An Odd Story of Man and Magic. A fantasy RP. (FINISHED)

Delas sat awkwardly on the love seat in Cormac's quarters. "You know, if you two want your space, I can just go…"

I'm just here for a laugh

"It's fine," Cormac said.
Wyn stepped out of the private bathroom in a night gown and her hair loosely braided. "We honestly weren't going to do anything serious. We got quite a scare after the last time."

"If you had a pregnancy scare, I guess I can understand why he wants you to play it safe. He kind forced me into being a third wheel, though."

I'm just here for a laugh

"We're just going to sleep anyway," Cormac said. "I can get some pillows and blankets for you."

"Screw that, I'm just gonna go back to my own room. I'm not gonna be mr. Third wheel guy." Delas got up and walked out.

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac changed into his night clothes and climbed into bed with Wyn. She snuggled into Cormac's arms and kissed his cheek.

Delas shrugged off his clothes and flopped into his own bed upon returning to his own room.

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac and Wyn fell into a peaceful sleep.

The next morning, Siran and Seroteth woke everyone up and had them all prepare to leave. Astien's carriage was joined up with Siran's, and Vincent was packing them with everyone's things. Seroteth and his children were all in drake form, including the newborns. Astien lay asleep inside his carriage, and Delas was sitting on its roof.

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac gave Wyn a long hug. "I'll miss you."
"Just keep writing to me," Wyn said as she kissed his lips. "And stay out of trouble."
Cormac smiled sheepishly and nodded. "I'll do my best."
"Perhaps I can join you at the academy in a few days," Wyn mused. "Though I might get spoiled by seeing you so soon."

Siran called from his position in the driver' seat of Astien's carriage. "Come, Cormac. We must leave now if we are to arrive quickly."

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac nodded and kissed Wyn one last time before going into the carriage. Wyn waved and went to the drakes.

The drakes flew away an the carriages set off.

It was a week and a half of travel with no stopping before they arrived at Belle Academy, along the southern border of Amelon. It was early morning as the carriages pulled up in front of the academy's gates, an they disembarked to find a small group waiting for them. A woman, who apparently was the highest authority among them, walked forward. "Hello Astien. I'll be blunt, this situation you are in is serious? And we need to decide on a course of action immediately. However, you've had a long journey, and given your… condition, you will be allowed to spend today resting. Tomorrow morning at eight exactly, you re to be in the board's conference room. Good day, professor Tymnas." With that, she walked away, and left the group to their own devices, Siran and Vincent following them.

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac stretched. "She was cheerful."
"I'm just glad to be out of the carriage," Marius stated.

"That was Merida Belle. She runs the academy. She's not the actual arch-mage, but she runs it." Astien stretched, and placed one hand on his belly and the other on his back. "I suppose we may as well go to my place. It's in town, not far from here."

I'm just here for a laugh

"Finally taking me home?" Marius teased.
"A house is so much better than a carriage," Cormac said happily. "It get cramped int here."

(Would it be cool if Wyn was already at Astien house and had a meal prepared for them?)

(Seroteth's not even there yet)

A fair sized house sat amongst trees and a garden, and Astien fumbled with his keys and opened up the door. He stepped inside and held open the door. "It's not much, but it's home."

Inside Astien's house sat many different items, many of which must have come from his travels. Paintings, tapestries, statuettes, runes and carvings. The furniture was antique and yet sturdy. Bookshelves could be found in almost every room, and the house felt very cozy and comfortable. Warm, and safe. "I'm out on the road or at the academy so often, sometimes I forget I'm a homeowner." Astien noted.

I'm just here for a laugh

(Ok then)

"This is nice," Marius said. "You have quite the collection."

"I found all these things on my travels," Astien notes as he picked up a small statuette. "For one reason or another, the academy had no use for them, so I kept them for myself."

"Hey, what's all this?" Delas called from the
Living room. In the living room sat a huge pile of baby supplies. A crib set, diaper station set, clothes, high chair set, and on and on and on. On top of the pile sat a small note:

Here you go, just like I promised. Never say I don't do anything for you, dick.

Heart I'Karis

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac started browsing some of the history books.
Marius chuckled at the pile of baby stuff. "Do you want me to take this up to a room, Astien?"

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