An Odd Story of Man and Magic. A fantasy RP. (FINISHED)

Delas continued playing his guitar. "I hope this music is at least nice to sleep to. Maybe I can help put everyone to sleep."

I'm just here for a laugh

Marius smiled. "You play really well, Delas." He yawned he had been up for nearly a full day at this point. "We should sleep. It's getting late."

Delas put down his guitar and crawled into bed alongside Cormac. Cuddling up to share body heat, he quickly fell asleep.

The next morning, Delas hopped out of bed and loomed over Marius and Astien's sleeping forms. He bugged out his eyes, trying to be scary, or at lest unnerving.

I'm just here for a laugh

Marius slowly opened his eyes and jumped at the sight of Delas' face. "Gods, Delas." He chuckled and ruffled Delas' hair as he got out of bed. "Want to help me with breakfast?"

"I thought maybe if I scared you, you'd scream, and that'd wake Astien up."

I'm just here for a laugh

"Food might be a better bet," Marius said as he put a shirt on and an apron. He started pulling ingredients together. "Can you cut up these vegetables? I'm going to mix them in with the eggs." He started the stove and began cooking slabs of ham and some small sausages.

Delas eagerly chopped up the vegetables. He didn't do a particularly good job, but he seemed proud of how he did nontheless.

I'm just here for a laugh

"Not bad, Kiddo." Marius put the cooked meat on a plate and put the chopped vegetables into a bowl with some eggs.
Cormac stirred in his bed and opened his eyes. He sat up and ran his hands through his hair. "Morning."

"Hey sleepy butt! Feeling better?"

I'm just here for a laugh

"Yeah...I'm hungry though," Cormac said as he climbed down.
"Breakfast will be ready soon," Marius said as Cormac sat at the table. Cormac looked over at Astien.

Astien still lay in his bed, asleep. Delas walked over to Astien and shook him. "Nnyyeeeeeehh!! Wake up!"

I'm just here for a laugh

"You should kiss him, Marius," Cormac teased. "Kiss him on the lips."
"I'm in the middle of making a mountain of scrambled eggs here."

Delas stopped shaking Astien. He grabbed a pillow and hit him with it. "You awake yet?" Hit him again. "Awake yet?" When Astien didn't wake up, Delas just tossed the pillow aside. "Damn."

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac took over the eggs as Marius walked over to Astien's bedside and knelt down on one knee. He stroked Astien's hair and placed a long, passionate kiss on his lips.

Though the kiss was loving and passionate, Astien did not stir.

Delas was silent in thought.

I'm just here for a laugh

Marius sighed and went back to the stove.
Cormac sat beside Astien's bed. "He'll wake up eventually, he does have to eat."

"Maybe there's some kind of magic where we can jump into his head and tell him to wake up." Delas suggested.

I'm just here for a laugh

"It's best to let him rest for now," Marius said as he served up three plates of food, but left enough for Astien just in case he woke up before they stopped for lunch. He sat at the table with the boys. "I'll drive until lunch. Cormac you should still take it easy. That reminds me, how are your hands?"
Cormac held out his hands, palms up. The skin was still red and irritated, like a bad rash. "Could be better. Holding onto a silver ring while changing into a wolfkin is a pretty bad idea."

"Astien might have some kind of salve. Actually…" Delas stood up and dug around in the trunk. He pulled out a salve bottle and handed it to Cormac. "I came across this while we were trying to make a potion for the wolfkin cure. I'm pretty sure it's for treating stuff like that."

I'm just here for a laugh

"Thanks Delas. I'll put it on after breakfast." Cormac shoveled food into his mouth.
"New rule, for now we don't go out at night," Marius said. "We're still in wolfkin territory, so we need to be careful."
Cormac nodded.

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