Middle Ages (closed)

"It shall be difficult to trust this stranger with our baby," she says quietly as they walk.

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"It is alright. I will make sure that he doesn't do anything wrong to our daughter. I promise." Kodai said to Anna with a slight smile.

"How much further?' Anna asks, feeling Mariah become weaker and quieter in her arms.

Will be reducing my time on here in the next few weeks to explore other creative outlets.

"It is up this road. We are almost there." Kodai led Anna to the magician's store, keeping his eyes set to Mariah while his worry grew. Soon they were both at the store, walking inside and being greeted by a young but skilled man. "Hello to you. I am Michael."

"I am Anna, and this is little Mariah," she says taking Kodai's hand nervously.

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Kodai was also very nervous but he tried his very best not to show it. The magician smiled at Anna and Kodai, speaking with a questioning voice. "May I hold her? .. I promise to heal her so that she will be able to nurse. The process takes no more than a minute."

Anna slowly nodded and passed the limp child to him.

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Gently the magician known as Michael had held one of his hands out, taking ahold of the baby and swaying his hand over her while chanting a spell that would cause her fever to fade and her hunger to grow. When he was done he placed the baby back into Anna's arms. The baby began to open her eyes, smiling and cooing up at her mother while her fever gradually went away.

"Hi baby," Anna smiles as their weary daughter opened her eyes. She stroked her fine hair softly.

Will be reducing my time on here in the next few weeks to explore other creative outlets.

The young baby had smiled and gazed up at her mother, giggling and cooing to her. She reached up with her hands, taking ahold of her shirt abit.

"What do we owe for saving our baby?' Anna asked.

Will be reducing my time on here in the next few weeks to explore other creative outlets.

"You owe me nothing. I am glad that I could be of service to you daughter." Michael said with a smile.

"No please," Anna insists. "You don't know how sick she was," she says.

Will be reducing my time on here in the next few weeks to explore other creative outlets.

"Hmm? .. well if you insist." Michael spoke, thinking to himself before answering. "You can give me a bag of gold."

Anna looked to Kodai, knowing they do not have that much.

Will be reducing my time on here in the next few weeks to explore other creative outlets.

Kodai reached into his pocket and took out a small bag of gold. He handed intot Michael who gladly accepted the small offer. "Nice doing business with you. Any amount is enough."

"Thank you for your help sir," Anna said, stepping outside.

Will be reducing my time on here in the next few weeks to explore other creative outlets.

Michael the magician smiled and bowed his head to Anna and Kodai. Kodai stepped outside alongside Anna before walking back up the street toward the castle beside her. He was glad that their daughter was finally in positive health.

Mariah keeps grabbing at Anna's shirt. "We're almost home honey," she says, patting her little hand.

Will be reducing my time on here in the next few weeks to explore other creative outlets.

Mariah smiled and placed her head against Anna's chest. Kodai smiled as he followed beside Anna into the castle and into their room.

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