An Odd Story of Man and Magic. A fantasy RP. (FINISHED)

It seems that the arrival of a new family member had been quite a distraction to the drakes. Astien was outside the cave, sitting in the driver's seat of the carriage, about to leave.

I'm just here for a laugh

"Astien!" Cormac called as he ran out of the cave. "Where are you going?!"

Astien turned toward Cormac. His face wore a smile, but his eyes were sad. "Hello Cormac. I... I'll be honest with you. I can't ask you to choose between me and your family. That's an incredibly selfish thing to do. It isn't safe for me to stay here any longer. I have to leave immediately. Seroteth is close to some colleagues of mine who... Who are very dangerous to me right now. Now that he's seen me as I am..." Astien placed a hand on his belly and stroked it softly. "I have to go, Cormac. I have to try and disappear."

I'm just here for a laugh

"At least stay for a few days," Cormac pleaded. "It was a long trip getting here and you should rest before setting off again."

Astien shook his head. "I can't. I need to leave immediately. I'm sorry, Cormac."

I'm just here for a laugh

"Why...Why did you bring me here then? If it was so dangerous for you to be here, let alone travel?" He grabbed hold of one of the horse's reigns and kept a firm grip.

"Because you needed someone who could help you. You needed Seroteth's help with learning to control your transformations, and everything else that comes with being a drake. I brought you here for you to get that help, and now I have to leave. I have to disappear."

I'm just here for a laugh

"Don't..." Cormac choked. "Don't disappear. Please. Just stay for a while. At least for the night. It's dangerous to traverse a mountain in the dark."

Aston was tearing up. "I don't care. It would be even more dangerous to stay. Seroteth could have Siran here by morning, and Siran would... He..." Astien sniffled. "I won't let them take my baby, Cormac. I won't."

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac bit his lip and racked his brain for a solution. Words wouldn't work. He released the reigns, withdrew his claws and in two swift motions he smashed two of the wheels to the carriage. He stepped back and stared with wide eyes, realizing what he had done. He looked to Astien for a moment before tearing his eyes away. "I can't...I can't let you go, Astien. I'm sorry..." His voice trembled with various emotions. "I know. And I can't...I can't let that happen."

The horses cried out in fear. Astien drew back in terror, and covered his belly. "Cormac..."

With a swift wave of his hand, the ground beneath Cormac rose, entrapping his body. All but his eyes and nose were covered. He could not move, or speak. Astien hopped down from the carriage. He went inside and returned quickly with a bag. He detached the horses from the carriage and mounted one of them. He cast one last look back at Cormac, some sort of sadness in his eyes. Was it regret? Difficult to say. And in an instant, he and the other horse were galloping down the mountain.

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac blinked as tears ran down his face. He tried to move, trying to break from his prison. He took a deep breath and slowly let it out as he tried to get the stone to press into his shoulder. He screamed out in pain as his wings shot out and broke through the stone. He fell to his knees from the pain as the sharp edges had cut into his skin and some bones fractured.

Further and further down the mountain Astien raced. He had no time to stop, no second to spare. His only thought was to reach somewhere safe. But where was safe? In an effort to do good, he had lost a friend, gained an enemy, and revealed himself to one of the most powerful men in the realm. Was there anyone who could help him now? Tears flew from his face and into the air behind him. Finally, he was at the base of the mountain, and running away into the woods.

Seroteth came outside sometime later, and rushed to Cormac's side. "Cormac! What happened?"

I'm just here for a laugh

"I tried, but he got away." He grimaced as his wings twitched, blood oozed form the gashes. He held his head as the world around him started to smudge together. He braced himself against the ground as he tried to stop the spinning. "I didn't know he was so strong..."

Seroteth gathered Cormac into his arms and brought him inside. "There are few things as strong as a mother defending their children. Don't forget that." Seroteth sighed as he bandaged Cormac up. "I feel conflicted. Part of me knows he must be found and restrained... But the other part of
me wants to leave him alone and let him be happy with his baby." He cringed. "How I would hurt anyone who threatened any of my children! I'd kill them all without a single thought!"

(Need sleep. Good night)

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac nodded groggily. "But you said that that thing could destroy our realm...We're all in danger as is Astien. We need to do something." He groaned as he stood up. "I can go after him. I have an idea of where he's going."

"Astien knew the risks when he agreed to carry that creature. I suppose all we can do right now is wait for Siran to arrive so we can formulate a plan."

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac nodded and sat back down. "I'm sorry that I couldn't stop him."

Seroteth shook his head. "He is a friend. Could either of us have stopped him either way?"

I'm just here for a laugh

"Without hurting him or the horses? I doubt it." Cormac flinched and let out a groan as his wings twitched. "I wasn't expecting that though... I guess it'll be a while until I can learn to fly."

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