Birth RP (Closed with Runde)

Sam looked up from where he was sitting on the edge of the bed. Jason was smiling, looking to happy and content now that people were arriving. Sam had really hoped to not be in labor when everyone came but apparently he wasn't going to be that lucky.

"Um, great. So ... about that contraction I had earlier." Sam rubbed his belly, cupping the bottom curve. "They might be about 30 minutes apart."

Jason went over to Sam and rubbed his back. "What should we do? I mean, I don't wanna put more stress on you or anything." Jason could hear the relatives talking stall as they wondered where the two were.

"I don't know," Sam admitted, rubbing his belly. "I'm ... Jason, I'm scared."

He leaned against his husband, trying not to cling too obviously.

Jason sat Sam down on the bed and put his hand over his husband's.

"It'll be okay. Hey, it'll be fine. You can totally do this." He rubbed Sam's back. "And you're totally in control here. Say the word, and I'll tell them what's going on. Or I won't. It's up to you."

Sam nodded and pressed his face against Jason's shoulder, breathing slowly to try and calm himself down. He could do this. They've been preparing for this for months now and had a solid birth plan. The basement had been ready for weeks, their family was here, and Jason wasn't going to leave his side.

"Let's go back downstairs. We can tell them what is going on. They're not that strong yet so I think I can sit on the couch and socialize for a little while," Sam said to him. "We should probably check if I'm dilating at all though. I mean, this still could be false labor."

"Like...right now?" Jason asked, gaining a nod from Sam, who pulled down his pants and underwear. Jason carefully examined Sam, only to find that Sam wasn't too dilated. "You're probably 4 centimeters at the most. But then again, I don't know how long you've been dilating for." He stood Sam back up.

"Why don't we go out there and talk? They'll be glad to see you."

Sam took a shaky breath and squeezed Jason's hand tightly. With Jason's help, he made it back downstairs, finding Jason's parents and his sister, Claire, all chatting in the living.

"Sammy," Claire exclaimed, getting up to hug him and press a kiss to his cheek. "How's my very big brother?"

Sam took a teasing swipe at her arm, laughing a little. "I'm good. Huge."

Claire laughed as well, patting his belly. "Obviously."

Jason fought the urge to be defensive over Claire's nosey touch. It was something that he had to fight back ever since Sam had sprouted his belly.

"How was the trip?" He asked. "You must be exhausted."

Claire waved her hand a little. "Not too bad. I'm glad I made it in time. I didn't know if I was going to be able to get someone to cover for me this week."

Sam waddled back over to the recliner which he had grown very comfortable with recently. Jason had his arms crossed and Sam was just not really interested in dealing with the tense relationship Jason and Claire tended to have.

"Did Jason offer you anything to eat?" Sam asked Nora and John as he got settled in the recliner.

Jason gave the fake smile that people always seemed to think was real.

"Well, we're just glad you could make it. Do you want anything to eat? Drink?" He took her bags and moved them to another part of the living room.

"We're fine," Nora assured him. "Can we get you anything?"

Sam shook his head and leaned back in the chair, closing his eyes. "I'm good. Well, as good as I can get right now."

"I would love some coffee," Claire said, tucking her arm into Jason's. "So, truce for my brother's sake?"

Jason nodded and went to get the coffee. John, meanwhile, had been eyeing Sam. Something was not sitting well; Sam was sweating a bit, and had a tense expression sitting on his face.

"You sure you're alright, son?"

Sam looked over at him and ran a hand over his stomach, leaving it there almost protectively. "I was really hoping not to be in labor when you guys got here."

"Wait," Claire said, sitting down on the arm of the recliner. "Are you in labor?"

Sam nodded. "Well, most likely. I've been having pretty regular contractions and I am dilating. But we have plenty of time before anything is really going to happen."

Nora almost sprang up from her chair. "Jason Alexander, this boy is in labor and you don't have a cool cloth over his head? Sweetie, we need to get you-" And John quietly lowered her back down to her seat.

Jason kneeled by Sam. "Ma, he'll be alright. If he needs anything, he knows I'm here for him." He turned to his husband. "You doing alright?"

"I am," Sam promised. He winced and started to breath slowly as he had another contraction. They really weren't that bad at this point, mostly just very uncomfortable. They really angered the baby though and she kicked out.

"Oh!" Claire exclaimed as she saw the kick. "You can see her foot!"

There were coos all around the room as the baby girl shifted and moved within Sam's womb. Sam was clearly not enjoying it as much as his counterparts, but at least it took the attention off the contractions, if only for a moment.

Jason stood and went to get Sam some water to drink. "C'mon, you need it. You're sweating like a maniac."

Sam made a face and wiped his hand over his forehead. "Maybe a wet washcloth wouldn't be a bad idea."

Nora was up and moving before Jason could do anything. "I'll get it."

Sam met Jason's gaze and they both smiled and shook their heads. Nora had always been quick to try and take care of things, always mothering everyone.

Sam took the glass of water from Jason and sipped carefully. He knew that it wasn't smart to have too full of a stomach while in labor and he'd already thrown up once today. He certainly wasn't getting out of the recliner quickly if it happened again.

Jason sat pulled up a nearby chair and sat next to Sam, holding his hand.

John's phone beeped with a text message. "Hey, Jason. Your brother says he'll be here soon." He looked up with a smirk. "Guess he's finally overcoming his fear, huh?"

Nora wiped Sam's forehead off, looking at him worriedly. "Are you sure we can't do anything else?"

Sam took Nora's hand with his free one. "I promise I will tell you if I need anything. Thank you for bringing me the washcloth."

Claire headed into the kitchen to pour herself a cup of coffee, coming back out to hear John's announcement. "I got a text from Mom and Dad too. They just landed so they'll be here soon as well."

Jason felt Sam perk up a bit, but he was beginning to go through another contraction -- Jason could tell because his hand was getting squeezed.

"Noted." Jason said, in a joking tone.

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