The Couple - Closed with Monkeypaws19 (a "The Chosen" sequel) Possible NSFW


(02-05-2015, 03:56 AM)Monkeypaws19 Wrote:  Koji smiled and kissed him. "You got it my beautiful one". He stroked Jeremy's belly and kissed his neck. "So what shall we do today?". He asked and laid his ear against Jeremy's belly to listen to their pups' heartbeats along with Jeremy's own heart. "Don't worry, pups Papa didn't forget your morning kisses too". He chuckled and showered Jeremy's belly with gentle kisses. "What's that, you want me to give your Mama a kiss too?". He joked and kissed Jeremy''s lips passionately.

Jeremy laughed and patted Koji's head as he kissed his belly. "I thought it would be nice if we went into the woods and reap some blackberries. Me, you, my brothers and the babies" He said, rubbing his belly

"Sure, that would be fun. I saw a large patch of black berries growing nearby our home." He smiled and kissed Jeremy. "Would you like some wild black berries little ones?". He asked Jeremy's belly. Before kissing Jeremy lips passionately and held him close.

(02-15-2015, 09:37 PM)Monkeypaws19 Wrote:  "Sure, that would be fun. I saw a large patch of black berries growing nearby our home." He smiled and kissed Jeremy. "Would you like some wild black berries little ones?". He asked Jeremy's belly. Before kissing Jeremy lips passionately and held him close.

"Yes, yes, we want black berries, papa, lots of black berries" Jeremy said, pretending a baby voice. He smiled and kissed Koji back for several seconds. After the kiss, he changed his clothes and put a light blue Greek tunic and a red hooded cloak. "I'm ready, sweet." he said

"Alright, my beautiful one. Let's get some black berries". He smiled and kissed Jeremy again. As they left the home together after getting his brothers to join them. The weather was perfect for picking berries and had a nice warm breeze blowing signaling a light rain shower for later to come.

(02-18-2015, 08:46 AM)Monkeypaws19 Wrote:  "Alright, my beautiful one. Let's get some black berries". He smiled and kissed Jeremy again. As they left the home together after getting his brothers to join them. The weather was perfect for picking berries and had a nice warm breeze blowing signaling a light rain shower for later to come.

Jeremy held the kids hands and followed Koji.

"The way is clear
 The light is good
 I have no fear
 nor no one should" he sang as they went deep into the woods, looking for blackbarries

Koji smiled at his mates' singing voice and kissed him. As he led the way to the bushes of blackberries ripe for picking. Soon they arrived to a large clearing filled with fresh wild berries ripe and fat for picking. It was another gift from the Alphas and Great Spirit for the newly wed couple.

(02-24-2015, 07:12 AM)Monkeypaws19 Wrote:  Koji smiled at his mates' singing voice and kissed him. As he led the way to the bushes of blackberries ripe for picking. Soon they arrived to a large clearing filled with fresh wild berries ripe and fat for picking. It was another gift from the Alphas and Great Spirit for the newly wed couple.

Jeremy silently thanked to the Alphas and the Great Spirit for that amazing gift before they start to picking blackberries. He looked at Koji, thinking about how he was so good and kind to him and his brothers, and smiled with the good memories.

Koji smiled at him and kissed him as he picked black berries with him. He felt a gentle warm breeze as he felt Jeremy thanking the great spirit and Alphas for their wonderful gift. "You're welcome". Luna the female alpha whispered into their minds.

(02-27-2015, 02:10 AM)Monkeypaws19 Wrote:  Koji smiled at him and kissed him as he picked black berries with him. He felt a gentle warm breeze as he felt Jeremy thanking the great spirit and Alphas for their wonderful gift. "You're welcome". Luna the female alpha whispered  into their minds.

(sorry, i have no idea of what should happen now)

(Time skip)

The time for the pups birth was drawing nearer. Jeremy's belly had gotten bigger and the pups were starting to kick to show their parents they were excited. Koji smiled and kissed his mate's belly drawing a gasp from his lips. "Your are so beautiful." He whispered and cooed at it. AS he grabbed a bottle of oil to massage and worship the orb of flesh carrying his unborn pups inside. Jeremy's belly button had already popped out now.

(03-06-2015, 04:45 AM)Monkeypaws19 Wrote:  (Time skip)

The time for the pups birth was drawing nearer. Jeremy's belly had gotten bigger and the pups were starting to kick to show their parents they were excited. Koji smiled and kissed his mate's belly drawing a gasp from his lips. "Your are so beautiful." He whispered and cooed at it. AS he grabbed a bottle of oil to massage and worship the orb of flesh carrying his unborn pups inside. Jeremy's belly button had already popped out now.

"and you are" Jeremy said, kissing Koji with passion "the most... handsome man... i've ever seen. And also the kindest and the bravest. I love you so much"

Koji hummed and returned the kiss with equal passion. I love you too". He smiled and ran his hands over his belly as the pups kicked excitedly from the touches.

(03-09-2015, 03:31 AM)Monkeypaws19 Wrote:  Koji hummed and returned the kiss with equal passion. I love you too". He smiled and ran his hands over his belly as the pups kicked excitedly from the touches.

"ouch" Jeremy joked, rubbing his belly "your are so happy tonight, aren't you?" He said to his babies as they kicked the inside of his belly. Suddenly he hear someone knocking the door.

"come in" He said, looking at the door. When it opened, he saw Alice there. "can i sleep with you, fathers?" she asked shyly "i had a nightmare"

"sure" Jeremy said, and his little sister went to the bed with him and Koji. He looked at Koji with a look that said "sorry, you and i are not having sex tonight"

Koji chuckled and kissed Jeremy's belly where the pups had kicked him at. "Hey settle down in there. It's bedtime now". He joked and massaged Jeremy's belly. Before he heard the knock at the door and saw Alice coming in. "Of course you can, Alice". He told her and hugged her as he set her between them. Koji kissed Jeremy to quietly show him it was alright. "What was your nightmare about?". He asked concerned ttheir adopted daughter.

(03-12-2015, 09:45 PM)Monkeypaws19 Wrote:  Koji chuckled and kissed Jeremy's belly where the pups had kicked him at. "Hey settle down in there. It's bedtime now". He joked and massaged Jeremy's belly. Before he heard the knock at the door and saw Alice coming in. "Of course you can, Alice". He told her and hugged her as he set her between them. Koji kissed Jeremy to quietly show him it was alright. "What was your nightmare about?". He asked concerned ttheir adopted daughter.

"Well" Alice hesitated, but told them what she had dreamed "in my dream, I, Max, Luke, you and Jeremy were in a forest, when suddenly several crows appeared. They began to fly around Jeremy. He was screaming in pain, with hands on his belly, and I saw blood staining his clothes. Suddenly the crows had left, and Jeremy was crying alone. The big belly was gone, but no baby was around. And then Jeremy disappeared, and you ran out to look for him. You said "Stay here, children, I'll find Jeremy and bring him back." We waited for days and days, but you never came back. And we I, Max and Luke, alone in the forest, until one day, several wolves appeared. They had red eyes and huge teeth, and then jumped in our necks."

Koji shivered at the thought of losing his family and Jeremy along with their unborn pups. "Don't worry, Alice you know we wouldn't ever allow anything to happen to you or your brothers. You want to know why?. Because we are watched over by the Great Spirit and the Alphas of Skies Luna and Meji. They are the reason we have this wonderful warm home and a new family on the way." He told her gently and rocked her in his lap. As he felt the presence of the two guardians nearby concerned about the little girl. They loved the whole family and were protective of them as much as Koji was. "Is she alright?". Luna whispered softly into Jeremy's and Koji's minds. Her presence sent a small warm breeze over the family to comfort Alice and let her know she was safe.

(03-13-2015, 03:50 AM)Monkeypaws19 Wrote:  Koji shivered at the thought of losing his family and Jeremy along with their unborn pups. "Don't worry, Alice you know we wouldn't ever allow anything to happen to you or your brothers. You want to know why?. Because we are watched over by the Great Spirit and the Alphas of Skies Luna and Meji. They are the reason we have this wonderful warm home and a new family on the way." He told her gently and rocked her in his lap. As he felt the presence of the two guardians nearby concerned about the little girl. They loved the whole family and were protective of them as much as Koji was. "Is she alright?". Luna whispered softly into Jeremy's and Koji's minds. Her presence sent a small warm breeze over the family to comfort Alice and let her know she was safe.

"Oh, Alice" Said Jeremy, hugging his little sister. "You don't have to be afraid. Everything is gonna be allright, I would never let anything bad happen to you. I promise."

"you promise?" She asked, looking at him with her beautiful big brown eyes

"I promise" he whispered. But she still looked sad, so he said "Hey, wanna see something cool?"

"what?" She asked, looking a bit more excited.

"your little nephews are kicking." He said, lifting his shirt so she could see the taut skin of his big belly "They seem to be very excited. Wanna feel it?"

"wow, that is so cute." She said, with her hand on his belly.

Jeremy looked at Koji "wanna feel them, sweet?"

Koji smiled and hugged Alice as well. "Yes, please". He replied and stroked Jeremy's belly gently. As the windows opened from a warm breeze allowing a small cloud of silver mist to enter the room. It slowly formed into a beautiful woman with pale skin, light blue eyes, pure light blonde hair and matching wolf ears and tail. She was dressed in a set of silk white and blue robes. "Hello there, you three. Meji and I were concerned about Alice." Luna told them and approached the bed slowly with a smile. "May I feel your belly as well Jeremy?". She asked in a soft spoken gentle voice.

(03-15-2015, 03:54 AM)Monkeypaws19 Wrote:  Koji smiled and hugged Alice as well. "Yes, please". He replied and stroked Jeremy's belly gently. As the windows opened from a warm breeze allowing a small cloud of silver mist to enter the room. It slowly formed into a beautiful woman with pale skin, light blue eyes, pure light blonde hair and matching wolf ears and tail. She was dressed in a set of silk white and blue robes. "Hello there, you three. Meji and I were concerned about Alice." Luna told them and approached the bed slowly with a smile. "May I feel your belly as well Jeremy?". She asked in a soft spoken gentle voice.

Jeremy was amazed with the presence of the Goddess. He had never saw someone looks so kind and good and maternal. "Sure" He said, smiling to that amazing creature who brought calm and peace to his home. "And i would like to say... It's a pleasure to meet you."

Koji's eyes widen at the sight of the goddess in his home and bowed to her. "It's a honor to meet you in person. Luna Alpha of the Night Sky. Thank you for everything you, Meji and the Great Spirit have blessed us with". He replied respectfully. Luna smiled at him and gently touched his head. "Please just call me Luna and your welcome". She smiled warmly. "Hello in there, little ones. Please calm down for a moment so I give you and your Mama a check up." She smiled as he pups listened to her. She hummed a lullaby softly to them as her hands ran over Jeremy's belly checking on the pup's health. They are doing wonderful. They are all very healthy and strong. You should be due to give birth to them in five days during the new moon". She told him and turned her attention to Alice. She made herself comfortable on the edge of the bed. Before putting the little girl into her lap in a motherly manner. "I heard about your nightmare and know of your fears. I want you know that you and your family are safe from harm. You have me, your fathers, my brother Meji along with our Mother the Great Spirit of Mother Earth herself watching over you". She told her gently and rocked her in her lap.

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