An Odd Story of Man and Magic. A fantasy RP. (FINISHED)

Seroteth's mouth went agape as he covered it. A tear rolled down his cheek. All of the drakes in the room were looking at Cormac.
Seroteth was groping for words.

"You... You're.. You must be Dengen's son."

I'm just here for a laugh

"Dengen?" Cormac's voice cracked. "Is...Is he here? Is Dengen here?"

Drake-Father's face fell. He looked heartbroken. "I wish he was. My poor Dengen died years ago." Seroteth put a hand on Cormac's shoulder and guides him into another room. "Come with me, I'll tell you the story. Astien, you wait here."
Astien nodded.

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac blinked back tears and followed Seroth into the room.

Seroteth sat Cormac on a lovely plush sofa, and sat on one opposite his. He wiped away a few stray tears as he told the tale.

"My poor son. My sweet Dengen. He always loved the Green Valleys. Said the region was full of a certain nature you couldn't find anywhere else. He used to paint lovely paintings of the landscape. He also felt the people were strong and proud."

"One day, I realize that as of late, he'd been taking any excuse he could get to head back there for any extended time. I figured he had a sweetheart there, so I allowed it. He was very shy on the topic, though. He didn't come right out and say it. But when he came home from one of his trips, he was always so happy. His paintings had a special, new beauty to them. I knew he was in love, but he was so shy on the matter. He never admitted it."

I'm just here for a laugh

"He...He loved my mum?" Cormac stared at the ground as he took it all in. "Then why didn't he stay!?" He didn't mean to shout, but he couldn't hold it back.

"Drakes are called upon to do much by the dragons. There's always something that must be taken care of. Dengen was always proud to be called upon for such important work. We were created to serve the dragons, you know. He felt that ignoring his duties would be tantamount to ignoring that he was even alive. I asked him once, 'Dengen, if there's someplace you'd rather be, I can give your work to someone else.' And that was what he told me."

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac trembled as he began crying. He couldn't muster up any words through his sobs. He was sad, happy, and furious all at once.

Seroteth lifted himself from the sofa he sat on and sat next to Cormac. He took his grandson into his arms and let him cry against his chest.

I'm just here for a laugh

"How...How did it happen?" Cormac croaked. "Mum got sick...That's how she...That's how she died..."

"Dengen received some news one day that seemed to trouble him. That was when he finally came to me and explained everything. How he'd met your mother, what she did for a living... And finally that she'd borne his son. He begged me to overlook her profession, and travel with him to meet his son, so I could give my blessing and officially invite her to move to Dragonperch. I said yes without a moments thought, and we left immediately after."

"As we flew, he told me that she had relocated, since she feared what her neighbors would do if they found out she had given birth to a half-blood. He couldn't tell me where, though. She had given him directions, but he was unsure of her new location himself. And then... And then..."

I'm just here for a laugh

"What? What happened?"

Seroteth's eyes filled with tears. "We flew into a storm, a horrible whirlwind. I told Dengen we needed to stop and wait it out, but he was determined to get to you as soon and physically possible. I thought, if one of my children had been born without me, I would be just as anxious to get to them, so I foolishly went along with him. Such a stupid thing for me to do." The tears overflowed and cascaded down his face. "If I had been more forceful, if I had made him stop, you would have had your father, and I would still have my son."

"The winds roses us about. Dengen was so certain we could fly through it. It threw us against a mountain. I broke my leg, but Dengen..." Seroteth was sobbing, but he forced his tears not to get in the way of his word. "Dengen's head was dashed against the rocks."

I'm just here for a laugh

"He...He wanted to see me?" Cormac muttered. "All this time...I just thought the wanted nothing to do with me..."

"Of course he wanted to see you. He wanted to see you so badly, it was all he spoke of as we flew. He kept throwing out name after name, trying to figure out what he should call you. Your poor mother, she probably thought he had abandoned her." Seroteth wiped away his tears.

Astien stood in the doorway, careful not to be seen.

I'm just here for a laugh

"She thought he didn't want anything to do with me. It's not not uncommon in her line of work."

"Maybe." Seroteth sighed. "But it couldn't be further from the truth."

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac nodded and wiped away tears. "Thank you. For telling me about my dad." He sighed and tried to smile. "I guess they're together now..."

Seroteth hugged Cormac tightly. "I tried to find you. I truly did. I pray you can forgive me."

I'm just here for a laugh

"I can't blame you for what happened. At least now I know he tried."

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