An Odd Story of Man and Magic. A fantasy RP. (FINISHED)

The elf smiled at the sight of another person to speak with. "Why hello, miss." One of his eyes was blackened, and as he stood up, he limped over to Wyn and Cormac. He took Wyn's hand and kissed it. "What brings you two this way? Not many people remember these roads anymore."

I'm just here for a laugh

"We're heading to a cottage in the mountain valleys," Wyn said. Cormac helped Astien out of the carriage. "We just need to get away and relax for a while. What brings you to these roads?"

The elf shrugged. "Just wandering."

Astien looked at this person in front of him. "Hold on one second. Let me heal you." The elf shook his head. "I'm sorry, but I couldn't pay you back."

"That's okay. I won't ask for payment."
The elf looked surprised. "Oh. Well, then yea, please heal me, sir." He watched as Astien healed his leg and eye. "That feels good! Thank you so much, sir. I can't pay you with money, but I can give you a song." Astien smiled. "That sounds lovely." He said.

The elf began playing his guitar. The notes sounded melancholy and lonely, like one was set adrift at sea, surrounded by a great emptiness and nothingness. And yet, they also sounded hopeful.

"Someday, I'm gonna be all the rage.
Someday, I'm gonna capture center stage.
Some way, another time another age.
But okay, the rest of my life starts today."

I'm just here for a laugh

Wyn squeezed Cormac's hand and kissed him. Cormac smiled and pulled Wyn into a graceful dance.
"When did you learn to dance?" Wyn giggled.
"A friend taught me."

The elf smiled at the young lovers dancing. Astien smiled as well, but his seemed rather sad. Perhaps the words were hitting too close to home, or perhaps the lonely tone of the notes was reminding of how isolated he felt, even though he was around others.

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac smiled and dipped Wyn as they concluded their dance. Wyn pecked his cheek with a kiss before going into the carriage to bring out their lunch. Cormac huffed and sat down with the elf and Astien. Wyn soon returned with some fish stuffed with vegetables and seasoning.
"I hope you like it. I tried to replicate that one food vendor Cormac loved while we were kids."

The elf thanked the three profusely as they let him join them for food. "This looks delicious. Don't think I've had a meal like this in quite a while." Astien ate his food slowly as he stared off into space, his eyes glazed over.

I'm just here for a laugh

"I've had my fair share traveling alone," Cormac said. "I try to make it a point to help those who need it." He bit into the fish. It was dry and over seasoned and the vegetables were nearly burn. He smiled as he swallowed it. "It's delicious, Wyn. Wish I could have it every day."
Wyn smiled and turned her attention to Astien. She hadn't known him long, but she worried for him. "What's your favorite dish, Astien?"

Astien's eyes dilated as he was pulled back to reality. "Oh, me? Well, ever since I became pregnant, I've wanted lots of meat. And spicy, hot things. And chocolate, I love chocolate."

I'm just here for a laugh

Wyn smiled. "When we get to the cottage I'll make a dinner with all of those and Cormac can teach me how to hunt." She nudged Cormac with her elbow. "It'll be a feast."
Cormac smiled and nodded. "Sounds like a good idea to me."
Wyn looked to the elf. "You're free to join us if you want. Our carriage might be a little cramped with the four of us, but we'll make it work."

The elf laughed and shook his head. "I appreciate the offer, but I need to find something, and be somewhere else. If we ever cross paths again, maybe I'll take you up on that then. But for now, I thank you for everything." The elf stood up and bowed. "Thank you. I hope I do see you again some day." He gathered up his things and walked off.

I'm just here for a laugh

"May the stars watch over you," Wyn called after him with a smile.
Once they had finished eating Wyn helped Astien into the carriage and Comac took his place in the seat and got the carriage moving. Wyn heated up some water and placed some soothing herbs into it. She placed the pot at Astien's feet. "Here, your feet must be sore from carrying all that weight around." After Astien soaked his feet for a while she took to messaging them.

"Oh, that feels good. Thank you."

I'm just here for a laugh

Wyn smiled and continued to message Astien's feet. "Is something bothering you, Astien? You seem rather depressed lately. Is it because I joined you?"

"Well, no. I mean, it certainly complicates things, but... What am I saying, thats not it. It's just, so many things have been going on, and, and, and I don't know..." He sighed. "I just... I'm not... Oh, it's impossible to put into words, why do I even bother."

I'm just here for a laugh

"If some thing is bothering you, just say so. Cormac is worried about you. He tried not to show it, but he does." She began to dry Astien's feet. "I know my presence here has complicated things. Cormac told what's going on and I can understand why you two are so on edge." She touched Astien's hand that rested on his belly and gave it a squeeze. "Things get worse before they get better. Moira always said that, even when she was dying of illness. Cormac loves you, Astien, in a father-son sort of way, but he loves you none-the-less."

Astien sighed. He couldn't think of anything else to say.

I'm just here for a laugh

A few days passed and they made it to a small village and just outside of it was the cottage. It was covered in dust and cobwebs, but it didn't faze Wyn and she immediately took to cleaning the bedrooms and smacking the dust out of the mattresses, rugs and other furniture. Cormac took to cleaning the kitchen and common areas. After many hours of work the house was acceptable and Wyn took to the kitchen and started preparing a large meal. Cormac stood out on the deck and took in a deep breath. It felt nice to settle down for a while and have a larger living space. His thoughts wandered back to Astien and his child as well as his concern for them. Astien had been quiet the past few days, only engaging in minimal conversation with either him or Wyn. Maybe returning home was a mistake.

Astien sat on the bed he had been given. His hands rested upon his belly, and he was staring off into space. The bat was sitting on his head. He wasn't sure why he drifted off so much these days. But he felt like he was drowning. Every day his baby didn't move, he felt a little more sure it was dead inside of him. Every time he was around Cormac and Wyn when they shared a kiss or held hands or had a tender moment, the more awkward he felt, like an unnecessary third wheel. Like he would die alone. A tear fell from his unmoving eye.

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac sat in one of the wicker chairs on the porch and looked to the sky for any sort of answer.

"I brought you some chocolate pudding," Wyn said as she entered Astien's room after knocking politely. "I put some hot pepper flakes in it." She placed the large bowl on the bedside table and then put down a smaller one filled with slices of fruit for the bat. She stood and looked at Astien. He seemed so empty and lonely and she didn't know what to do. Things seemed strained between Cormac and Astien ever since she joined them and she didn't know what to do to fix it.

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