House cleaning (closed with nezumi)

John felt how Ash thrusting harder and deeper in him, his contraction get more often, his ass walls squeezing hard his lover's cock. his belly was hard and he press it hard, moaning louder and louder. suddenly he gasp and climax like a volcano, unleashing loads of cum all over his lower belly. he felt his babies getting lower into his birth cannal, pushing against Ash's huge cock. the pressure was enourmes. he felt he was going to explode.

kik: dolria1
Discord : Dolria3#7259 
i do only text rp, i dont do cam rp, nor do i send pics or vids. 

Ash groans trying to slide his cock deeper but can't since John about to labour the babies "babe I can't cum inside you. The babies closed the way" Ash's cock slides out it's own from his lover hole with a plop wet and sticky sound. He checks John's dilation by putting his finger inside the male hole "you're 5 cm away" Ash smiles caressing John's hard belly

"cum inside me! quick! it will be good lube for the babies to slide out!" he shout. "put it in and cum!" he begged.

kik: dolria1
Discord : Dolria3#7259 
i do only text rp, i dont do cam rp, nor do i send pics or vids. 

Ash nods and smirks flipping John's body around on all fours. He pumps his cock first before inserts his huge tip again, groaning out and pressing hard to John's birth canal "babe I'm cumming!" His cock releases a lot amount of load, filling inside the male's ass until it splashes out "fuck!!"

"aahhh! fuck baby yesss!!!" John arch his belly and shout as he cum again. he was in bliss for a moment, feeling his birth cannal get full of hot cum. he grins and lay on his back, panting heavily. as Ash withdraw his cock, the first baby start to descend. John waits for Ash to tell him when he can push.

kik: dolria1
Discord : Dolria3#7259 
i do only text rp, i dont do cam rp, nor do i send pics or vids. 

As Ash pulls off his cock, he pants and checks again for John dilation "good babe! Now you're on 9 cm! You can push now! But follow what your body tells" Ash smiles pulling his fingers off from the male's hole

John nods "ok babe!" he said, and when he felt a contraction, he push. "aaaahhhh!!!" he groan with pain, his huge belly moving and shifting even lower then before. the first baby start to slide down the birth cannal. Joan gasp loudly and push again, his face red with effort. he panted heavily, his forehead sweating. "fuuuckk!!! aarrrgghh-" he push harder, arch his belly, and after 10 minute like that the baby head pop out from his dialting hole.

kik: dolria1
Discord : Dolria3#7259 
i do only text rp, i dont do cam rp, nor do i send pics or vids. 

After 10 minutes, Ash checks John again after seeing the first baby's head emerged. He directly checks the baby's neck if there is cord around and luckily there isn't "Nice babe! You can push now but don't too hard" Ash said to John as his hand put on the baby's head, the other caressing on the male's belly to making John feels good

(hey want to ask what gender are they?)

(2 boys 1 girl)

John smile at Ash weakly. "thank you for the caressing babe" he felt good when Ash rubbing his belly. "it helps to ease the pain" he said. then he resume the pushing and with Ash's earlier cum work as a lube, the baby slid out more easier. after the shoulders came the chest, then the rest of the body. "aaaaahhhhggggrrr!!!!!" John shout and push with all he had... and the baby was out. a tiny red screaming little thing with cord, cradled in Ash's arms. it was a boy.

kik: dolria1
Discord : Dolria3#7259 
i do only text rp, i dont do cam rp, nor do i send pics or vids. 

"I'm glad this helping you" Ash smiles keep caressing John's belly when seeing John pushing the baby out. Finally all of the baby's body out and Ash directly craddles in his arms and wraps the newborn with a towel so that the baby won't get cold "Babe! It's a boy! Beautiful just like you!" He smiles happily showing John his baby after cutting the cord that connected to the male

John smiles at Ash and hugs the baby and kiss his forehead. "thank you love" he said and kiss Ash lips. "please put him aside and help me deliver the rest of the babies". after resting a minute, John start to push again. this baby, however, was bigger then the first one and John struggle with pushing him threw the birth cannal. "he is too big babe! i cant push it further!" he cried out, and hold Ash's hand for support.

kik: dolria1
Discord : Dolria3#7259 
i do only text rp, i dont do cam rp, nor do i send pics or vids. 

Ash kisses John's lips back and smiles nodding his head "ok babe" He put the first baby aside and continues to help John delivering his two babies. Ash holds John's hand tightly and starts to feel worried when he said that the baby is quite big "Babe take your time first.. slow and easy" Ash hopes he could ease John pain but he know he couldn't and he keep caressing John's stomach, somehow try to make the baby sliding down even more

John scream as he push the big baby. the rubbing helps him push the baby out. it was intense birth, the sheets were wet under John, from sweat and blood. after almost a hour he push the second baby out. he was also boy, but he was fat one. John gasped loudly and almost fainted from the hard effort. he let Asg take care the baby, while he breath heavily, resting on Ash chest. "hold me in your arms love so i won't faint" he begged him, while the last baby girl was descending the birth cannal.

kik: dolria1
Discord : Dolria3#7259 
i do only text rp, i dont do cam rp, nor do i send pics or vids. 

After the second baby out, he a bit surprise seeing how big the baby boy is. After cutting the cord, he wraps the baby into a towel and places him beside his brother. Luckily both of them sleeping after cried a lot. Then Ash quickly gets to his lover back, hugging him and leaning John's back on his chest. He kisses John's cheek "ok babe.. you ready for the last one?" Ash asked John as his hand rubs John's tummy "Hope this a bit small one" he chuckles

"y-yeah love im ready" he said with all his strengh that left. he start to push, holding both Ash's hands for support. he grins his teeth and push, panting. "aaahhh!!! ggggrrhh!!!" he grunt. he push again, his all body shaking from intense effort. then he felt his hole strech as the girl's head start to emearge. "this one is small !" he exclaimed and with few strong pushes- he deliver the last baby to the world. a gush of fluids followed her, and then the placenta was out.

kik: dolria1
Discord : Dolria3#7259 
i do only text rp, i dont do cam rp, nor do i send pics or vids. 

Soon the baby girl out, he smiles and kisses his lover's cheek while the male panting weak and leaning on Ash's chest "Babe.. You did good work. I love you" he kisses the male's lips. After that, he leans John down the bed as he settle the baby girl's cord. He wraps the baby in the towel and passes her to John "Here love. Your pretty child" Ash smiles

"and i love you too babe" John return a kiss. he hold the girl in his arms. "hello little one", he smiles waeakly. the baby was asleep, like her brothers. "i think i will give them to Adoption. it is your babies that i want in me" he said, looking at Ash's eyes. "can you please put them there until i full recover, please?" he ask his lover. when he hend her over to Ash, he lean deep back into the pillow and close his eyes, exosted from the day's event.

kik: dolria1
Discord : Dolria3#7259 
i do only text rp, i dont do cam rp, nor do i send pics or vids. 

Ash smiles in happy and takes the baby girl into his arms "Ok babe. Have your rest.." Ash covers his lover with a blanket soon he fell asleep, taking the baby girl and put her along with her brothers. He sits beside them and looks how cute they are sleeping, hoping he could have his own child by blood.

(hey you wanna continue or just stop until here?)

(i want to continue :) hope you like it so far.)

kik: dolria1
Discord : Dolria3#7259 
i do only text rp, i dont do cam rp, nor do i send pics or vids. 

(Haha.. Yeah thanks to you. I like this rp a lot :) Oh well then we could just continue)

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