The Delivery Ward (NSFW) (CLOSED)
Rebecca looks up as a frantic man comes into the lobby followed by a heavily pregnant man. Laughing quietly at their antics she signals for an orderly to bring a wheelchair for the pregnant man. "Not a problem. I will notify her that you are here. Can you just tell me your name please? Are you pre-registered?"
"I'm Scott Andrews, and I'm not pre-registered. I wasn't really expecting this to happen today, but I guess you just have to go with the flow." Tim helps Scott ease into the wheelchair and squeezes his hand.
"All right" Rebecca says as she quickly prints out an ID band for the orderly to put around Scott's wrist while she handed Tim a clipboard with the registration papers. "We will get you upstairs and settled while your partner registers you and then he can meet you upstairs," she tells Scott with a warm smile. "You are going to be put into Room 308".
As Scott is being wheeled up to his room, he feels some tightening in his swollen belly and a little pressure. He's been feeling this every so often for most of the day, but it hasn't really bothered him before. This time, it's a little more intense and lasts a little bit longer than it had before, but he still feels like he's able to deal with it. He just keeps rubbing his belly during the elevator ride and as he enters his room.
Room 308:
Nurse Katherine Flynn had just gotten off of the phone with reception when she saw the newest patient on the ward being wheeled into his room. Sending a quick page to Dr. Wells she grabs a blank chart and heads into the room to see that the orderly is helping the man out of the wheelchair and into the bed. "Hello. I am Katherine and I am going to be your nurse today. How are you doing?"
"Doing pretty good so far. Feeling some pressure, but it doesn't hurt too bad. I'm just ready to hold these babies."
Room 308:
Katherine smiles, "Well it shouldn't be long now. Can you tell me how far along you are? How far apart are the contractions? Has your water broken?" she asks as she takes a gown out of one of the cabinets against the wall and walks back to the bed to hand it to Scott.
"I just about 9 months, the contractions are about 15 minutes apart, and my water hasn't broken yet." Scott is ready to get put the gown on and get a little more comfortable, but then he feels more pressure and a sharp pain in his stomach. He clutches his side and the bed. "Do you think someone can help me get this gown on? I've had so much trouble dressing myself for the past 2 months since this belly keeps getting in the way."
Room 308:
"I will be glad to help you change," Katherine tells him as a contraction starts and she reaches over to rub his shoulder in support. "But first lets get through this contraction. Just take slow deep breaths and try and relax your muscles. You are doing great." After a few minutes the contraction subsides, "All right, lets get you changed and settled before the next one hits," she says as she closes the curtain around the bed and begins to help him change into the gown and settled into the bed.
"Katherine, my boyfriend and I have already discussed some different laboring techniques with Dr. Wells. It should all be a part of our birth plan. We want to be able to use a labor ball and tub, if we need them." Just then, Tim comes flying into the room. "Are you ok, Scott? I didn't mean to take so long signing those forms. Have you had more contractions?" Scott starts to rub his boyfriend's arm, "Everything's fine. I'm just talking about our birth plan with our nurse, Katherine."
Room 308:
"Those requests shouldn't be a problem. I haven't gotten a chance to pull up your file yet but I will get it once we have you settled and we can start implementing your birth plan," Katherine tells him with a smile. Turning to Tim she walks over to introduce herself, hoping that she will be able to calm Scott's frantic partner quickly knowing if she doesn't the poor guy may not be able to handle the rest of the day. "Hello. I am Katherine. I am the nurse in charge of Scott's care today. How are you doing?"
Room 308:
"Doing fine. You'll have to excuse me. This is our first baby...well, babies, and I'm just a little nervous. We've been through all of the childbirth and Lamaze classes, and people have babies everyday. It's just different when it's you and someone you love, but I'll be fine. Scott's a strong guy. Thank you for taking care of him thus far." Scott gave Tim a little smile, and then grimaced a little as he felt the start of another contraction. Tim placed his hand on his boyfriend's belly and started to massage it.
Room 308:
"That is okay, believe me stressed and nervous partners are something I see everyday," she says with a small laugh, "and your very welcome. I promise Scott is going to be in good hands while he is here." As she finishes speaking Scott begins another contraction and she watches as Tim helps him through it. When it is over she steps over to the bed, "So what we are going to do now is to hook you up to the monitors for a little while so we can get baseline readings on the babies heartbeats, and we are going to start you on an IV. Then after Dr. Wells examines you if you would like to move around or use the ball or the tub we can unhook you from the monitors. Do you have any questions before we get started?"
Scott asks for a drink of water but says he is fine for now. Tim brushes Scott's hair off of his forehead and smiles at him. "You're going to do great. You're ready for this."
Room 308:
"No problem. Lets get you set up and then I will grab you some water," she tells Scott, "For right now though lets get you settled before your next contraction hits". Walking back to the supply cabinet she gets the supplies she needs to hook up the monitors and the IV kit before returning to the bed. "Why don't we start with the monitors. Can you lift up your gown for me?"
Room 308:
Scott pulls back his gown to show his large swollen belly. He's never been shy about his body, but, in this situation, he does feel a little like a beached whale. "Have you ever seen a belly this big before?" He squirms as the cold sensors are placed on his stomach, and the babies move a little as well. "I think you've got their attention."
Room 308:
While Katherine places the sensors she can feel the babies moving under her hands. "It would seem so," she says with a smile in response to Scott's comment. "To answer your question, yes I have seen bigger stomachs, yours is just the right size for a healthy set of twins, Katherine tells him seeing that he appears self-conscious and hoping to make him feel better as she attaches the sensors to the monitors and watches as the heartbeats appear on the screen as she pulls Scott's gown back down to recover his stomach. "It looks like both babies are doing well so lets move on to the IV and then I will leave you to relax until the doctor comes," she tells him as she pulls on a pair of gloves and begins to set up the IV kit.
Room 308:
Just then Scott feels a contraction, a sharper pain than he has felt before. Tim notices, "Breathe, baby, breathe...Hee hee hoo...Hee hee hoo. Find a focal point and concentrate. Breathe in the good air, blow out the pain." Tim can tell that this contraction is different than the others. Scott looks uncomfortable.
Room 304:
Gavin nodded a little as put out his arm so Jennifer could wrap the tourniquet around his arm. He looked away as she put the IV in, never being the biggest fan of needles. "I was making sure. I don't want pain medication, unless it's necessary." Gavin explained.
Room 308:
As Scott is taken over by another contraction she watches it on the monitor while Tim coaches Scott through it. She sees that this is a fairly strong contraction and judging by the men's reactions it is the strongest one he has had yet. When it is over she goes and gets him some ice chips. Returning to the room she handed Scott the chips. "You doing okay? That was a big one," she says as she goes back to preparing the IV hoping to get it in before the next one now that they are growing in intensity.

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