An Odd Story of Man and Magic. A fantasy RP. (FINISHED)

"Oh, I was hoping Cormac would be here." Astien sighed. "Now that I don't have to worry about being hunted, the academy hasn't expelled me, and I'm married, I was hoping we could get right back to work."

I'm just here for a laugh

"He should be back soon though," Wyn assured him. "He said it was only going to take him a few days, so he should be back before dinner."
"I'm back now," Cormac said as he came into the cave.

"Cormac!" Astien called cheerily. "There you are! How have you been? Enjoy your two weeks off?"

I'm just here for a laugh

"He got antsy after the first few days," Wyn giggled.
"I've gotten used to traveling," Cormac shrugged. "It was nice. I proposed to Wyn properly."
"About time," Marius teased.

Seroteth emerged from one of the rooms and approached the group with a smile. "I thought I heard your voice!" He laughed. "Astien, we set up a little surprise for you. Come, come." He led them into the carriage outside, where in the corner, next to the bed, they had installed a crib, bolted to the wall like the rest of the furniture. It was rather spacious, certainly large enough for one of the men to climb into it to comfort the baby should it cry. Blankets, pillows, and soft sheets already waited inside of it for the impending baby.

Astien clasped his hands over his heart. "That's so kind! Oh, it's perfect. Look at these little blankets, they're so precious!"

Seroteth smiled. "Cormac and I set up the crib. Miss Wyn here made the blankets and pillows, with only a little help from my babies."

I'm just here for a laugh

"I've been working on the blankets and pillows since I got here," Wyn said proudly. "I got quite good at it towards the last ones."
Cormac smiled. "This crib was much easier to put together than the other one."
"I believe any crib would be easier to put together than that other one," Marius chuckled.

Astien picked up the blankets and felt them. "Theyre so soft. Theyre perfect! Aiden will love them, I know it!" He put a hand on his belly as he felt Aiden come to life. "Hear that, Aiden? All these lovely pillows and blankets, and this soft, cozy little crib, they're all for you."

I'm just here for a laugh

Wyn smiled. "I should get started on dinner. Can't have you guys leaving on an empty stomach now can we?" She quickly left the room.

"Yes, I'm quite hungry." Astien said. He placed the blankets back in the crib and followed everyone else outside and into the dining room. "Is Delas here?" Astien asked.

Seroteth shook his head. "I have him out on an assignment right now. He likely wontbbe back for.... well, suffice to say quite a while."

I'm just here for a laugh

"Shame, we brought him a gift," Marius said.

"We can put it away for him." Seroteth assured them. "Now, let's all eat. Im sure you two are hungry. I think Marius could use some food too." Seroteth said with a laugh.

Everyone sat at the table and the food was set before them. "When do you think you'll be leaving?" Seroteth asked.

"Tomorrow morning, gods willing." Astien replied as he swallowed a mouthful of food. "Ready to hit the road, Cormac?"

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac nodded. "I'm already packed."
"Are you sure you want to leave so soon?" Wyn asked.
"We have a lot of work to catch up on," Cormac said.

"Starting with cataloging the plants." Astien said with a chuckle. "And no, Cormac, you're not living that down."

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac shrugged. Wyn nodded and picked at her food.
"You're free to join us Wyn," Marius said. "That is if Astien is alright with it."

"Of course. The carriage is still kind of cramped with four people, though." Astien said. "But, it's better than going back to three. I'm going to miss Delas."

I'm just here for a laugh

"I'm sure he misses us," Marius said. "But he's making a name for himself."

"I know. I'm so proud of him." Astien said as he wiped away a tear. "He looked down at his belly and rubbed it lovingly. "I guess that's what it's going to be like to watch you leave, huh?"

I'm just here for a laugh

"That won't be a for a while, Astien," Marius said.

"I know. But with Delas gone, I get misty-eyed just thinking about it. Ah, I don't want to think about this. This food, it's delicious."

I'm just here for a laugh

Wyn smiled. "Thanks, they've finally let me back into the kitchen."

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