Closed The Enchanted pregnancy closed with gavida
Naomi followed behind wondering why he ft so strange when it came to drau hed never felt anything like it
      we are all alicorns on the inside!
Dray and Naomi flew for at least half and hour then landed at a small clearing. he then took Naomi by the hand and they passed through a force field to find a small cottage

"this is the family safe house welcome"

Dray escorted Naomi in to find the house much larger on the inside
"Wow!" his eye whent wide as he took in his surondings "so big"
      we are all alicorns on the inside!
"Well its yours to use for the next few months until your time comes" Dray smiles and motions Naomi in
Naomi steps inside ( wanna time skip to about 6 months)
      we are all alicorns on the inside!
(sure you can start that part)
Naoi had spent three happy months with dray his belly was now swollen to the size of a basket ball he had to have drays help to stand up and the child moved alot. "Dray i need help up my bladers a tramploine right now" naomi said smiling
      we are all alicorns on the inside!
Dray smiled and used some magic to lift Naomi up and get him to his feet 

"i swear most of my magic is being used just to help you to the bathroom now go on i have a surprise for you"
Naomi walked to the bathroom smiling. About five minutes later he came back and gently lowered himself onto the couch stroking he stomache
      we are all alicorns on the inside!
Dray handed over a box and gave it to Naomi 

"here you go open it up"  (its a blanket)
Naomi opened it smiling tears coming to his eyes "its butifil dray thank you" naomi smiled up warmly
      we are all alicorns on the inside!
"ive been making it since we got here no magic at all so it took time" he smiled at his work "you can wrap the baby up in it when you deliver and no worries i have it all worked it for delivery"
Naomi and dray hadnt had any encouters of warth except the ocasinal hug and tender stroke. and though naomi knew it was wrong he wanted to feel loved again. every hug left his heart bleeding painfuly for more than just that. He wanted dray but there was no way that would ever happen. Naomi knew that and it was killing him inside. He didnt want to be alone but even with dray around he felt emptyer with every hug and stroke. His heart was breaking and he could bearly bear it anymore. He knew a prefnant fae like him with a child that wasnt his and a king of all things was wrong on so many leveles but so was the ache inside of him the wanted more. He didnt want dray to be anyone but his but reality was never going to allow ir
      we are all alicorns on the inside!
Naomi looked up and daked a yawn saying he was tired and was going to rest a bit
      we are all alicorns on the inside!
"i have a second gift for you" Dray handed over a second box this time much smaller "go on then open it" (this one is a diamond ring)
Naomi opened it nearly made him faint "w-what" naomi fumbled for words
      we are all alicorns on the inside!
"so will you marry me then" Dray asked smiling harder than ever
Naomi sqealed with delight "oh yes" he leaned in kissing dray only stoping when a very hard kik to his insides resulted in a painful jolt in his middle causing him to make a sruched face
      we are all alicorns on the inside!
"so thats a yes from you and the baby i knew you were the one for me the second i met you"
Naomi blushed deep terquiose covering his cheeks with his hands "and iv gfelt the same but what about you kingdom your people there are still many left they must be worried how will you explain and what if they dont respect you becuse of me
      we are all alicorns on the inside!

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