will have no remorse in killing you." He had said with a growl to his own rough voice. He had glared and had narrowed his eyes at the man who was trying to suffocate his second child. He did not want his second child to die but the man was really pushing his buttons.
(Are we just going to do dragons or can we mix up the creatures?)

James looked up at the man with hatred, "You won't kill me, you need me to birth these demons of yours." James tried to keep his legs shut but the dragon inside him thrashed wildy wanting out. Finally unable to hold back, James legs opened up as he gave a hard push. In one swift moment the dragon forced it's way out of James causing him to scream. Giving a hard push, James forced the dragon out of him and onto the floor, "There take your dragon child!! I'm done with this."
(We can do different breeds of babies if you want.)

The man had gripped the knife that was in his hand. He had slowly moved the blade of the knife away from James's throat. He had growled in anger, throwing down the knife and picking up the second dragon child which was birthed. "I will make you pregnant with as much children I need. You are not done here. Not in the very least!" The man had shouted, bearing his teeth to James.
(How about we do werewolf cubs next? You can pick how many.)

James stared at the man in anger knowing he could try to make a run for it but knew his legs were too weak. Laying there James felt his body collapsing on the bed as sleep over took him. It wasn't long before he was forced awake as the man loomed over him naked once again, his manhood eager to get some business done. Pushing the man out of the way, James rushed past him but only got to the door before he was forced to the table. James tried to struggle but the man held strong tying his arms down.
"It would be wise if you stop struggling and do as I want you too." The man had said with a glare, smirking as his manhood had been indeed eager to enter the struggling man known as James. He had tied the man down to the table, soon shoving his manhood through James's body.

(Okay. And we can do five or ten.:))
James braced himself for what he knew was going to happen, however he still let out a gasp as the mans manhood forced itself into him. Knowing there was nothing he could do against the man just yet, James tried to let his body relax soon finding that it wasn't hurting like the first time. Unable to hold back, James felt his own manhood getting harder as he couldn't hold back the plead, "Ohh shit...I'm going cum!!"
The man had smirked, reaching out to stroke James's hardening manhood. He had chuckled, having his slave right where he had wanted him. He had thrusted harder and faster inside of James's entrance, still stroking James's manhood while he had gotten closer to his own climax. He had leaned in, kissing James's neck and his chest as well.
James shut his eyes hating the feeling of the man thrusting into him as well as touching his manhood that was getting harder by the minute. Feeling the mans lips on his neck, James tried to jerk away not wanting to feel his touch. As the man kept touching his manhood, James couldn't help but moan as his body shook until he felt his climax come, causing him to cry out.
The older man had smirked, licking James's neck and stroking his manhood. He had soon thrusted harder and faster while moaning louder and louder. He had smiled, having his prey who was his slave right where he had wanted him to be. Soon he had climaxed and had collapsed beside his slave, panting and then falling into a deep slumber.
James tried to keep his mouth shut but soon the moans escaped him as his captive kept thrusting into him until once again, James felt the man climax into him. Feeling him collapse beside him, James managed to pull himself off of the man, but couldn't go far since his hands were still bound. Trying to sleep James soon woke up crying in pain as his stomach began growling large just as before.
The man had smirked, embracing his man close to him. He had slept for a while, soon awakening to the man crying out in pain because of his stomach growing in size. He had gotten up, gently rubbing his slave's swelling stomach to try to get the pains to stop for a while but it seemed to only make them worse and worse. He was tired but he was much too restless now to simply fall back asleep.
James laid there crying out in pains as his stomach kept growing. When the man awoke to help him, it seemed to only make the pains worse as he pushed his hands away. Curling his hands around his stomach, James soon was able to relax as his stomach stopped growing but was then moving with active life. Feeling multiply claws touching his skin, James looked at the man in horror, "What are they?"
The man had crossed his arms across his chest, sighing as he had spoken about what was growing next in James's swollen stomach. "The babies are werewolves. And each will be quite large." He had gotten off of the bed, looking down at James's stomach. He was proud that his children had grown large and healthy.
James could barely register what the man had just said before he felt a pressure causing him to gasp. Spreading his legs on the bed, James gasped as a gush of water came out of him, "Oooooo." James moaned feeling the werewolf babies inside him each eager to get out, as they were fighting to be first.

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