An Odd Story of Man and Magic. A fantasy RP. (FINISHED)

"Delas…" Astien said in both a warning and pleading tone.

"Fine, I stole it. Happy now? I don't have any money yet, and Cormac looked miserable as hell."

I'm just here for a laugh

"You could have just told Astien about the lotus root and I'm sure he would have been more than happy to go out and get it." He pinched the bridge of his nose. "I suppose we have to go pay for it now."

"There's no justice for raceless. Tell him about it and I'll be locked away, maybe strung up."

"Delas, that doesn't excuse-" Astien went shook as shocks were sent through his body, and his hair stood on end. Once it was over, he slumped back in his chair, eyes rolled back into his head. Foam and a gurgling noises escaped his mouth.

I'm just here for a laugh

"Shit! Astien!" Marius shouted out of shock. He picked Astien up and sat him up in his bed. He looked to Delas. "You stay here," he said sternly. "I'm going to go pay for the lotus you stole and find a medic. If he wakes up you tell him where I am." He adjusted his cloak again and stepped outside the carriage. He closed the door behind him and went off the herb shop.

"Oh boy. This is just great." Delas heaitantly reached out to touch Astien. His own hair began to stand on end, and Astien's body felt very hot. "Is that the smell of your hair burning?"

I'm just here for a laugh

Marius quickly returned with a medic after paying and apologizing to the shop keep. Cormac was out of bed holding Astien's hand. His auburn hair was on end and he seems to be in a lot of pain and it wasn't from the hang over.

Astien's eyes rolled back into place, and he blinked. "Goodness. What happened? Where's Marius?"

I'm just here for a laugh

"I'm here," Marius said as he stepped into the carriage. "I ran out to get a medic."
"That wasn't necessary," Cormac muttered.
"Of course it was! He passed out and was foaming at the mouth for the second time this week!" Marius stated loudly. "How would you even know if it was necessary or not? You're not a trained healer, all you're capable of is throwing fire balls!"
Cormac groaned has he held his throbbing head. "Don't yell. Please..." He squeezed his eyes shut for a few moments until the pain subsided. He looked at Astien, giving him a 'you should tell him' sort of look before hoisting himself back up into his bunk. He didn't care if Delas knew or not, but if Astien was going to be in a serious relationship with this man, he had the right to know what was going on.

Astien ignored Cormac's look as he sat himself up. He began shaking his head wildly. "No, no medic. Tell him to go home. Make him go away this very instant."

I'm just here for a laugh

Marius sighed and looked to the medic. "Sorry for troubling you." Cormac put the lotus back in his mouth and put the cold cloth back on his head. Marius sat beside Astien. "What happened?"

"Aiden shocked me again. That's all. I'm fine." It was only part of the truth, but it was all Marius needed to know.

I'm just here for a laugh

Marius sighed and nodded. "If you say so." He stood and looked to Astien. "Get some rest Kid." Cormac huffed as he weakly waved his hand as Marius stepped out of the carriage with Delas.

"Hey, why'd you drag me out here?" Delas protested.

I'm just here for a laugh

"Figured you would like some fresh air," Marius said as he hopped up onto the bench beside Delas. He got the horses going.

"That's not the reason. You wanted to talk about something."

I'm just here for a laugh

"That too," Marius said. "I know that your life has been far from easy, but you cannot go around stealing things. I understand that you wanted to help Cormac, but you could have just come to either Astien or myself to go with you to by the lotus."

"But that would have just taken extra time. I was back before we left, I took just long enough."

I'm just here for a laugh

"We could have made a detour. Astien wouldn't have objected and neither would I," Marius said. "It took extra time for me to go and pay the shop-keep for the lotus."

Cormac stirred and huffed. "Astien, never let me drink a cherry bomb again."

"You're he one who thought tht was necessary, not me. The man had lots of lotus root, he never would have noticed."

"According to Delas, they made your vomit smell nice."

I'm just here for a laugh

"That doesn't make it right, Delas," Marius huffed.

"It didn't taste nice," Cormac stated.

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