Shelter from the Storm (Closed with BabyDaddy, possibly NSFW)
(Okay, that works)
"That would be great. I'm still pretty cold," he said, rising to his feet. He stood about five inches over his boyfriend, but he really didn't care. "Get it running- I'll go find some clothes," Aaron said.
Austen merely nodded before humming off into the restroom nearby. As Aaron made himself upstairs, changes began to happen. A wedding band began to form around his ring finger, gold with silver etchings into it and a nice diamond. In his mind, they were newlyweds if seven months into it counted. Pictures of them here and there formed on the walls and when Aaron stepped into Austen's room, the bed changed to a much larger one, a walk-in closet appearing to the right filled with both of their clothes, most of them being Aaron's athletic assembly line and designs. Another change that was happening was in Aaron himself as his belly began to push out.
Aaron rubbed his belly a little as his abs faded and a little gut developed. He couldn't believe that he was married, especially to the man of his dreams.

He made his way to their bathroom, still naked, as Austen started the bath. The tub was specially made for bigger men like themselves, and he couldn't wait to soak in the warm bubbles.
Austen found himself humming as the tub shifted from something small to something quite larger. In fact the bathroom itself changed as Aaron stepped inside.

"Everything's almost ready" Aaron's swelling has subsided some, but the belly was still growing as more memories etched into his mind. Austen glanced at the clock outside, seeing the time for 7:00. "And we're set." The water was nice and warm and the candles help give a nice compliment to the partially romantic setting. Austen neared Aaron, taking his hand as if to help him inside if he needed it. He was growing a nice big and round.

"You've made the happiest man in the world, dear," Aaron said as his belly expanded to look like he was five months along. He took Austen's hand as they stepped in the tub.

"A marriage...two wonderful babies... a sexy husband..." he said, grinning.
Austen kissed the growing belly.

"All it took was some direction and our future was laid out for us." He eased the larger male down into the tub gently before the smaller male joined in from behind him. "You've made me even more happier in driving all the way out here to want to share your life with me." He kissed his cheek while running some of the bubbling water over Aaron. They were successful business partners and a couple. Austen helped design while Aaron ran the business. In that instant, the house that belonged to the male had become their summer home. They were vacationing and planning to have their kids away from prying eyes. While it must have probably bugged Aaron at the role reversal to where he was on the receiving end, Austen did promise to have their next child or child if was easier, though the shorter male had a way of getting out of things.

His hand ran along Aaron's belly. In a few more minutes, the cycle would complete itself. How had Austen come across such an ability in the first place? He was normal at one point, though normal he would become again now that his wish was almost completing. He had assisted someone a while back and the reward at the time was that whatever he drew became a reality until he finally found that one to spend the rest of his life with. With that promise fulfilling, it was more than likely he had lost the gift. Nonetheless, they both had gotten what they wanted. Aaron had a sense of direction for the future and Austen had someone he could truly relate to.

"I look forward to what's next in our lives."
"These two are next", he whispered, placing Austen's hand on his still-expanding bump. One of the twins kicked at its seeder's hand, sending waves of movement around the businessman's belly.

The belly continued to grow slowly, inching closer and closer to a normal size. Aaron still had two months of growing left to do as he sighed and leaned back into his husband's chest.
Austen rubbed the large done of flesh firmly but soft as Aaron leaned back into him. When the growth had finally stopped, Austen drew back, bringing his arms to Aaron's shoulders.

"That will be a huge relief" he began to massage him. "We've been at it with work these past few months." It was well worth it however. They were young and well on their way to becoming millionaires. This new client would probably help open doors for them even further.
All the new memories of Aaron's life were put into the place.

"It's about damn time. You've been stressing me out, dear. Shame on you for putting babies in me, and then making me do all of the work," he joked, feeling completely comfortable with this man now.
"I don't seem to recall you actually complaining" he chuckled, teasing back. "I seem to recall someone saying they preferred the challenge."

As much as he would like to stay in the warm waters with the male, it was time to head out. They had so much more to do under that stormy night. The younger male washed off fully, before hopping out first to assist his pregnant husband.

"I've made your favorite for the night." Whatever Aaron favored would find it's way to being created in the kitchen, which went from a moderate size to a much larger one as most of the house had done in favor of the soup Austen had simply cooked for himself that night. He wrapped a towel around his waist. "Let me make sure I didn't burn some of it though." Aaron was the chef in the house, but Austen managed to keep up whenever he could, especially when he was trying to be a bit more romantic. He was certain Aaron could find something for them both to wear while he made some last minute checks in the kitchen.
Walking into the bedroom, Aaron slipped on a pair of paternity pajamas. He might need a new pair in a month, though, if the twins continued to grow at this pace. He also grabbed one of his husband's favorite pairs of pajamas and began the slow waddle down the steps.

Reaching the kitchen, he smelled a homecooked stew sitting on the table. Tossing the clothes at Austen, he gingerly and carefully sat down. "Hmmm...I'm impressed, dear."
Austen caught the clothes, placing the pants on first.

"Thanks...I try my best" he walked over to the fridge, fixing the two something to drink and grabbing a small pan of cornbread before taking a seat. "So what is the deal that team's manager wants to strike with you?" It had been mostly smoke and mirrors to him for the most part, so maybe Aaron had a better clue.

((Partial writer's block from school. Hopefully I can get back into it.))
"Wants a deal from us for home jerseys. I don't know if we should negotiate for a package including away jerseys as well- I personally think it would make sense. I'll try to push it," he replied, sitting down at the table with a deep sigh. "Certainly would be more money...not that we need it at the moment," Aaron said.,=
"Well if it's not a strain on you, it's probably a worthwhile endeavor." He finished his meal minutes after and began to prepare the desert. "I wasn't certain what to fix, so I just went with Apple Pie and Ice Cream. You want some?" He set everything down once the two were finished.
"That's the thing," Aaron sighed. "I don't know if it will be a strain. The boys aren't getting any smaller" he said, with a pat of the bump to accentuate, "and I'm just getting bigger. Maybe I should get it squared away before they get here. Oh, thank you," he said, digging into the pie.

"What do you think?"
Austen contemplated the thought heavily. The spell may have worked half way, but there was a chance some of it could come undone if it was not fully completed. Meeting the person and signing on was a huge part of it. He looked at the sketch book and nodded in response to offering his husband desert.

"Let's get it over with. I'll work on everything while you relax it all away."
"Now? Well, okay. You do have a way with these things," he said.

(I don't know what you're going to do here, so I'll leave it open.)
"Not now, of course" he chuckled. "I mean later. Right now, I'm spending time with you more. I mean you are on Maternity leave and everything and there is a process of designing and whatnot."

(Nothing was going to happen currently unless you want to add to it :) feel free to do so whenever. )
(I have an idea, for maybe a bit later. When my character gives birth, your character realizes that he likes the pregnancy more than the kids. So he uses the sketchpad to erase the babies and put them back into my character, at seven months pregnancy. My character doesn't realize anything happened, but your character feels guilty, and when he gives birth again, your character embraces them.)

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