An Odd Story of Man and Magic. A fantasy RP. (FINISHED)

Astien smothered his ribs in hot sauce and began chowing down. "Yes, tell us a story."

"What story would you have me tell?" Heceril asked.

I'm just here for a laugh

"How about one of your adventures?" Wyn suggested.

"I doubt that would be appropriate. There are children here, you know."

I'm just here for a laugh

"Do you know any stories?" Cormac asked.

"I do. Stories of history, legends, fables and flights of fancy. Religious tales, of this realm and the other. Myths and folklore, tales of things big and small... I am rather fond of the tale of Cristef, the reaper who fell in love. Would you like to hear it?"

I'm just here for a laugh

"That sounds like a nice story," Willow said as Kida climbed into her lap.

"Very well. Millenia ago, there was a reaper named Cristef. Like all reapers, Cristef's job was to escort souls to their final place of rest. Cristef was different from his brothers and sisters, though, in that he liked to ask the deceased about life. He wondered what it was like to be mortal, to be able to do whatever one desired, instead of have a set purpose. But it broke his heart to see souls who were unprepared for their rest. Children especially. So many begged him not to take them away, but there was never anything he could do. The only ones who were ever ready were the souls of the old, those who had had a full life, and were ready for what came next. All others begged and cried to be spared."

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Marius chomped at his ribs.

"One day, he collected the spirit of a beautiful young woman. He prepared himself for her pleas to return to life, but instead she said 'take me to my rest, reaper, for I have lived a tiring life and am ready to be free.' Cristef was very confused by this. So he asked her about her life. She worked all day in her family's bakery, she took care of her father, elderly an infirm. No one else in her family would help her. When the building burned down, she died, and was ready for her rest. Cristef was fascinated by her. He held off on bringing her to Faye's embrace, and together they talked, with the maiden telling him of mortality, and Cristef telling her of immortality."

"Cristef and the maiden fell in love. The maiden promised her sould to Cristef, and Cristef did not want to lose her, not for anything. He returned to the immortal realm to ask the gods to make her immortal as well, so they could be together. But the gods knew that he had been neglecting his duties to be with her. They refused to make her immortal, and as punishment, they brought the maiden back to life. But they placed her in a cycle of reincarnation. She would live again, and in every new life she was born into, she would be the exact same person, the person he could never have."

"As the maiden was reborn again and again, in each life, she couldn't remember Cristef, but she knew that there was something missing, something very important, a great love that could not be replaced. There was always a hole in her life, one she could never fill no matter how she tried. In each new life, this emptiness, the absence of Cristef and his love, drove her to commit suicide at the same age she had died the first time."

I'm just here for a laugh

Kida hugged her grandmother. "That's so sad."

"It is indeed. Cristef was devastated. He couldn't even get close to his love, for the gods had cursed him too. If he came too close to her, she would feel a great, horrifying, excruciating pain. All he could do was watch her from afar. Eventually, Cristef could bear his existence no longer. He retreated into the mountains, making his home at the top of one that was surrounded by others, were no one could find him. He set about trying to take his own life, so he wouldn't face his torture anymore. But, being immortal, nothing could kill him. Every blade, every poison, every magic he could find... none of it worked. After 800 years of trying to kill himself, Cristef gave up. But the gods, they can be cruel. Some of them had taken to watching Cristef try to kill himself, and were very entertained by his futile efforts, and they didn't want to watch the show end so soon."

"So they made a deal with Cristef. If he could successfully kill himself, they would place him on a cycle of reincarnation just like his lady love, and in every new life, they would find each other, fall in love all over again, and spend each life together in happiness, and die together so one would never live without the other. They would spend eternity together, one lifetime at a time."

"Cristef eagerly agreed, and began trying to take his life once more. But he was no more successful than he had been before. Centuries later, at the bottom of what would be known as Reaper's Mountain, a small town formed, by people who heard the story and wished to help Cristef in his effort. In the center of the town sits a large statue of what Cristef is said to look like, and another of his beloved maiden. On the statue of Cristef, the people place various weapons and poisons, and other things one could kill themselves with. Upon the maiden's statue, they place offerings of support and encouragement. Baked treats, chocolates, anything that could possibly lift his spirits. And at the end of each month, these offerings are said to disappear. It is said that in the village of Nightshade, on the night of a full moon, one can awake in the middle of the night to hear Cristef scream in agony."

I'm just here for a laugh

Wyn took Cormac's hand and squeezed it.

Heceril took his glass of lemonade and sipped it. "That's all."

I'm just here for a laugh

"That can't be it!" Kida protested.

"I'm afraid it is." Heceril calmly replied. "Not all stories have happy endings. Whether this story is even over, of course, is up for debate."

I'm just here for a laugh

Marius cleaned off his face and fingers from the ribs. "Have any happier stories?"

Heceril thought a moment. "Yes, I think I do. 'The Prince and the Whore.' This one has a happy ending."

I'm just here for a laugh

"What's a 'whore'?" Kida asked.

"Him." Astien said, pointing to I'Karis.

"That's fair." I'Karis shrugged.

I'm just here for a laugh

"Oh. Ok."
Marius chuckled and wiped some sauce off of Astien's face.

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