An Odd Story of Man and Magic. A fantasy RP. (FINISHED)

When Cormac found that Astien had not yet returned to the inn he took a set of the winter clothes he had bought for the man and one of the horses and set off to find him. The innkeeper mentioned where Astien was possibly headed so he figured to try that direction first.

Astien shivered as he walked down the street. The hour had grown late, and he still had a few appointments left. He made his way toward the market, where one of the shopkeeper's kids needed to be treated for typhus. He had hoped he wasn't actually getting any of his patients sick. That would be unforgivable. He shuddered as he neared his destination.

I'm just here for a laugh

"Astien!" Cormac called out as he spotted the man in the market place. He pulled the horse up and hopped off. He pulled a heavy, fur-lined cloak from his bag and quickly wrapped it around the man. "I've been looking everywhere for you." He pulled the hood up around his employer's head. "Geeze, you look pale."

"I've got a lot of people to see." Astien said sheepishly. He pulled the cloak tightly around his ice cold body, shivering.

I'm just here for a laugh

"And what? Spread your cold? I don't think so." Cormac stated. Despite Astien's objections, Cormac got the man onto the horse and brought him back to the inn where he drew a warm bath and basically locked Astien in the bathroom while he ordered a large helping of soup and a pot of herbal tea. While he waited for Astien to finish his bath he tried looking for a herbal remedy for Astien's ailment.

(Check this out. :D)

(Furiously crying tears of joy whilst simultaneously squeeing)

Astien resignedly sat in the bath. He would have to see those last few patients later. He could only hope they could forgive him for being so late. At least the baby was moving again. It had been quiet for the better part of the day. Probably too cold to move. He sighed as he cradled his belly. "I'm sorry." He said quietly."

Meanwhile, who should appear at the window but Thorne. "There you are!" He called cheerily. He climbed into the room and tousled Cormac's hair. "I've been wondering where you are."

I'm just here for a laugh

"I've been doing errands and searching for my boss in this snow," Cormac said as he closed the book he was reading. "Why were you looking for me, anyway? I told you last night was my last night."

"What can I say? Ya grew on me. Anyway, you said you were hard up for cash, so I come bearing an idea for money." He flopped onto Astien's bed. "So who wa that pregnant guy? Is he your baby mama?"

I'm just here for a laugh

"No, he's my employer," Cormac said simply. "I'm like his bodyguard and assistant. What is this idea of yours?"

Thorne grinned. "Gen Bistro on second has this challenge they've been promoting for a while now. No one's ever done it, though. Not one person has successfully completed it, and these days no one even tries it anymore. They keep increasing the prize, but no one's done it yet. From what you've told me of your friend, he's got quite an appetite."

Astien called from the bathroom. "Cormac? Cormac is someone out there?"

I'm just here for a laugh

"It's just housekeeping," Cormac said. He motioned for Thorne to join him in the hall. He unbarricaded the bathroom door. "There's hot soup and tea out here for you when you're done." Once Thorne was out in the hall, he closed the room's door behind him. "He does have an appetite, but I don't think he's well enough to take the challenge right now. How big is this prize you speak of?"

"About 500 last time I checked, but it may have gone up since then. After all, no one else has been able to take on.... The Ultimate Sandwich."

I'm just here for a laugh

"A sandwich challenge?" Cormac stroked his chin as he thought. "The meal's free if he completes it right? He should be well enough to take it in a few days at least. If I can manage to keep him from going out for a bit." He smiled as he gave a short nod. "Thanks for letting me know, Thorne. 500 should last us a bit while we're on the road."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, you don't want to know anything else? Cus they're not kidding when they call it the Ultimate Sandwich."

I'm just here for a laugh

"What else is there?" Cormac asked.

Thorne smiled, and began reciting the facts as dramatically as he could. Practically singing. "Five feet high and three feet wide, no one's ever eaten the whole thing and survived. It comes with a bucket of ranch on the side. It's the Ultimate Sandwich. The ULTIMATE Sandwich." he turned away. "Its taste could drive a lesser man insane. It's served on wheat bread made from thirty thousand separate grains. It was made by a demon in his kitchen of PAIN. It's the Ultimate Sandwich. The ULTIMATE Sandwich."

I'm just here for a laugh

(If you can figure out what I'm referencing, you will get a cookie.)

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac chuckled. "I'm pretty sure Astien can handle it. If not, then I guess I'll just have to work another night or so. Thanks for letting me know." He shook Thorne's hand. "Do you want some tea before you head back to the club? It's rather cold out."

(Um... "Regular Show"? XD It seems familiar)

Thorne shook his head. "I saw some poor bastard take the challenge once. He was throwing up before he was even half way." He turned to leave. "Thanks for the offer, but no thanks. The cold just gets my nipples ready." He walked away. "Come visit me before you leave. I'm giving you pole dancing lessons." He turned a corner and was gone.

Inside the room, Astien had exited the bathroom, wrapped in a big fluffy bathrobe. He was drinking the tea, and rubbing his belly. The soup was already gone. Astien had had better, but it was passable. His baby was squirming around inside him. He smiled at the sensation.

I'm just here for a laugh

"Feeling any better?" Cormac asked as he came back into the room. He poured himself a cup of tea and sat in the chair with the book he was skimming earlier.

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