The Delivery Ward (NSFW) (CLOSED)

Room 304:
"That is not a problem," Jennifer says as she inserts the needle into Gavin's arm, "I will put a note in your chart not to give pain medication unless absolutely necessary." When the IV is in place and the saline bag is hanging she begins to clean up the supplies. "Do you have anything else in your birthing plan?"

Room 308:
"That one was hard. It kind of took me by surprise. I was going along fine, the contractions didn't hurt too bad, but that one stung." Tim smiled, "You just need to remember that each contraction bring you one step closer to the end." Scott smiled back and put an ice chip in his mouth to take his mind off of the needle going into his arm. Scott turned to Katherine, "Since you've seen a few births, how long do you think it will be before these little guys are here?"

Room 308:
"Unfortunately it is hard to say," she tells them as she finishes placing the needle and hanging the saline bag. "I have seen twins come in an hour or take almost 24 hours or more to come. Babies like moving on their own schedule no matter how anxious their parents are to meet them." When she is finished cleaning up the supplies she turns back to Scott. "I am just going to leave you to relax for a little while now that you are all set up. Dr. Wells should be in very soon to examine you. Do you have any questions or need anything before I go?"

Room 304:
Gavin shook his head. "Everything else as normal as can be on my birth plan," Gavin replied before closing his eyes. He clenched his eyes shut and squeezed the railing of the bed. He took deep breaths as his muscles tightened, and the pain tore through his body from his back to his navel. It was stronger and longer than the others had been.

"I think we're ok for now. Thanks, Katherine. You've been great." As she leaves the room, Scott turns on his side, and Tim massages his back. Scott never realized how good this would feel. They had discussed this technique in their birthing classes, but, now that this is the real thing, it was helping so much.

Room 304:
"I will make sure your labor and delivery is as natural as possible," Jennifer tells Gavin just as a contraction hits him. Seeing on the monitor that this contraction is stronger than the previous ones she goes over to the bed and rubs his arm and shoulder in support while he breaths through the contraction. "You are doing great just hang in there, it is starting to fade now," she tells him as she continues to watch the monitors.

Once the contraction had fully passed Gavin did his best to get in a comfortable position. He gave Nurse Jennifer a thankful smile as he took a few breaths to relax. "Thank you," he whispered.

Room 308:
Dr. Kara Wells walks into the Delivery Ward and heads over to the desk to check in with Katherine about her patient. After finding out the report from Katherine she heads down to the room to prepare to examine Scott. When she gets to the room she lightly knocks on the door before entering the room. "Hi Scott and Tim. It looks like the big day has arrived. How are you both doing?"

Room 304:
"You are very welcome" Jennifer says softly as she helps Gavin settle into a more comfortable position. "That looked like a tough one. I know it was painful but just remember that it means you are getting closer to meeting your little ones. Now why don't I go get you some ice chips for you while you try and get some rest. Dr. Pierce will be in to examine you soon. Is there anything else I can get you? Or do you have any questions I can answer before I go?"

Scott has his back to Dr. Wells as Tim was massaging it. "So far, so good, Doc." Tim smiles and sticks one hand out to shake and greet Dr. Wells. "Just using some relaxation techniques to keep Scott calm. It appears to be doing the trick." Scott has closed his eyes, thinking he may get a little nap in, but a contraction hits him right after he greets Dr. Wells. Now he's closing his eyes to try and deal with the pain. Tim massages more deeply, hoping to counteract the contraction. "Come on, babe, breathe through it. You're doing great. Remember to breathe."

Room 304:
Gavin shook his head with the tiniest of smiles. "No, but thank you with what you've done so far." He said genuinely, but there was a slight tone of fear in this voice.

Room 308:
"That is good," Dr. Wells says as she moves to wash her hands. "I am glad that your breathing techniques are helping you". As she finishes speaking another contraction hits Scott. Seeing that Tim has everything under control as he coaches Scott through it, she decides to just stand back and watch the monitors until the contraction passes and she can begin her exam.

Room 304:
"Your very welcome, Gavin," Jennifer says with a smile. Hearing the small bit of fear in his voice she adds, "don't worry, everything is going to be fine. Now try and get some rest before Dr. Pierce arrives and if you need anything just press the call button and let me know." She gives him one more reassuring pat on the arm before closing the curtain around his bed and leaving him to rest while he can.

Room 304:

Gavin laid back against the bed, rubbing his gravid midsection. Another contraction had passed, and he was growing slightly more anxious. When he heard footsteps enter the room, he sat up the best he could. When a familiar middle aged man opened the curtain, Gavin gave a weak smile. "Hello Dr. Pierce. It looks like today is the day."

Room 304:

Dr. Pierce walks into Gavin's room closing the curtain behind him as he walks over to the bed. "It certainly looks that way, Gavin. How are you doing so far?"

Room 302:
She closes her eyes and relaxes to hearing the beat of her daughter's when she hears the curtain open and sees the doctor standing there

Room 304:
Gavin gave out an over exaggerated groan, as if trying to express what was happening. "I'm doing as well as I can be. These two sure want to come out, but they're taking their sweet time. I've been having contractions since yesterday afternoon, and now they're five minutes apart and stronger than ever, but my water hasn't broken yet."

Room 302:

Tiffany walks quietly into the room hoping not to disturb Rose while she is resting but as she enters the room she sees Rose look over at her. "Sorry, I was trying not to disturb you, I was just bringing you the ice chips you asked for," she explains as she places the container on the table beside the bed. "The doctor is in with another patient right now but will be in shortly. Is there anything else I can get you to make you more comfortable?"

Room 302:
"Not anything I can think of right now. I'll press the call button if I think of anything and thank you for the ice chips. If he doesn't stop my labor will I be able to have an epidural?" She asks as she slowly sits up

Room 304:

"Well it sounds like we are getting closer to meeting these two," Dr. Pierce jokes as he washes his hands before returning to the bed. "To start my exam I am just going to feel your stomach to check the position of these two. We want to make sure that Baby A is head down so we can go for the natural delivery you are planning," he explains as he moves beside the bed to begin palpating Gavin's stomach.

Room 302:

"All right, honey just be sure to buzz me if you need anything. For right now just try and relax and think positive thoughts that things can be stopped. We don't really do epidurals here as we like to keep things as natural as possible," Tiffany explains "but if Dr. Pierce decides to go the route of continuing labor pain management is something you can discuss with him."

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