Middle Ages (closed)

Anna gets up, hoping to eat something before the pains worsen.

(Are they going to get a midwife or the doctor? Or just them?)

(It can be just the two of them.)

Kodai stayed asleep upon their bed, not knowing that Anna had gotten up to search for something to eat.


Anna fixed herself some fruit, pausing to breathe through a contraction. She sat down at the table and ate slowly.

Meanwhile .. Kodai was still slumbering soundly in their room for an hour more, still unknowing as to if Anna was in the bed with him.

Anna notices the contractions are every 25 minutes, and decides to wake Kodai so they can walk.

The once slumbering Kodai awakens from his slumber, getting up to his feet and questioning Anna. "Are you alright Anna? .. have the contractions come back?"

"Mmm hmm," she says, taking his hand. "I wanted to get you before I tried walking, in case they got stronger and needed you."

Kodai listened to his beloved Anna speak, nodding while he walked over and stood next to her and gazed into her eyes as one of his hands were held by one of hers.

"Want to go outside to walk? The sun will be coming up soon."

"Yes. I would love to Anna." Kodai nodded once again, smiling while he helped Anna to the front door of the castle.

They begin walking as the sun barely creeps over the horizon. "I am a bit nervous, since it is early," she confesses.

Kodai walked alongside his beloved Anna, keeping one of his arms around the back of her just in case. "I am too but we will make it through this."

"We should talk about names," she laughs before stopping for a contraction.

"I agree." Kodai smiled at Anna when she mentioned about names, nodding while he agreed with her. He rubbed her backside as he stopped beside her and helped her through the contraction.

Anna is still able to just breathe through them. As they begin walking again, she speaks. "I really do think it's a girl, and I like Grace," she smiles.

Kodai was relieved that Anna had no trouble breathing through the contractions. He smiled as he listened to her speak about what name she wanted. "Grace sounds like a beautiful name."

"You pick her middle name," she smiles.

"Angelina." Kodai smiled at Anna, rubbing her stomach ever so gently with one of his hands.

"I love it. Ooohh," she stops for a contraction.

Kodai smiled for a while, stopping beside Anna and rubbing her backside from time to time when she stops to breathe through contractions.

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11-15-2019, 01:27 AM

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