Just one night ( closed)
Ryan shook his head " no you didn't it is not mine kade! You've been sleeping around get out!" Ryan yelled
Kade was surprised at the words that his beloved Ryan had spoken. He felt as though his beating heart was being ripped out and stepped upon. He approached Ryan, trying to get through to him while embracing him. "Ryan .. I have not been sleeping around. You were my first."
Ryan pushed him hard. He was angry not wanting to believe the child was his,so he lied to himself. " it's not mine get out kade! Go! Your a whore just go!"
Kade gasped as he was shoved out the door, he felt tears burn in his eyes and stream down his face as he was tossed aside like trash. He wanted to defend his loyalty to Ryan but he had no words left to say.
Ryan went to take a long hot shower and think about things he felt horrible about how he treated kade but having a child scared him.
Kade ventured the long way to his family's home where he told them about what had happened. Becoming enraged by the news they had heard they pushed him away and just like that he was without a home to live in.
Kade was forced to live on the street and quickly became weak and sick he had to steal food or find it in the trash the pregnancy was making him ill and living on the street didn't help

Kade had became so desperate for food that he had stolen from nearby people when they weren't looking. He found himself hating Ryan and his parents with each passing day. As time passed on his stomach began to become massive and movements were harder to manage with the baby weighing him down.
Half the food Kade stole or found he ended up puking it back up. The pregnancy took a tool on him making him sick and pale. The baby growed but kade seemed to shrink into skin and bones except for his rounded belly. One day Ryan saw kade on the street he almost didn't recognize him. Kade was so pale and skinny. Ryan stared at him awhile then knelt beside him " Kade?"
Kade groaned as he began to throw up the meal that he consumed earlier. He leaned heavily against the wall of an alley he took refuge in, sitting against a nearby metal trashcan while panting. As his name was questioned he turned his head weakly, taking in a familiar person. "Ryan? .." He said, his thin voice seemed to crack and weaken.
Ryan kneeled down taking kades hand. " what happened to you? Your so pale and skin and bones. It's freezing out here" Ryan said and took off his coat putting it on kade " come back to my apartment with me please?"
Kade wanted to explain about what had happened when he returned to his parents home but he had no strength to. He was used to the cold and bitterness that he had been subjected to by them and Ryan. He was too weak to move and needed Ryan to help him up to his feet. "Parents kicked me out .. I thought I would never see you again."
Ryan quickly picked him up and held him close. " just relax okay? I'm gonna take you to my apartment get you warmed up and call a doctor. " Ryan was more than worried about kade and mad he let this happened he quickly walked to his apartment.
Kade embraced Ryan close to him as close and tight as he could, taking in the presence of his cologne as he had remembered it quite well. He nodded weakly at Ryan's words, remaining silent while he was carried off to his apartment.
Ryan got kade in the apartment turning on the heat he stripped kade of his wet and dirty clothes and clothed him with his clean ones then he covered kade and blankets and took his hand " rest do you want soup? kade I'm so sorry I let this happen. I'm sorry I kicked you out I was just scared"

Kade was relieved that his chilled and weakened body was warmed by the heat, new clothing and blankets. He nodded at Ryan's words, saving his voice for when it got stronger. "It is alright Ryan. I was scared too. I am so very happy to see you again. I thought that you would leave my life for good." He said softly.
Ryan kissed kades cheek " I'm gonna go get you soup just rest" he left and quickly made kade chicken noodle soup and then held kades hand as he fed it too him and let him drink water.
Kade managed to smile through his weakness, gazing up into Ryan's eyes. He rested upon Ryan's bed, managing to keep down the soup that was offered to him.
Ryan held his hand and fed him the soup " you want a shower? I can help you. Kade how many months are you? How long have you been sick? I hate asking this but do you know if the baby's even alive your skin and bones"

Kade gazed up into Ryan's eyes, opening his mouth each time he was offered a spoonful of soup. "I .. dont know."

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