The Immortal Family (closed three-way rp with cashewmanz and TheDyingDay and nsfw).

"I need you as much as you need me." Darol replied. "I sound like this because I am a robot. Now, there is a storm coming, so we must all stay safe."

But not a thunderstorm as they expected a thunderstorm to be like, but a police chase. It was not expected, but nothing could be done. It was also rush hour, so everyone was heading home from work.

Valar Morghulis - All Men Must Die.

For those who want more mpreg stories from me, visit which is my new page and will be dedicated to mpreg (page currently inactive due to loss of inspiration).

"You two, you're insane." Klav said pointing to Carol and Pat, she then yanked her arm from her husband and rolled her eyes. "Sort this out first but as long as you haven't I'm going to be at my father's house."

"It's okay." Darol replied. "Besides, you are an important part in what I have to say, as I'm not a god-mod, and don't plan on being one, but we have more of a connection than you might think, and hence why I said that you looked familiar to me. When you were shown your birth records, did you see words like 'surrogate'?"

Valar Morghulis - All Men Must Die.

For those who want more mpreg stories from me, visit which is my new page and will be dedicated to mpreg (page currently inactive due to loss of inspiration).

"No sir, it says my mother gave birth to me." she says haughtily.

"I told them to do that." Darol replied. "Cover up my tracks so that the galaxy didn't find out. Did it for Pat's folks aswell."

Valar Morghulis - All Men Must Die.

For those who want more mpreg stories from me, visit which is my new page and will be dedicated to mpreg (page currently inactive due to loss of inspiration).

"Are you saying that my parents are not my parents? That's ridiculous! Klava's father is starting to sound like the better option even to me!"

"You're crazy, I'm leaving before this gets out of hand!" Klava yelled getting into a cab.

"They are, but I carried you for them. Return to this spot tomorrow, and I'll tell you why it had to be me, and why I had to cover my tracks at the same time." Darol looks at both Pat and Klava.

(he also wants to show them around DroidTech, and when he tells them why, they will realise that he's not trying to scare them, as the reason is a very good one, and he has letters from their parents to prove it).

Valar Morghulis - All Men Must Die.

For those who want more mpreg stories from me, visit which is my new page and will be dedicated to mpreg (page currently inactive due to loss of inspiration).

"...fine," Pat replied somewhat angrily. He received a shocked look from both Klava and Darol as he joined his wife in the cab. "What? I'm intrigued, to say the least."

"You're intrigued, I'm not, I am not going back to that crazy bastard any time soon." Klava snapped, as the cab made their way to her father.

((Midi, I think you have to check Darol out, normally, I wouldn't say anything but you're making him a god-moding Gary Stu who apparently likes shocking everyone and insisting that they should believe him.))

"I'm not as crazy as you think I am." Darol remained calm. "But if you say otherwise, that's okay."

(the secret was planned, as I'm sure I told you and cashewmanz via pm that it would be what's mentioned. Either way, I definitely mentioned it. As for the god-modding, yes, he does come across as a bit of a god-mod at first, but his background is complex and these behaviors he has picked up from having to be a slave in his homeworld before coming to Earth, which has scarred him emotionally and means that he is always vying for acceptance, and he's a gentle soul at heart who wants the best for those around him. Have got a total god-mod of a character in mind for later, though).

Valar Morghulis - All Men Must Die.

For those who want more mpreg stories from me, visit which is my new page and will be dedicated to mpreg (page currently inactive due to loss of inspiration).

((Dude, they're in a cab driving far from Darol...))

(that is part of the plan right now, or maybe it wasn't but it is now).

Valar Morghulis - All Men Must Die.

For those who want more mpreg stories from me, visit which is my new page and will be dedicated to mpreg (page currently inactive due to loss of inspiration).

((You do know that this is god moding and that this "plan," is kind of impractical because you start saying that it is part of the plan all of a sudden.))

(I forgot I'd posted that, as I sent you a pm right after).

Valar Morghulis - All Men Must Die.

For those who want more mpreg stories from me, visit which is my new page and will be dedicated to mpreg (page currently inactive due to loss of inspiration).

(I think we've just gotten confused as to what the actual plot is here, but I'm going to keep going and try to get us back to business)

"What, and leave me alone with him?" Pat said as Klava shot him a disapproving look. "Oh come on, together we'll be fine! I want to hear him out he me the creeps is all."

"I love you but no, I'm a woman of science not a lady of crazy." Klava said sternly.

"That's okay." Darol replied. "I need your help in a few ways, as I am new here, and I need help fitting in. I also want a family, which I was never allowed to have in my homeworld. I also want to learn how to act like a proper Earthling, which I will then teach to any children I have." Darol then looked at Pat. "I'm sorry if I do give you the creeps. It's something that I've managed to learn due to my background and the traumatic memories it brings. It's a skin that I want to shed."

(Agree. Not going to bring in a god-mod character. I also have a story idea planned out which goes into a bit more detail about Darol's background, which leaves him with more than just traumatic memories, as he finds it hard to trust anyone, so him wanting to place trust in Klava and Pat is, in his eyes, a step in the right direction, and he also thinks that his "masters" are trying to find him, when in all reality they can't because his homeworld is closed).

Valar Morghulis - All Men Must Die.

For those who want more mpreg stories from me, visit which is my new page and will be dedicated to mpreg (page currently inactive due to loss of inspiration).


(yeah, I did, but I forgot, though you don't have to shout).

Valar Morghulis - All Men Must Die.

For those who want more mpreg stories from me, visit which is my new page and will be dedicated to mpreg (page currently inactive due to loss of inspiration).

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