The Deal (Closed with Dragon Knight)

Ginsu groaned loudly and held Ryne tighter against his body. Before increasing his thrusts draw more pleasurable sounds from his lips.

Ryne moaned with each thrust, unable to complete a full moan from time to time. "I'm ready! Fill me with your seed! I want to carry your child!" He begged.

"Yes, my seed is building up and preparing for your body". He groaned loudly and increased his force and pace. As his climax built up

Ryne moaned louder as he was about to climax again. His gripped tightened around Ginsu, in fear that he would stop if he let go.

Ginsu grunted and panted as his body started to sweat. Before he locked his hips against Ryne's hips. He screamed as He climax deep into his body filling him body up.

Ryne climaxed himself as he felt himself fill up with Ginsu's hot seed. "! So.....good!" He moaned before he collapsed on the bed, tired from the whole ordeal.

Ginsu panted and collapsed on him once he had finished. He was full and pleased with his meal. He smell his child forming inside Ryne's womb. As they recovered from intense session

Ryne panted and felt weak from the experience. His legs felt like jello and his stomach felt tight. He fell asleep then and there, exhausted from their love making. He cuddled up next to Ginsu for warmth.

Ginsu smiled and held the sleeping Ryne close to his body with hand resting on his belly protectival

Ryne gave little puffs as he slept, unaware of what was happening to his body. As the night went on, his once flat stomach ballooned outwards as the life within grew. By morning, Ryne looked overdue with one baby.

Ginsu purred as he woke up first and noticed Ryne's large belly. He lovingly stroked it and started to shower it with kisses.

Ryne moaned in his sleep, his belly sensitive to touch from Gibsu. Ryne managed to roll onto away from Ginsu as he continued to sleep.

Ginsu poured and decided to massage Ryne's belly instead. He was so happy to see Ryne's belly at such a large size. It meant that the child was strong and healthy.

Ryne moaned as he was massaged. "Nooooo...." He moaned in his sleep.

Ginsu chuckled and kissed the swollen orb gently. "Awh... why not?. It is my child growing inside your belly. I should be allowed to bond with it." He cooed softly into Ryne's ear. Before letting him be to order up room service for them Ryne was going to need plenty of food for himself and the child.

Ryne slept peacefully for an hour before his belly growled in hunger. Ryne slowly woke up and tried to get up. He found he couldn't and wondered why he couldn't get up. He looked down and screamed as he quickly got out of bed.

Ginsu hurried back into the room. "Ryne what's wrong?". He asked concerned

"What's wrong?! This!!" Ryne yelled as he pointed to his large belly. "What's wrong with my stomach?!" He asked.

"Yes, I know it's because you are pregnant with our child. That's a normal size for a inucbus's child." He replied calmly

"But I'm huge!! I thought you said it would be a normal pregnancy!!" Ryne exclaimed as he shook.

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11-15-2019, 01:27 AM

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