An Odd Story of Man and Magic. A fantasy RP. (FINISHED)


"Well? What is it?"

Astien breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh thank gods. It's negative. You're likely just going through a difficult period." He whipped up a quick potion at the desk and gave it to her, and patted her on the back. "Here, drink this. It should help with the nausea. And for the love of Faye, START. USING. PROTECTION."

I'm just here for a laugh

Wyn nodded and hugged Astien. "Please don't tell Cormac about this. I don't need him freaking out on me. I'll make sure we're more careful from now on."

Astien nodded. "Okay. But I'm holding you to that promise. You're both to young to be parents." As Wyn walked away, Astien realized he'd use the last of Siran's beto stalk on the potion for Wyn. He went outside to gather some more from the garden, but once he was out there, his back began hurting, so instead, he just laid down in the grass, staring up at the bright blue sky. He lovingly stroked his belly. "I hope you think this world is beautiful when you come out, little one. I think it is, I hope you do too."

I'm just here for a laugh

A large, burly man stumbled into the estate, barely holding himself up with a sturdy walking stick. He huffed as he dragged himself forward. His arms struggled and they gave out and he collapsed into the grass.

Astien noticed the man walking, and saw him fall next to him. "Ah! Siran! Siran come quickly! Someone!" He somehow managed to get onto his knees, an did his best to heal the man. "Hold on, hold on..." Siran finally came outside and helped Astien heal the man.

"Vincent! Kell!" Siran called. The two men came outside, though binned came out wearing layers of clothing and a large, shady hat. They carries tha man into a room on the second floor, where the two healers worked on healing him. "I think he'll be okay." Siran declared. "Let me go get some more bandages, you keep an eye on him." Astien nodded, and sat on the edge of the bed while Siran exited the room.

I'm just here for a laugh

The man groaned and cracked his eyes open. "Where...Where am I?" he muttered.

Astien smiled at the man. "You're in Nymoria Manor. You were in pretty bad shape, but you're going to be f[/font]ine now. It's a good thing you passed out right next to me, or we might not have even known you were out there!"

I'm just here for a laugh

"Did...Did you find anybody else?" the man groaned as he struggled to sit up.

Astien gently pushed the man back down. "Hey, down strain yourself, just keep laying down. Yes, Siran Nymoria also helped me heal you. Well, he did a lot of it, I just tried to help."

I'm just here for a laugh

"I meant my caravan," the man grumbled. "We were attacked and I managed...Ugh...I managed to get away." He groaned.
Cormac came into the room with his arms filled with bandaged. "Siran said you needed these. Wyn's looking for more if we need them."

Astien took the bandages from Cormac. "Thank you. Could you check the surrounding area for a caravan? Try to see about his friends?"
He turned back to the man and began changing his already soaked bandages. "If there's anyone else to be found, we'll find them and help them, I promise you."

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac nodded. "I'll bring Kell with me. I doubt I can carry a body and fly at the same time." Quickly left the room and set out with Kell soon afterward. Kell searched the ground while Cormac flew over head.
Soon after Cormac left, Wyn came in with more bandages. She tried not to be bothered by the amount of blood as she helped Astien change the bandages. "What did this?" She asked. "These look like claw marks."

Siran came back into the room and dismissed Wyn, taking her place changing bandages. "Was it wolfkin? Harpies?" Astien asked. "Likely wolfkin." Siran stated. "The marks are telling."

I'm just here for a laugh

Wyn took the dirty bandages with her as she left the room to clean them. Cormac circled the estate and the surrounding areas several times but was not successful in finding anybody else. He returned to the manor with Kell and practically collapsed in the entry-way. His wings were limp and sore, even more so from when he had to chase Astien down.
He managed to get to the healing room. "I didn't find anybody else," he huffed. "Sorry."
"Argh..." the man groaned. "No, they have to be out there..."

"I'll go and have a look." Vincent said, and he quickly left the room. He returned a short while later, shaking his head. "I found the remains of a few carriages, blood an tattered clothes, but no others. I'm sorry." He said. "Astien looked at the man sadly. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He said, regretfully. He looked down, quite sad for this man.

(Off to work. If I die, you know how it happened)

I'm just here for a laugh

The man groaned and closes his eyes. Cormac frowned and ran his hand through his hair. He left the room and went to help Wyn wash the bandages.
"Did you find anybody?"
"No," Cormac said. "Vincent only found remains. I couldn't find anybody for miles. He was lucky to find the manor to begin with."
"And to have somebody here to help," Wyn said as she scrubbed at the bandages. "Cormac."
"I...Once Astien is better, I don't...I don't think I should travel with you. Just getting here wore me out and I don't want you to always be on guard for my sake." She looked at him and saw the hurt in his eyes. "I still want to be with you, but I'm not really cut out for the traveling life."
"What brought this on?"
"I've just been thinking, that's all, Cormac. I just think it's best for us to wait until this is over before we get married or have a family."
Cormac blinked. "A family?"
"Don't you want one?"
"Not really."
"I see..." She scrubbed harder at the bandages.

Astien gently placed his hand on the stranger's. "I'm sorry." He said, and he gave a little squeeze.

"What's your name? What brings you this way?" Siran asked.

I'm just here for a laugh

"Marius. MY name is Marius," the man muttered. "We were just traveling through when they came out of nowhere. It happpened so fast..."

(HO SHOT STORY TIME. I have a char, maybe they'll meet him, idk, who got preg by his boyfriend. He had a baby boy, they named him Marius, and he was much loved. Three months after he was born, he was stolen by faeries. The char an his boyfriend were heartbroken and stuff, but tried to move on. One month after that, boyfriend him himself, and the char was heartbroken even more. The end)

"I'm Astien." Astien smiled. "This is Siran. We healed you. Do you know who attacked you?"

I'm just here for a laugh

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