Closed Arbitrary (Closed with 018Luxio)
With the next few contractions, Bucky pushed as hard as he could, not taking breaks in between and shutting his eyes tightly as he yelled in agony as the baby slowly but surely slipped past his opening. The release of pressure was only slightly relieving and Bucky reached a shaky hand down to feel at the head of the baby. "It needs to come out," he cried tiredly, pushing again as another contraction came.
Steve carefully reaches down to cradle the head of the baby, helping to ease it out as Bucky continues to push. It takes a minute or two for Steve to work the shoulders out, them momentarily getting stuck. Steve works them out before grabbing the towel and cleaning the baby off after he cuts the cord.
Finally relieved when the last baby was out, Bucky collapsed back against the wall, his body just about ready to shut down. He knew Hydra would take care of the baby so he didn't have to worry about feeding it or anything; with half-lidded eyes, Bucky grunted as he struggled to move into a better position, but his whole being felt too weak to do much of anything at that moment. His broken tailbone was causing him the most pain now, and his face seemed to drain of any color as he tried to keep awake until Hydra came in.
Steve wraps the baby up in the towel before holding it in the crook of his arm before he moves to drape Bucky's arm over his shoulder before pulling him away from the door as gently as he could. After moving Bucky out of the way he carefully sits down, his arm tightening around the baby for a second. It was another girl, also having a resemblance to Bucky.

When the scientists finally came in Bucky was laying his head on Steve's leg, Steve tightening his hold on the baby as he stared the scientists down.
Bucky felt like he was half asleep, in that lethargic grey area where he could barely make out what was happening around him but was still conscious ether way to see it all and hear it all. When the scientists came in, Bucky glanced up at them through blurry vision as one of them reached forward to take the baby from Steve. "Let them have it," he mumbled quietly, just barely above a whisper. They couldn't take care of it here, and with Bucky slowly coming down from the effect of the trigger words, his body too tired to handle much of anything, he didn't care what even happened at that point.
"I want to see the other one" Steve stares the scientists down, holding the baby tighter. "Then we'll see about letting you have her" He reaches his other hand out to lightly run it through Bucky's hair. They all simply stand there for a minute or two, Steve not wavering.
"Please, Steve," he says exhausted, "they need to take her..." Bucky reaches up to touch Steve's arm, and one of the scientists frowns. "The other one is under watch," he starts, "and we cannot remove her from where she is currently located; being stuck during labor so long has put her in critical condition." He holds his arms out again. "So if you'd please... Unless you want to risk the life of this one as well?"
Steve stares at him for a minute or two "I'll take her, you show me where, after you get him taken care of" He glances down at Bucky before looking back at the scientist. "Deal?"
Bucky wasn't in the mood to listen to Steve argue with the scientists, so he closed his eyes and it took no longer than a few minutes for him to fall into a deep sleep, his body tired from the hours of exertion earlier. The scientist clicked his tongue and made a motion with his hand and one guard came in and picked Bucky up, turning to take him to the same room the other baby was in. "This way," the scientist motioned to Steve to follow. "Don't try anything funny, wouldn't want anything to happen to our babies."
"As long as you don't" Steve stands, following behind the scientists, his eyes kept on Bucky while he also casts quick glances around the facility seeing what he could see.
Bucky was set down on a hospital-like bed in the same room with the previously born twin of whom was hooked up to different tubes and whatnot; she seemed to be okay, mostly just pale looking. The scientists took care of Bucky, allowing Steve to see the other child if he wished. They knew he wouldn't act out of order with Bucky around or the newborns, so they weren't too worried. Bucky's eyes drifted open lazily, and he took a breath in as an IV was inserted into his flesh arm. His gaze flitted towards the first girl born, eyeing her contentedly before he glanced back to Steve. "You've seen her," the same scientist spoke again, "now let us help the one you hold."
"What's going to happen to them?" Steve turns to the scientist, tightening his hold on the baby for a second before passing the baby off to a scientist with outstretched arms as he turns to the one who had just spoken. His eyes momentarily drfiting to Bucky to ensure that he was still okay.
"Nothing that you should worry over," the scientist said simply, making sure the others hooked up the other baby properly. It would be years until they could do anything of use with them so for now they had to take care of them. "This is a lovely room, isn't it?" The group of scientists shuffled out and the last followed. "You'll be staying here while we decide what to do with you both." The door was once again locked behind them and they were left in a dimly lit room with the two babies.
Steve stares at the door for a minute or two before making his way over to Bucky. Steve lightly runs his hand over Bucky's forehead moving some hair from his face. Steve stands there for a few minutes before finally looking around the room.
"So," he began weakly, shifting a little on the bed. They'd put some kind of pillow under where his tailbone had broken. There was no fast way for it to heal. He'd just have to wait it out. Walking was going to be a bitch, let alone trying to run. "How're we getting out of this place?" Bucky's voice was a whisper, but the problem worried him greatly and was one reason he was struggling to stay awake. "I can't really... run."
"We'll worry about that when your healed" Steve turns to look at him once again "I know you don't want to be here, but I'll be right here with you" Steve gives him a small smile before lightly running his fingers through Bucky's hair once again. "Have you ever seen any of them after they were born?" He knew the subject was probably touchy, but if they were being trained as soldiers surely they had to be kept somewhere, at least until they were old enough and could be trained.
Bucky sighed softly, flexing his fingers as he listened to Steve speak. "I don't know," he started, a frown curling the corners of his lips downwards. "Probably. There's probably some who are my age now, biologically twenty or so but... y'know, the serum messes that up." They'd been breeding him since the forties, some of his kids were probably older than him, technically speaking. He's no doubt trained some of them in the last not even knowing they were his.
Steve nods slowly before glancing over at the incubators the girls were in, just staring at them for a few minutes before sighing. "After seeing everything, being there when they were born, being the first person to actually hold them.....I honestly don't think I can willingly walk out of here without them." He glances back at Bucky "I'm not saying that I'd....we'd be able to raise them, that will probably never be possible, until a very long time from now, and who knows if we'll even be alive then. I just can't see myself leaving them here to be trained as killers or kept to be breeders"
"Where are they going to go then," he queried softly, his eyes flickering towards the two babies in the incubators. "We can't take care of them, your team probably can't take care of them... It's either Hydra, or living life in foster homes." Bucky shook his head. Hydra would use them for their own personal gains, and while foster homes weren't perfect, they certainly seemed better than this place. "Take 'em back, give them to foster care. At least they'll get a home then." If Bucky had the right materials and energy and everything else, he might think about raising them, but he knew they'd have a better time with a normal family, one that wasn't Hydra, or himself, or the rest of those Avengers.
"I know someone who can see that they end up in a good place, they're newborns, they have a good chance" They both fall into silence then, Bucky eventually giving into sleep, Steve spending the remainder of his time watching over both Bucky and the girls.

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