An Odd Story of Man and Magic. A fantasy RP. (FINISHED)

Everyone took their seats, the organ began playing, and Astien took Marius' hand as the two began walking to the altar. "You look amazing." He whispered.

I'm just here for a laugh

"You smell amazing," Marius whispered back.

Astien squeezed Marius' hand as they approached the altar. "Here we go..."

The priest opened his prayer book and began speaking. "Friends and family, beloved by blood and not, today we gather in the sight of Lady Tamara, goddess of love, of compassion, of friendship, to celebrate as we watch Astien Tymnas and Marius Saurbane come together in the sacred and eternal bonds of matrimony. These two men have chosen to speak their own vows, but first a word from each of their prime witnesses. Speaking for Astien, will Cormac of the Green Valley please step forward."

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac stood and stepped forward.

Astien smiled as he and everyone else waited for him to speak.

I'm just here for a laugh

"While I haven't known Astien for all that long, I'm glad to have met him. He took me off of the streets, cleaned me up, and gave me a family after many years of wandering. He's kind, caring and an amazing father. He's incredibly loyal and once you befriend him, you have a friend for life. He's the best man anybody would want as a husband." He blinked back tears as he smiled. "Fate brought you two together, so don't let it go to waste."

Astien struggled to hold back tears of joy, but managed to avoid bursting into tears. He gave Cormac a small nod and a smile, something to say thank you and that he was proud of him. The priest spoke again. "Thank you, Cormac. Just as Astien loves you and appreciates all that you do, so too does Lady Tamara. Speaking for Marius, will Willow Saurbane please step forward."

I'm just here for a laugh

Willow stepped forward. "Marius is a strong, fine, young man. A man of valor and great strength, not only in his body, but in his heart. As any good man, he will protect and care for his family and love them unconditionally. I am proud of him and I am overjoyed to welcome another son to our large family. I wish you two all the happiness and love."

"Thank you, Willow. Just as Marius loves you and appreciates all that you do, so too does Lady Tamara. Now that the prime witnesses have spoken, the couple shall speak their own vows. Astien, step forward."

Astien looked at Marius, and smiled as he spoke. He had memorized his vows, and hoped that he wouldn't mess up now that it was time to recite them. "Marius, I've never really thought that I'd ever find 'the one.' I always thought that I'd just go from relationship to relationship until my days were done, and nothing really interesting would ever happen. That I'd live a boring life. But then you came out of nowhere and shook my life like a whirlwind. Everything that I'd ever fantasized about in my dream relationship, you gave me. No matter how ugly, or awkward, or undesirable I feel, you're there to give me a million reasons why I'm not. If I ever feel like something's going wrong, or if there's some sort of danger looming overhead, all I need is to look into your eyes and hear your voice to know that everything's going to be okay. Even when I lied to you, you forgave me. And you promised that you'd love my unborn son, even though you aren't his father. I've never met a man like you, and I doubt there's anyone even close. I'm so excited to start a family with you, to have you by my side when I bring this little boy into this world. And I'm endlessly happy to be able to say that he's OUR son, and that when I'm in the throes of labor I won't just be holding my lover's hand, I'll be holding my husband's hand. I love you so much, Marius. No amount of time will ever be long enough to be with you, but the rest of my life will do just fine."

A few errant tears silently rolled down Astien's cheek as he spoke. He took his scarf from around his torso and tied it around Marius' wrist.

I'm just here for a laugh

Marius smiled. "Astien, after wandering this realm for many years and after many failed relationships, it took a pack of wolfkin kicking my butt in the right direction. I had no idea that I would meet a wonderful, caring and adorkable man when I stumbled into that garden. We've had our bumps along the road and I'm sure there will be many more in the years to come, I'm honored to travel the rest of this road with you and our son. I know that if we're together there's nothing we can't face." He took the sash from around his torso and wrapped it around Astien's wrist. "I can't wait for our adventure together to unfold."

The priest cleared his throat to speak again. "Now that this couple has exchanged their vows of everlasting love, let us perform the rest of this ceremony. Astien and Marius, please turn and face me." Astien and Marius turned, and the priest brought forward a table full of various items. First, he held up a mirror. "A good marriage is not based on hoe one looks. One that is will inevitably fail, for even the most beatiful rose will wilt and fade. Take this mirror and break it upon the ground. Show us, and yourselves, that this marriage is not based upon your looks, and that even when you're both old and wilting roses, your love will be just as strong and will burn just as bright as it does today."

I'm just here for a laugh

Marius took the mirror with Astien and together they smashed it onto the ground.

A few cheers came from the crowd. The priest held up a plate painted gold with coins sitting upon it. "A good marriage is not based upon the money one has. One that is is doomed to fail, for one's wealth can change dramatically like the changing of the winds. Money is no replacement for love, and the two parties in one such marriage will grow to hate each other as time goes by. Take this plate, these coins, and cast it to the ground. Reject this money, and show us all, show yourselves that even if life takes you to a place where you are poor and cold, your love will hold strong, and it will not waver in the face of destitution."

I'm just here for a laugh

Marius took the plate with Astien and they smashed it onto the ground.

The priest held a plate colored green like a radiant emerald. "A good marriage cannot exist when jealousy plagues one's heart. So many unions have been destroyed by jealousy, by one's insecurity. Take this plate, colored green like envy, and break it, to show to us and each other that you will not be insecure, and that you will not let jealousy destroy your love."

I'm just here for a laugh

Once again they both took the plate and smashed it into the ground.

The priest held forth a bottle of ale. "Alcohol can ruin any relationship. It brings forth anger, sadness, lust, and more. It is a vice that has ruined many a union, and will ruin many more. Take this bottle of ale, and show us all that you will not let alcohol poison your lives and ruin your love."

I'm just here for a laugh

Once again they smashed the item onto the ground.

The ceremony went on and on, with Astien and Marius smashing things which represented something that could ruin their marriage. Finally, they had smashed they last item. "Astien and Marius, now that you have rejected all that could turn you away from one another, make the final vow of your everlasting love. Seal this most sacred of promises with a kiss."

I'm just here for a laugh

Marius turned to Astien and deeply kissed the man.

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