An Odd Story of Man and Magic. A fantasy RP. (FINISHED)

"I hope so. Look at everyone, dancing and singing. I don't think I've seen Siran have this much fun in a long time. And look at little Ponthes and Kikyo! Aren't they so adorable?" Astien smiled down at his belly and rubbed it lovingly. "That's going to be Aiden soon."

I'm just here for a laugh

Marius chuckled and put a hand over Astien's. "With the way he moves, he'll be a god on the dance floor."

Astien chuckled. "Or maybe a wrestler." Astien winced. "Mmph. Agh. Oh wow, he really IS moving in there. He wants to dance too, isn't that adorable?"

I'm just here for a laugh

Marius chuckled and kissed Astien's cheek. "It's super adorable." He looked towards the other side of the reception area. "Looks like they're bringing out the food."

"Thank goodness, I'm starving!" Astien and Marius took their seats at the head table as the food was brought out. "Looks like it's time for all the speeches. I wonder who will be speaking first?"

I'm just here for a laugh

"I don't know," Marius said. "I'm sure I'Karis has a few words though."

Siran stood up and stepped forward. He turned and addressed the crowd. "Over a decade ago, a young boy came to Belle Academy. His eyes were bright, and a he wore a smile on his face. But I also saw fear on that face. He had been through much. It was a look I was quite familiar with, working with the academy as I do. So I told this young boy, 'wherever you've come from, you're safe now. This academy is happy to be your home.' He was so relieved to hear this. I still remember the smile he gave when he heard that. I kept my eye on him as he grew older. I had to, since he kept surpassing any expectation that was set for him.his name always sat on the honor roll. The headmaster's list always had his name on it. His theses still sit in the reference section. He has proven an invaluable part of many of my expeditions. I have had the pleasure of watching this man go from a small boy full of unrecognized potential, to a respected man who has taken this potential and used it to his fullest, and still is not done. Astien, I apologize to you now for all that I have put you through in recent months. I am honored that you invited me to your wedding anyway, and I am glad to see you are still a man capable of forgiveness and goodwill. I toast you and Marius, and I hope that I may live to see this marriage last all your lives."

I'm just here for a laugh

Marius smiled and kissed Astien's hand.

"That was so lovely." Astien said. "Looks like your mother wants to speak now."

I'm just here for a laugh

"My dear Marius came into this world early," Willow said. "During his early years I worried for him, but as he grew bigger and stronger I knew everything would turn out fine. Especially when he began training with swords. When he left our mountain home all those years ago, I still worried. I worried for his safety, if he was eating well, if he was bathing. And as time passed I worried that he wouldn't settle down. When I first got that letter about a 'silly mage' I didn't really think anything of it. However this changed quickly and before I knew it I was getting a pile of wedding invitations." She wiped away a few happy tears. "Astien, take care of my baby boy and he'll take care of you."

Astien chuckled and gave Marius a kiss on his cheek.

After Willow sat back down, I'Karis came up to speak. "I first met Astien years ago, when I was trying to rob him. I saw the carriage of an academy mage, and I knew there had to be good shit in there. Stuff that could help us take down that crazy faerie who wanted to kill us all. But, I wasn't quick enough in getting away, and this asshole sealed me in stone. I knew he could help us, so after we talked things out, he agreed to help us, and the rest is history. I always thought he was kind of a boring prude, but that doesn't make him any less kind, any less loving, or any less loyal. Besides, he is willing to do a few fun things. Astien, I know I can piss you off, and really grate on your nerves, I only do it cuz I love ya. You're one of my best friends, and I'm glad you found a man who makes you feel as beautiful as I've always known you are. Best of luck, you two, I'll always have your back. Oh, and Marius, big guy... If you do break his heart, I WILL break your knees. Just something to think about."

I'm just here for a laugh

Once I'Karis took his seat, Wyn stepped up next. "When Cormac and I were kids, his mother passed away from illness and he left our town as he had no where else to go. I never thought I would see him again until one day, the day before my arranged marriage, he showed up in my garden. He was well groomed and dressed like a prince. I didn't know until the following day that Astien was behind it. Cormac had found his family, not just with the drakes, but with a kind man that took in a run-away bride without a second thought. While I am not cut out for the traveling life, I am eternally grateful for Astien's kindness and wish him and Marius all the happiness in the world. I'm glad you both found somebody that makes you happy and cares for you as much as I care for Cormac and he cares for me." She smiled widely. "I would also like to put out the offer to baby-sit whenever you need it."

Wyn's offer raised some chuckles. After Wyn came Loke. "Astien, I love you, but I have to agree with I'Karis on this one. I thought you were terribly prudish, and too innocent. I always had so much fun messing with you. Making you blush has always been far too easy to resist, and it never gets old. But, all the same, you've put up with me, and you've never wavered in your loyalty, even though you always knew I'd embarass you to death at some point. You're cut from a different cloth, Astien, and that's a fact I've always loved about you. I know how you would look at Hjulmir and I, and you'd feel alone, and somewhat jealous. You told me, and I always told you 'Someday you'll find your true love too.' And now you have. I'm so happy to see you happy, and I can't wait to see you feel the same happiness I feel with Hjulmir. I wish you two all the luck in the world, especially with your baby."

I'm just here for a laugh

Marius smiled. "Thank you all, for your kind words and your blessings."

"You're all so kind. I can't tell you how much we appreciate you all being here." Astien said. Averyone ate and danced for hours.

I'm just here for a laugh

At the end of the party Marius grabbed his and Astien's bags and they headed for the harbor. Cormac, Wyn, and Delas accompanied them to see them off.
"Use a condom," Cormac teased.

Tears fell from Astien's eyes as he hugged Delas. "I can't believe this is the last time I'm going to be seeing you..."

I'm just here for a laugh

Marius wiped away a few tears. "Kick some ass at your new job, Delas. I know you'll be great."

"I'm kinda scared. But I'm gonna do my best. I'm gonna miss you guys like crazy." Delas sniffled.

"You're going to be amazing, I just know it. Now, you make sure you eat well, and dress right, and if you have any problems, any at all, you just write to us, okay?" Astien said, still sniffling.

"I know."
"And make sure you pack extra clothes when you're traveling, especially underwear and socks."
"I know."
" You won't forget to write, right?"
"I won't."

I'm just here for a laugh

"Don't forget to brush your tail and wash behind your ears. And no getting drunk in alley-ways," Marius said.

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