Hard Days (Closed)
The door opened after a soft knock. "The doctor would like some blood work and an ultrasound. Are you okay with that?" Amanda spoke quietly and calmly.
Will be reducing my time on here in the next few weeks to explore other creative outlets.
Kade did not let it be known but he was fearful of needles. He spoke with a nod, letting the nurse and doctor do what they were trained to do.
She gets a small try from the cabinet. "Had blood drawn or an iv before?" She asks, putting a band around his arm.
Will be reducing my time on here in the next few weeks to explore other creative outlets.
"No." Kade shook his head, keeping his arm still while it was prepped for a shot.
"Okay well, we're going to do it as an iv. I'll draw the blood, then leave a port. That way, if we need to give you medicine or fluids we won't have to stick you again," she explains as she feels for the vein. "Just cleaning," she explains, wiping the spot with alcohol.
Will be reducing my time on here in the next few weeks to explore other creative outlets.
Kade nodded and stayed still, knowing that the nurse was only there to help. He took a breath and swallowed silently, feeling the nurse cleanse his arm with alcohol. "Okay .."
"Little pinch, hold still and breathe through it," she says before placing the needle, and withdrawing it to leave the tiny catheter in place.
Will be reducing my time on here in the next few weeks to explore other creative outlets.
Kade began to quiver slightly, breathing in the way that the nurse had told him to. He kept his arm still with much effort.
"The needle is gone," she said calmly, drawing two tubes of blood. She sets them to the side, and caps off the iv before taping it carefully to his arm.
Will be reducing my time on here in the next few weeks to explore other creative outlets.
Kade was relieved when the iv was finally gone from his arm. He felt the skin of his arm being bandaged.
"That wasn't so bad, was it?" Amanda asked, throwing away the trash. An ultrasound tech arrived and began setting up.
Will be reducing my time on here in the next few weeks to explore other creative outlets.
Kade smiled at the nurse, nodding his head while seeing the untrasond tech place the items that were needed.
"A little cold," she warns before squirting some gel on his belly.
Will be reducing my time on here in the next few weeks to explore other creative outlets.
Kade nodded, laying down upon the hospital bed while waiting for the gel to be placed upon his stomach. He shivered slightly as the gel was squirted upon his stomach.
She places the gel, followed shortly by the wand. "Relax," she says, noticing him tense.
Will be reducing my time on here in the next few weeks to explore other creative outlets.
Kade did what the nurse had said, letting his tensed up body relax against the hospital bed.
She scans for a bit, saving some images for the doctor to review. She hands him a soft towel to wipe the gel off. "I'll be back after consulting with the doctor," Amanda says as they both leave.
Will be reducing my time on here in the next few weeks to explore other creative outlets.
Kade stayed still as the nurse and the doctor did their tasks. He kept himself laying upon the hospital bed, relaxing as the doctor and nurse both left the room.
Amanda returned about twenty minutes later, and sat upon the stool beside the bed. "Well, I have some news."
Will be reducing my time on here in the next few weeks to explore other creative outlets.
Kade sat back up upon the hospital bed, curious about what the nurse was about to say to him. "What is it?" He questioned with abit of worry in his voice.

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