An Odd Story of Man and Magic. A fantasy RP. (FINISHED)

"That's odd." Astien said. "Not a single speck of ice or electricity, only a spark of primal mana, but fire... That's very strange." He shrugged. "Well, I suppose it won't do us any good to obsess over it. We can figure it out later. I'm going to the bathhouse. Wanna come?"

I'm just here for a laugh

"Sure," Cormac said as he extinguished his flame. "It's been a few days since my last bath anyway."

Down in the bathhouse, visitors and employees bustled about. There were many rooms wherein a bath was located for each group of customers. The majority of employees seemed to be wearing the skimpy uniform variety. Cormac and Astien were led to a room, and left to undress.

As Astien lowered himself into the warm water, he couldn't suppress a moan of pleasure. "Oh, that feels so good." Even his baby agrees, as it kicked and squirmed inside of him, excited by the new sensation.

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac nodded and sighed happily as he eased himself in to the hot water. He undid his braid and dipped his head under the water for a few minutes before coming up.

Two attendants came into the room, carrying lotions, salts, and even an ice bucket with wine. "Could I have a massage?" Astien asked. One of them nodded, and set to the task with an ample amount of lavender scented lotions.

"Can I interest either of you gentlemen in some wine?" The other asked. Astien placed his hands on his belly and simply raised his eyebrow at the man, as though to ask if he was serious. "Er," he turned to Cormac. "Could I interest YOU in some fine wine?"

I'm just here for a laugh

"Sure," Cormac said.

"Wait, he's too young." Astien interrupted.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize." The attendant picked up the ice bucket and wine and exited the room.

"I'm sorry Cormac, but until we figure out you're age, well..."

I'm just here for a laugh

"Ug!" Cormac groaned. "Really? I've had wine before, you know."

Astien looked sheepishly at Cormac. "I'm sorry, Cormac, but it just doesn't seem riiiiiight there, oh yes, right there." He went from looking sheepish to completely derlirious as his masseuse hit just the right spots.

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac huffed and started scrubbing at his hair.

"Oh, this feels so good. Cormac, you HAVE TO GET A MASSAGE. This is Faye's embrace, right here."

I'm just here for a laugh

"I guess I could get a message," Cormac said as he rinsed out his hair and pushed it back so that it was out of his face. "I've never had one before."

Astien's masseuse whistled, and in came another man, with a bottle of lovely lavender scented lotion. He put some in his hands and began massaging Cormac's back as he sat in the bath. "You've quite a few knots here."

"So does this one." Astien's said.

"Don't worry, we'll have you both relaxed and stress-free, that's a guarantee!"

I'm just here for a laugh

(What do you think a half-drake would be capable of transformation wise? Obviously Cormac might not be capable of being a full fledged drake, but what other possibilities are there?)

Cormac closed his eyes as his masseuse worked the knots out of his muscles.

(That's an interesting question because I've never actually had a half drake character. Maybe he'll just grow the wings and claws? I don't know.)

"Oh, I knew it was a good idea to come here." Astien moaned.

I'm just here for a laugh

(Wings, claws, and his pupils can disappear?)

Cormac nodded and wiggled as his shoulder blades itched. He flexed his hands. "Ack!" He hissed as something sharp poked his skin. He glanced down at his hands and saw that his nails had sharpened. He kept his hands under the water and out of sight.

Astien looked over at Cormac with a concerned look on his face. "Are you alright? What's wrong?"

I'm just here for a laugh

"No-nothing. He just dug into a tough spot." Cormac said. "It's nothing really."

Astien looked at Cormac skeptically. "Cormac, I work with kids around your age group all the time. I know when someone's dodging. What's wrong?"

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac gasped as the masseuse dug into a spot nu his neck and wings appeared and flew outward, nearly spreading the width of the room.

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