Illegitimate Heir (closed)

"She seems to be quite the magician," Henry remarked. He smiled as he saw Lucas return. "Welcome back, my friend."
Lucas flashed a smile as he sat down and turned his attention to his meal.

"Not only that but a wonderfuk teacher too." Bienvenu added

Henry nodded. Lucas picked at his food. "Is something wrong?" Henry asked.
"Oh, no. I'm just not that hungry right now," Lucas said.
"I could have the cook prepare something else if you'd like."

Bienvenu frowned, "Your Highness, if I may but you seem very close to Lucas rather than your own wife." he said, his eyes glinting in mischief.

"It's nothing new," Maria stated coldly. "Our marriage is just a political one. His father just wants us to produce a legitimate heir to the throne, that's all."
"Come now, Maria. That's not true. I care for you."
Maria scoffed and stood. "As a brother does a sister." She shot a look at Lucas before storming out of the room.
"It's only been a few days since the wedding and she's already fed up with me," Henry sighed. "Sorry about that."
"Aren't you going to go after her?" Lucas said.
"She won't listen to a word I say until she cools off," Henry stated simply. "It's best to let her be for now."

Silette paused before touching Bienvenu's hand, Bienvenu nodded, "If I may your Majesty, is it fine if I were to speak to the princess Maria?" she asked, gesturing to the princess' room, "I might be able to help her cool down and would like to be acquainted with her despite being a servant." she said wringing her hands now.

"Oh of course," Henry said. "She should be down the hall in her game room. She likes to play billiards when she's upset."

Silette nodded and began walking down the hall and came at the game room, she knocked and waited for a response.

"Henry go back to your pet," MArius said with a stinging voice. "He finally came back to you."

"I am not your husband Ma'am, I am their servant. I was permitted to stray from my daily toil and to roam the castle and I wish to speak with you." Silette said, he hands folded together.

Maria opened the door. "And what exactly would you like to speak to me about?"

Silette shrugged, "Well, I would like to learn evwrything of you. So whatever to speak about."

"There is not much to know. I've been groomed for this marriage since a young age. Other than that it's been the typical life of a royal. Though I doubt you would know of such a life." She returned to the billiard table and shot the white ball at the colored ones. "It's not uncommon for us royals to have concubines or lovers, but Henry..." She shot again. "Ever since that man ran off, he's been searching for him. The honeymoon just seemed to be convenient for him."

Silette's heart not only fell but it broke, "He love with Lucas?" she asked in shock as she scribbled something on a scrap of paper.
I release you, go, be happy with Henry.


"It seems that way, doesn't it?" Maria huffed.

Lucas had found himself in the library with Henry. Alone. His heart was pounding even if Henry was sitting feet away on a couch. Between them was a chess set crafted from silver, gold, and marble. The child was kicking furiously within him. "It's your move," he muttered as he looked at Henry.
"I am aware."

"I...." Silette stopped, breaking down in front of the princess, though an unwise choice, she cannot prevent her tears from falling, Bienvenu felt his tutor's rush of emotions and began running in her direction. He knelt down beside her and took her hand in his, "Master, what's wring now?" he whispered. Sikette shook her head, she handed him thde scrap of paper, he understood and blew at it, letting it fly, Bienvenu looked at Maria, "Your Highness, please inform my spouse that my family needs me right now and I must leave at dawn tomorrow with my servant, "Take good care of my Lucas." he said nodding.

With a gentle pull, he and Silette rushed off to pack their things.


"Lucas," Henry said. "You...You're crying."
Lucas touched his face and felt the tears wet his fingertips. "I...I..." He stood as quickly as he could and started for the door.
Henry moved quickly, nearly knocking over the small table, and grabbed his wrist. Lucas was then pulled into a deep, one-sided kiss. "You're a horrible liar, Lucas." He said once their lips parted.
"I...I know," Lucas croaked. He shoved Henry away.
"You child is..."
"It's yours," Lucas blurted as he wiped away tears. "I...I have to go."
"Go where?"
"Go be with Silette," Lucas practically shouted. "I...I love her. I love her in a way that I could never love you Henry... The way you love me..." He was trembling and he touched his belly. "I just...I can't raise them here... I don't even want them to know they're of royal blood."
"The woman I arrived with, the one who appears to be a servant..."

Silette packed their things by throwing their clothes in the trunks while Bienvenu used his magic to transfer as much of their things back to the cabin to make their travel faster, Silette was now removing her veil, letting her hair fall messily on her face. "How much time do we have?" Bienvenu asked "Enough for Lucas to fall asleep, but we must hurry." his tutor answered, the two rushed then to the stables and strapped the trunks to the horses and the two jumped on the horses back, "Have we forgotten anything?" Silette asked, "I don't think so."

The guards and servants blocked off the exits at the order of Henry as Lucas ran towards the stables.
"Silette!" He shouted. "Silette!"

Silette stopped her horse and looked at Lucas, "What's wrong? Did you not get my note?" she asked as Bienvenu approached her, "Master, they refuse to let us free." he muttered, Silette frowned, "Do you think we could escape by magic?" she asked, "Nay, the walls are enchanted."


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