An Odd Story of Man and Magic. A fantasy RP. (FINISHED)

"Well, I'd always hoped for a wedding with a rainbow of roses. Lillies are also very pretty, so I think getting some of those in there wouldn't hurt."

I'm just here for a laugh

Wyn nodded. "So basically a little bit of everything in regards to roses."

"Oh yes. A big, rosy rainbow! Like something out of a storybook." Astien said dreamily.

"Oh, speaking of books, Cormac and Marius, I got you something. Be right back." Delas said. He got up from the table and hurried out of the dining room. In a few oments, he returned holding a book. "I found this in a bookshop yesterday. 'Emergency Midwivery. By Gregorio Alamari and Astien Tymnas.' How come I had to buy this, Astien? I should have been able to just pluck this from your library!"

Astien groaned. "That book has some unpleasant memories for me. I don't keep it among my other works for that reason."

I'm just here for a laugh

"I didn't know you wrote a book," Marius chuckled.

"Where have you been? He's written a ton! He has a whole case in his study full of his own works!" Delas said.

Astien blushed. "Well, you know how it is. I've written books and theses on various subjects, this being one of them. Cormac's read my book on plants. But like I said, this one holds some bad memories for me."

I'm just here for a laugh

"Why's that?" Wyn asked.
"Ex-boyfriend or something?" Cormac questioned.

"Exactly. Gregorio was my lover. We were rather serious too. We had been talking about marriage and having kids. But we had some different ideas on this book… other issues came up… things happened… and obviously, none of that happened. We ended up going our separate ways."

I'm just here for a laugh

Marius skimmed through the book. "Well, it seems to be quite informative despite the drama that surrounded it."

"That's what we were aiming for. 'A book with valuable information should not be affected by whatever problems the writer faces.' That was about the only thing we agreed upon."

I'm just here for a laugh

Marius nodded and kissed Astien's cheek.
Wyn smiled and finished her sketch of the rainbow of roses arrangement. "How's this?"

Astien clspsed his hands over his heart. "It looks so lovely."

(Going to work)

I'm just here for a laugh

Marius smiled. "It's perfect. Now to find a florist."

"A search we begin tomorrow." Astien said.

A dwarf came into the dining room and came over to their table. "Pardon me, is this the Tymnas- Saurbane party?"

"It is." Astien said.
The dwarf pulled out a few sheets of paper and two tickets. "Your reservation for the resort on Bora-Bora has been accepted, and you are officially booked to stay there. Here's a receipt, a brochure for the resort you're staying at, and your ship tickets. If there's anything else you need, please come by our travel agency and we'll take care of you. Have a good evening." With that, the dwarf departed.

I'm just here for a laugh

Marius smiled. "Only a few more weeks."
"Yes, but they'll fly by with all this work we need to get done," Wyn said. "Is your family taking care of the catering, Marius?"
"I'm pretty sure they are. Knowing my mother she won't come by until she finds the perfect match. Or some other solution."

"Well, that's it for the resort. Now, onto other things. Tomorrow, let's start working on the cake."After everyone had finished their food, they returned to their rooms for the night. The second the door was closed, Astien peeled off all of his clothing, leaving himself bare naked. He gently eased himself onto the bed. "Ooomph. Oh, it's so hot."

I'm just here for a laugh

"I could run a cold bath if you want," Marius offered.

"No, I don't want to give Aiden any ideas. Besides, then I'll just be freezing my ass off."

I'm just here for a laugh

"Hm...I do like your ass quite a bit, it'd be a shame to lose it," Marius chuckled and removed his clothes, wincing as he removed his pants and underwear.

"Something wrong, love? Did you get sand where sand shouldn't be?"

I'm just here for a laugh

"Just some light bruising. I did get kicked in the crotch." He eased himself onto the bed. "I'll be fine in a few days."

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